Chapter 463 Space Law 2
The demon king, who hadn't succeeded for a while, roared furiously.Seeing that Hou Wuji and his teammates had started to move towards the exit at a glance, his heart was filled with anger, and he chased after them with a few strides.

A huge black shadow quickly hit the top of everyone's heads, as if the roof fell down.Sisters Chu Mengli, Zhao Chang and others flew away quickly.With a step on the ground, the demon king punched the floor of the hall with such force and force, and sank into a huge deep pit. In the pit, blue smoke billowed everywhere, obviously under a strong impact, even the stones were almost burn up.

"Hey! You little human beings, where are you going to escape! Stay there obediently, and wait for the king to get back the bone spear, and then think about how to eat you!"

Everyone quickly got up from the ground, used their body skills, and hurried towards the exit.

"I still want to run!"

There was another loud bang, and the demon king stomped hard with his big foot, already sealing the door of the narrow space.

Seeing this, the sisters Chu Mengli flew forward together, stabbing out with one sword and one knife at the same time.

"Elder Zhao, take Junior Brother and go first!"

In mid-air, Chu Mengli's voice came.

Hou Wuji was startled, and shouted loudly into the air:


However, he received several consecutive heavy punches from the demon king, and his whole body's skeleton was almost disintegrated. Although he tried his best, he still could only make a sound as thin as a mosquito.

He Hu, who was next to Hou Wuji, heard this sentence, and obeyed his orders very much. He held Hou Wuji's hand tightly and pushed Hou Wuji towards the door with all his might.

"Two little girls from Huang Xing! Hehe! You two are as tender as newborn children. This king swallows them in one gulp, and you don't even have to spit out your bones!"

The demon king shrank his five fingers and poked vigorously towards the two girls.The demon king's body is too large. Facing the two slender figures of Chu Mengli and sisters, it's not easy to use fists to exert strength, so he turned his fists into fingers, concentrated all his strength on the fingertips, and immediately hit them like a huge stone pillar. Coming, in such a narrow space, the monster king's huge fist suddenly turned into a finger, and the speed suddenly increased several times. After all, Chu Mengyao, who was flying in front, was a proud person. She didn't fight much, but the demon king's sudden move caught her off guard, and when she wanted to turn around and hide, it was already too late.He had no choice but to stab his chest with the knife in a panic, to block the demon king's blow.

"Not good! Miss Chu..."

Standing underground, Zhao Chang saw it and knew that Chu Mengyao was young and energetic after all, lacking the necessary caution and experience. Under this situation, how could she resist the demon king's finger.

Just when Zhao Chang's heart sank, thinking that Chu Mengyao was about to lose his life, a young girl in blue shirt suddenly withdrew all the energy in her hands and transformed it into defensive energy. In front of Chu Mengyao.

"Don't hurt my sister!"

Chu Mengli yelled, and while standing in front of her younger sister, the sword in her hand was facing the finger of the demon king like a stone pillar, and thrust out with all her strength.

blah blah blah...

There was a crisp sound in the air.In an instant, the Ziying sword in Chu Mengli's hand shattered into several pieces like an egg hitting a stone, and the fragments of the sword body reflecting the light of the dim hall fell one after another.

However, the stone-pillar-like fingers of the demon king were not blocked. After breaking through the Ziying sword's sharpness, the remaining force hit Chu Mengli's chest heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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