Chapter 499 Jealousy 3
Seeing He Lanxun's respectful attitude, Chu Mengyao couldn't help laughing loudly:
"You, He Lanxun, are a bit interesting. You are the great elder of Xuantianzong in name, and you have a high position and authority. How can you be so polite to me, a yellow-haired girl who has just arrived? But... this girl, seeing your humble attitude, I am surprised. It’s not like pretending like Jia Chengxian and Mo Chen. Well... this is very suitable for this girl! After all, according to this girl, you old man is not at all like the elder of Xuantianzong, but like A big butler, a servant at the gate, hehe..."

He Lanxun was embarrassed by what she said, he couldn't laugh or cry, he was ashamed, and said again and again:
"Second Miss is really a straight-talking person, she's right! She's right!"

Then, He Lanxun turned around and said to the surrounding disciples:

"What are you still doing in a daze, don't hurry up and pay your respects to Second Miss!"

The many inner sect disciples of the Xuantian Sect around were a little dazed for a while. In their eyes, Chu Mengyao had always been the big head of the arrogant Broken Star Sect, the right guardian, whether it was before Hou Wuji became the master of Xuantian Sect or From now on, they have always been rivals and enemies of our sect, and after experiencing the battle of the demon world, after Mo Chen personally led many disciples of the Broken Star Sect to slaughter many brothers of our sect, they treated the members of the Broken Star Sect even more. They hated it to the bone, but now, they had to pay big respects to Chu Mengyao, which made it difficult for them to accept it for a while.

Chu Mengli opened her mind and said to the disciples:
"Everyone, don't be wary. Sister Mengyao had already left the Broken Star Sect long before the demon tomb was discovered, and drew a clear line with Jia Chengxian, Lin Aotian and others. In the entire battle of the demon tomb, it was me and my junior brother who were in trouble together. Teammate, right now, she is already a part of my Xuantian Sect, everyone is a family, you should treat her the same as you treat me!"

All the disciples heard what the eldest lady said, so they settled down in their hearts. They all knelt down on one leg, bowed to Chu Mengyao, and said loudly:
"I've seen the second lady!"

Chu Mengyao used to live in a sect with few personnel like the Broken Star Sect in the Western Regions, but he had never seen such a formation as the Central Plains Sect, seeing so many disciples cheering and embracing her, she was very proud for a while.Can't help saying:

"Xuantianzong really deserves to be the number one sect in the Central Plains, and its formation is magnificent! This girl is considered to be a leader now, hehe!"

Chu Mengli came over to hold her sister's hand, and said softly:
"This has always been your home, the gate of Xuantianzong has never been closed to you!"

While the two sisters were talking, Nalan Mingzhu saw her, but her face was not as pleasant as the others.

Standing next to her, Hou Wuji could already tell that for Nalan Mingzhu, Chu Mengyao's arrival was no small challenge and grievance.

After all, in terms of their identities in Xuantianzong, Chu Mengyao and himself are sisters of the same sect, with the same status, but Chu Mengyao is still surrounded by his sister, but he is alone, even the apprentice who was originally optimistic She became a cripple, and this outstanding sense of isolation made her feel a little worried.

What's more, when a group of people flew here on the Qingyun Crane just now, no one else noticed, but she could see clearly that Chu Mengyao came lying in Hou Wuji's arms.

Just now I saw the disciples of Xuantian Sect shouting and hugging Chu Mengyao again, the limelight seems to have completely overshadowed himself as the master of the sect.With Chu Mengyao's arrival, how will Xuantianzong arrange it?
Whether she can maintain her prestige and status in Xuantianzong... All this made her feel jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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