Chapter 448 Demon King 3
The three five-element sword qi of different colors flew before the demon king's throat, only to see the demon king holding a bone spear, just lightly shocked, in the space of Nuo Da's hall, the demon king faced the three people On the other hand, a black crack was opened out of thin air, as if the space was suddenly torn apart by a doorway, the three strands of sword energy had only a flash of light, and they had already fallen into the crack and disappeared without a trace...

"Five Elements United Formation! Hehe... It's been 1000 years, and your human routines really haven't changed at all!"

The ghostly voice of the demon king seemed to come from all directions, echoing in the small hall.

The Five Elements Joint Formation is a special ability that top-level human masters will use when facing powerful racial enemies. Only those who cooperate with each other very tacitly and have the same cultivation level can issue it. At the beginning level, the three of them were only the first move just now, and they have already used such powerful moves together.

This kind of united formation is extremely rare and rare for ordinary warriors on the Star Continent. If it weren't for the battle between the great sects, naturally there would be no place to use it on the entire continent, but, In the eyes of the huge demon king with hollow eyes, it seems that he is already familiar with it.Obviously, the powerhouses who survived the ancient race's war are not comparable to ordinary monsters.

Sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang had just launched a move with all their strength, and it had disappeared with a light wave of the demon king. Everyone was shocked in their hearts. Hidden, and did not open any protective armor, just a swipe of the spear in the hand, has torn open a special space, engulfing the power of the five elements of the three of them, although the two girls, sisters Chu Mengli and the two girls, naturally I don't know what method this is, but I can also feel that this kind of cracking method obviously stands much higher than ordinary people.

Zhao Chang looked at the crack that had devoured the power of the five elements, frowned and muttered in his heart. It could be seen that even with his qualifications, he was not sure about the moves used by the demon king for a while.

The demon king stomped violently on the ground, and the three of them felt the ground under their feet tremble violently. When they opened their eyes, the light flickered under their feet, and each of them was startled. Previously, the three of them jointly released it!After being swallowed by the crack in that space, at this moment, it can be used by the demon king and controlled by it.

The three of them were shocked in their hearts, and quickly jumped into the air, dodging the sword energy attacking them respectively.

With a whoosh sound, three strands of sword energy rose into the air.

The three people who had just escaped from their attack were about to fight back with their swords. The spear in the demon king's hand swung violently again. In an instant, the three strands of sword energy in the midair exchanged directions, as if they had become conscious. Like a spirit body, it turned around and rushed towards the three of them. Each strand was precisely the five element attributes that the three of them were good at and those who were proficient in it, and the speed was astonishing!
The two sisters, Chu Mengli and Chu Mengyao, were shocked. This demon king is indeed worthy of being a leader-level powerhouse. After only one round, he has already guessed their own weaknesses from the sword energy fired by the three of them. .

Under the extreme crisis, they have already subconsciously condensed their true qi in their bodies, ready to activate their defensive qi.

Because, based on their cultivation base knowledge, it can be predicted that these three sword qi, which have changed directions and counterattacked, will cause unimaginable consequences as long as they touch themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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