Chapter 491 Space Law 4
"There is no need to prove it to you. After a while, you will all see the true power of this artifact..."

Without waiting for Jia Chengxian's words to encourage many disciples of the Broken Star Sect, Chu Mengyao had already spoken loudly, completely overwhelming Jia Chengxian's voice.

"Hehe...Old man Jia, perhaps, your general disciples who have never seen the world have never heard of it, but you must know those four words, right?"

"Which four words?"

Jia Chengxian eagerly asked in a low voice.

Chu Mengyao stared coldly at Jia Chengxian's sinister triangular old eyes, and uttered a few words word by word:

In an instant, Jia Chengxian was like five thunderbolts, his whole body seemed to be petrified, he retreated again and again, almost unable to stand still, finally stabilized his body under the support of Lin Aotian behind him.

"The laws of space?"

"What is the law of space?"

"That's right... We have practiced for so long, why... why have we never heard of such exercises..."


In the audience, the disciples of the Broken Star Sect were already talking about it.

After a long time, Jia Chengxian's trembling voice sounded slowly:
"What?! mean, that white bone..."

"Hey! That's right! How is it? Want to see and see?"

No matter how hard he tried, Jia Chengxian's dark and thin old face showed a sense of panic that could no longer be restrained.His research on the five elements and witchcraft, as well as the research on ancient power and history, has also reached an extremely profound level in his life. Of course, he knows deeply what the ancient mighty power of the law of space will be when it appears on Star Continent Situation, that means the power to dominate everything and open up the world, is a heaven-defying power that transcends the scope of the entire planet!


"No! Impossible! You ordinary people, how could you get the power of the law so easily with just this little bone! Even if the demon king's weapon really has such power, you can't control it! You stinky girl, you still want to fool me! Old man! are too hateful! Come on! Come on together, let someone catch this abandoned disciple of the Broken Star Sect!"

All the disciples of the Broken Star Sect have limited knowledge. Although they heard the words Space Law, none of them knew what it meant. The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. For a while, Chu Mengyao's flicker , for them, it just doesn't work.Hearing Jia Chengxian's order, there was a sound of weapons being unsheathed, and they were about to rush forward, all rushing towards Chu Mengyao.

Chu Mengyao was startled, and secretly sighed in her heart:

"Jia Chengxian, this old fox, is really not that easy to deal with! He was clearly scared out of his wits by such a deceit, but he still forced his posture. At this juncture, she knew very well in her heart that she must not relax at this moment , if you give up even a little bit, many teammates present will die immediately without a place to bury them!

At that moment Chu Mengyao laughed loudly, and said to Hou Wuji:
"Hou Wuji, since these ignorant people don't believe in evil, you can show them your hand, don't worry about the law of space, which may lead to time and space confusion... What's the big deal, let a few leaders of the ancient monster beast clan return to the world That's it!"

After hearing this, Hou Wuji pretended to be hesitant, and said loudly:
"But... I'm afraid of hurting my own people..." After a short pause, Hou Wuji gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

(End of this chapter)

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