The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 477 The Last Sacrifice 3

Chapter 477 The Last Sacrifice 3
In the air, the girl in the darkness neither paid attention to him nor promised him anything, but said coldly:
"In order for everyone to leave the Demon Tomb safely, are you really willing to do your best?"

He Hu hurriedly swore:

"Willing, willing! Go through fire and water, and do whatever you want!"

"That's fine...that's fine..."

The girl in the darkness murmured, her voice getting lower and lower.As soon as he turned around and closed his eyes again, the area of ​​the witch array where the square runes flowed began to surge again, as if a strong storm was slowly brewing.

"come here."

He Hu hurriedly ran towards the black girl's feet after hearing the words.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Hou Wuji's mind, and a strong thought struck him like lightning, he couldn't help being shocked, as if he had faintly realized something.He suddenly turned his head to look at the excited and unprepared He Hu, and unconsciously broke away from the support of sister Chu Mengli, strode forward, raised his head and said loudly to the black girl in the air:

"Yu'er...he...he is your foster"

In the distance, sisters Chu Mengli and Zhao Chang looked at each other in dismay, confused for a while, but they could clearly feel that there was a very critical and critical matter in it, but they couldn't figure out what the reason was. Time is extremely anxious.Chu Mengyao spoke quickly, and was about to ask Hou Wuji what happened, but in the darkness, the cold and calm voice of the girl in the sky sounded again.

"I know...I could the saint not know everything about the Demon Tomb!"

This sound came thinly, like muttering to himself, and it was full of infinite sentimentality and sadness, even a faint sense of regret.

After the girl's voice stopped, she opened her arms suddenly, and a deep black hole suddenly appeared in the center of the huge square witch formation area, like an evil and extremely deep giant eye, and like the grim mouth of death.

"What? He's..."

Behind him came the terrified roar of the Demon King.

Before the old monster's voice fell, a strong gravitational force was generated in the huge black hole's giant eye, and time and space began to reverse around the square area where the witch formation was sealed.Countless dust, stones, and remaining blades of weapons on the ground began to float up slowly.

Soon, He Hu's hair and skirt began to float up gently like weightlessness, and then He Hu's body also began to rise slowly.

This made the ignorant and burly young man startled a little at first, but after he got used to the feeling of gradually floating up, he found it very novel, and for a moment, an expression of incomparable excitement and excitement appeared on his face. At that time, he even looked down at the gradually shrinking figures of Hou Wuji and his teammates with a proud attitude.

As if, in He Hu's mind, he was gradually ascending to heaven, and he was about to escape from this dark place full of danger and killing, and it was He Lanyu'er who made him the first for the sake of being righteous brothers and sisters. leave first.

Hou Wuji quietly looked up at He Hu who was gradually moving away and slowly approaching the square area of ​​the witch formation. Obviously, his body, as he expected, was looking for a deep hole in the center of the witch formation. Irreversible and slowly flew away in the black hole.

(End of this chapter)

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