Chapter 535 Pursuit
"Your Majesty is right!"

When all the disciples heard Hou Wuji's sudden question, they immediately started discussing.Everyone saw that Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian's two deadly enemies had been wiped out just now, they were so excited for a moment, they even forgot that everyone was at the top of the hanging demon mound at this moment.

Zhao Chang looked around carefully, and asked suspiciously:
"What does the head mean?"

Hou Wuji didn't answer him, and slowly put the seven-star sword in his hand back into its sheath, and moved his fingers to concentrate, the light of witchcraft slowly surrounded him.After a few breaths, the disciples of the Xuantian Sect standing beside the stone tomb of the God of War had already passed through the vast and boundless dark abyss beside the stone ladder, and felt an unusual slight shaking.Now, the bright or dark stars that were originally quietly flashing in the dark abyss, at this moment, are rising rapidly like shooting stars.

The God of War stone tomb where everyone was standing was descending rapidly like a flying star in the starry sky.

When Zhao Chang understood and reacted, he suddenly realized: the stone tomb of the god of war was originally trapped in the lowest level of the demon mound, and the demon king was sealed, so he used the law of space to lift it to the top of the demon mound.There is no doubt that this is trying every means to prevent human warriors from obtaining the legacy of the God of War, so as to completely wipe out the monsters and beasts from the greedy wolf planet!Then, the treasure crypt next to the sarcophagus can only be opened after returning to the original position of the entire Tomb of the God of War!Just now Hou Wuji was standing next to the stone ladder, and he used the power of witchcraft again. Beside the dark abyss, only powerful witchcraft power can awaken the transformation of the sleeping space law.

Obviously, at the last moment, Jia Chengxian also stood by the stone ladder to perform witchcraft, trying to gather the last bit of spiritual energy in his body, and move the entire Tomb of the God of War back to its original place. Only then can there be a chance to escape from this dark demon mound.However, before Jia Chengxian had time to gather enough spiritual energy, the last few dozen core members of the Broken Star Sect were wiped out by Hou Wuji with a thunderbolt...

Zhao Chang walked to the edge of the stone ladder and nervously looked towards the dark abyss on both sides, his face full of anxiety.

The Stone Tomb of the God of War went down quickly, and Zhao Chang gradually saw the outlines of some simple stone buildings in the darkness, which indicated that they had returned to the end of the inner layer of the Demon Tomb.

Soon, the end of the corridor also appeared in his vision.

"The seems that there are no corpses of Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian!"

Zhao Chang muttered to himself, an ominous premonition appeared on his face.

On the other hand, Hou Wuji was not moved at all, as if all this seemed normal to him.

The entire huge stone cemetery is still sinking away, like a huge and invisible spaceship, the corridor at the end of the demon mound has spread over the heads of the Xuantian sect people, and then, everyone saw a place The narrow and isolated space, yes, that is the hall of the Demon Tomb where the fierce battle was fought in the past.Since the demon king was destroyed, it can no longer enter or exit!

Soon, the Demon Tomb Hall also disappeared above everyone's heads.All the surrounding light disappeared suddenly, leaving only the boundless darkness surrounding everyone.

With a dull and loud sound, all the Xuantian Sect disciples clearly felt a violent shaking of the soles of their feet, as if a giant ship was docking, almost making them unable to stand still.

"The Stone Tomb of the God of War has returned!"

Zhao Chang couldn't help marveling, and together with all his disciples, they took out the flints and torches they carried with them, and lit them one after another.Instructed by Hou Wuji, everyone slowly walked towards the deep cave next to the sarcophagus.With the dim light of the torch, Zhao Chang saw strange multicolored rays of light bursting out from the entrance of the crypt.There was a burst of surprise in my heart.You know, when you were at the height of the dark abyss before, the entrance of this crypt had never emitted such a strange light.From this point of view, what Hou Wuji said is right!Only by using witchcraft to return the Tomb of the God of War to its original location, the Mystical Treasure of War, which all people on the Star Continent dream of, can truly be revealed to everyone.

Zhao Chang and the dozen or so Xuantian Sect inner disciples who survived were excited for a moment.Zhao Chang was about to step into it, but suddenly he stopped at the door, turned around, and said to Hou Wuji:
"Master, please!"

A relaxed and confident smile appeared on the corner of Hou Wuji's mouth, he waved his hand and said:

"No! The Mysterious Battle Treasure is now within my reach of the Xuantian Sect, so I will trouble Elder Zhao and all the disciples from the inner sect to help me collect and count it! As for me, I still have important things to do, so I must leave immediately! "

"Set off?"

When the dozen or so disciples of Xuantian Sect heard Hou Wuji say these two words, Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Honorable One and Elder Zhao led everyone to come here after all the hard work, isn't it just to fight the mysterious treasure? Is there something more important?"

"That's right! As I said before, everything is far from over! Our two mortal enemies, if I'm not mistaken, are desperately fleeing to the Gobi of the Western Regions right now!"

Zhao Chang was shocked when he heard this, and said:
"The head is talking about Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian?"

Hou Wuji nodded,

"That's right! Although the two of them jumped from the abyss, with the strength of Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian, it is definitely not so easy to die! I am going to chase them now!"

The inner disciple on the side heard this and couldn't help asking:
"My lord, just now the two of them have already become the ones who can be caught without a fight. Why didn't the sect master kill the two at that time, but wait until now to catch up?"

Before Hou Wuji could answer the disciple, Zhao Chang had suddenly realized, and said:
"The head let them go on purpose, to lure them..."

Hou Wuji turned around slowly, looked at the exit of the Tomb of the God of War, and said casually:
"Everyone, have you forgotten what I said before I set off? This time, I want to completely destroy the Broken Star Sect! The Western Regions are remote and remote, and Jia Chengxian's three caves without his own guide, how can I do it?" Find the old lair of the Broken Star Sect so that they can be eradicated! Besides, everyone must not forget that although Jia Chengxian has become a bereaved dog and a toothless tiger, the Broken Star Sect still has the biggest suzerain leader, nothingness. I have been living in seclusion for many years and have ignored the affairs of the sect for a long time, but at important moments concerning the survival of the sect, I may not come out and intervene!"

After hearing this, all the inner sect disciples of Xuantian Sect nodded their heads in praise, lamenting that Hou Wuji's thoughtful and meticulous thinking made him worthy of being the leader of the four sects.

It's just that when Zhao Chang heard Hou Wuji talk about the nothingness of the Suzerain Sect's suzerain just now, a hint of worry could not help appearing on his face.In the entire Star Continent, it is well known that before Lin Aotian quickly upgraded to the Star King cultivation level with the Beast King's Heart, among all sects, only Xuantian Sect's suzerain Qingyuan and Suixingxing Suzerain Wuwu were the top star king powerhouses. But in fact, the Fragmented Star Sect is far away in the mysterious place of the Western Regions that touches the sky. There are more powerful treasures outside the sky, and there are not many disciples who are skilled. Anyone with older qualifications in the world knows that when it comes to real strength, Xu Qingyuan is obviously stronger!Now, Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian fled back to the sect in embarrassment, and Hou Wuji wanted to pursue it alone. Step forward to persuade:

"Sect Master, Su Xing Sect Master Wu Wu is said to have reached the peak of his five-element kungfu, and his five-element qi has no reason to be traced. It is comparable to spells, and he is already a star king-level powerhouse. If you go alone ...Shouldn't we wait patiently for some time, and take back the treasure of the God of War with all the disciples, and then discuss it in the long run?"

Hou Wuji shook his head lightly and said with a smile,
"I want to take a breath. Both Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian can't take a breath. If they don't take advantage of their vitality and annihilate them in one fell swoop, I don't know when I will have a chance next time! Besides, I, Hou Wuji, have already taken it from the sarcophagus of the God of War, from the remains Isn't it the most precious secret treasure to obtain the God of War witch armor? I have already made my decision, so there is no need to say more!"

After speaking, he turned around and strode towards the God of War base.After walking a few steps, the voices of inner disciples came from behind:
"Your Majesty, do you really rest assured that I will go get the treasure of the God of War? This is... the thing that every warrior on the Star Continent has dreamed of for a hundred years!"

Hou Wuji laughed loudly and said:
"Everyone and I, Hou Wuji, have gone through hardships together, so there is nothing to believe! Besides, if not for everyone's concerted efforts, we would not be able to obtain the treasure of the God of War smoothly."

All the disciples were deeply moved when they heard this.Hou Wuji turned around, bowed his hands to everyone and said:

"Mysterious war treasure, please collect it carefully and deal with it in a compromise! After collecting it, you can rush back to Tongtian Peak with Elder Zhao!"

"Yes! Your lord! I will search carefully and keep it safe. Everything will be dealt with after the venerable returns to the sect. I will never dare to be greedy!"

More than a dozen Xuantian Sect inner disciples answered loudly in unison.

Zhao Changhou Hou Wuji had already decided to go, so he couldn't stop dissuading him, so he just asked:

"Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian have escaped for a long time now, can the master catch up?"

Hou Wuji strode forward, his figure was like the wind, and without turning his head, he threw a sentence:
"With Qing Yunhe in my hand, forgive him Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian for not being able to escape from my grasp! Elder Zhao, you are a safe person, I entrust you with the treasure..."

Zhao Chang saluted and said loudly:

When he raised his head, Hou Wuji's figure had already disappeared without a trace...

Looking at the direction where Hou Wuji disappeared, Zhao Chang couldn't calm down for a long time, and murmured:
"The head of the sect is really scheming! Everything has already been planned and planned! From this point of view, the era of the five major factions in the Star Continent each occupying one side, and the era of separatism and domination will soon come to an end. Greedy Wolf after a thousand years On the planet, a new human overlord is about to appear!"

And all of this, whether it is good or bad, a blessing or a curse for the fate of the entire Greedy Wolf Star and the entire human warrior, is still unknown...

Chang Zhao let out a long sigh, turned around, and with the dozen or so inner sect disciples of Xuantian Sect, holding torches in their hands, they strode into the deep and dark crypt of the God of War stone tomb...

Hou Wuji performed Tiangong footwork again and again, and within a few moments, he had already passed through the inner and outer layers of the demon mound, and while his figure was shaking, he had already drilled out of the spatial gate of the demon world.It took a few more breaths, and he dodged out of the demon world through a secret path.

In front of the ruins of the empty demon world, the sky and the earth are still foggy, but for Hou Wuji, all this will soon change completely!Now, it's time for the final journey!
Hou Wuji raised his eyes to look up at the sky, and let out a loud whistle. Ten seconds later, a flying crane with broad snow-white wings swooped down from the sky and landed firmly beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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