Chapter 537
The elders of the Xuantian Sect heard Hou Wuji's understatement, and they had already expressed their position. This time, he was determined to make these traitors of the Xuantian Sect completely disappear from the world!

"Hou Wuji, you must have done too much! The former Xuantian Sect Master Qingyuan let you go and let you enter the Xuantian Sect in order to take care of the overall situation. I didn't are going to kill several of the Sect Master today. A fellow are too ruthless!"

Among those elders, the oldest one strode out from the team, pointed at Hou Wuji angrily, and shouted sharply.

They just had a feeling of surrender, thinking in their hearts that they are veterans of the Xuantian sect anyway, and if they don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, even if they are selling Qingyuan or Chu Mengli's face, Hou Wuji accepts their support It was also because it was not a problem at all, but I didn't expect to be wiped away by Hou Wuji's decisive words.

"Hmph! Are you old people worthy of talking about friendship? On Tongtian Peak in the past, when the ten elders besieged a junior, when Mo Chen was playing tricks, did you old people stand up and say a word!"

Those five or six elders were all speechless when Hou Wuji asked this question back.In the past, the old men of the Xuantian Sect, who were used to keeping things quiet, acting according to circumstances, and keeping silent and self-preserving, have tasted the bitter fruit of insensitivity in the hands of Hou Wuji!

"As for that old Qingyuan man! Hmph! If he knew that ten of you so-called fellow disciples had defected from the sect and joined a notorious villain in the world, he probably wouldn't object to me, Hou Wuji, cleaning up the sect! Besides! It's..."

Hou Wuji paused, a pair of sharp eyes stared at the highly respected elders of Xuantianzong in the past.

"Even if Qingyuan appears in front of me, Hou Wuji, with my current strength, I'm afraid he will have to submit!"

As soon as these words came out, the elders of the Xuantian Sect were all trembling with fear. The domineering in Hou Wuji's words is self-evident. This is the only person who despises everything and is able to stand firmly at the pinnacle of the Star Continent for his own strength. , to speak.

After being silent for a while, Hou Wuji said slowly:

"You, these traitors of Xuantianzong, I can give you a better end. What Mo Chen said just now, the other half is that if you are willing to kill yourself, I, Hou Wuji, will not humiliate you. You! Otherwise..."

Hou Wuji shook his finger, now, with his spiritual strength, he only needs to move his mind slightly, which is enough to wipe out those star-level masters of Xuantianzong in an instant.

After Hou Wuji said these words, the elders of Xuantian Sect were already in disarray, and they didn't know what to do for a while!Now, they don't even have the meaning of giving up their dignity and surrendering to the enemy.

Mo Chen gritted his teeth and roared:

"I heard it all! The old man is right! Hou Wuji has already made up his mind to put us to death, and the big guys are together, or there is still a chance of life, otherwise, we can only sit and wait for death!"

Although Mo Chen yelled like this, his footsteps did not move forward at all, more precisely, he had already begun to plan to retreat.

In fact, after Hou Wuji stopped the Xuantianzong elders from surrendering to survive, Mo Chen secretly planned to escape in his heart!With an old Jianghu like him, he wouldn't do the thing of sacrificing his life in vain. The blood and edges of the old slicker have already been smoothed out in the years of cruel Jianghu battles, and have become extremely smooth.

Some elders nearby have already started to move around.However, Hou Wuji was not in a hurry to guard against them. Now, the so-called star-level masters are nothing but a piece of cake in front of him, and they are of no importance at all.

"Mo Chen! At this moment, you are still instigating your juniors to die for you, so that you can take the opportunity to escape? Haha, it seems that I, Hou Wuji, are right. You and Jia Chengxian really flock together! It's just that your calculation is wrong. I, Hou Wuji, only need one thought, and the speed of the Dark Soul Blade is ten times faster than your footwork driven by all your strength. You should give up on this idea!"

Hou Wuji shouted coldly, and exposed Mo Chen's plot on the spot.

All the elders of Xuantianzong looked at Mo Chen aside in horror.And Mo Chen's face was ashen, and he was silent.

Behind everyone, there was a violent coughing sound from the old man, who seemed extremely weak.

"Hey! Hou Wuji... Not bad! You are really not an ordinary strong man. In the past, when I killed people, I would always say no to kill, and if I didn't kill, I often frightened them, but you bluntly intimidated those who were about to kill. , This youthful arrogance makes me admire you so much! Even Mo Chen's scheming is easily seen by you. I have to say that now, before dying, this old man finally recognizes you, Hou Wuji, and is worthy of being me, Jia Chengxian. The opponent! The old man can die now without any regrets! Hou Wuji, you do it, the old man is willing to be the first ghost under your sword! This battle, the old man lost convincingly!"

After Jia Chengxian finished speaking, he moved his trembling body and staggered towards Hou Wuji.He stopped ten steps in front of him, took a last look at the deep sky and the vast Gobi all around, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Uncle Master!"

Lin Aotian, who was covered in smudges, cried out in pain.Jia Chengxian has already rejected all responses from the outside world...

Hou Wuji let out a long breath, and slowly put one hand on the hilt behind his back.


The sword with seven colors of light slipped out of the scabbard. In this place where it first fell from the sky, Hou Wuji will use it to understand the most important grievance on the Star Continent.

The flashing cold light of the sword lightly rested on Jia Chengxian's tall and thin neck. Now, Hou Wuji only shook his wrist lightly, and the black-faced old man in front of him was decapitated.

He had waited too long for this moment, so there was no need to say anything.

Hou Wuji slowly mobilized the true energy in his body, and swiped the tip of his hand towards the midair like lightning. It only took a tenth of a second, and when it fell again, everything was over.

An ear-piercing crisp sound sounded in front of his eyes, as if the Seven Star Sword in his hand had chopped on a solid iron pillar.

Soon, Hou Wuji's keen consciousness told him that his sword edge had deviated from the predetermined track.In front of his eyes, the scarlet blood did not appear, the white sword edge swayed lightly, brushed past Jia Chengxian's head, and a few strands of gray and white messy hair fell gently.

Others have meddled!
A series of thoughts flashed through Hou Wuji's mind quickly, and the one that disturbed him the most.He has now clearly realized that what hit the sword in his hand and made the sound of a metal-like hidden weapon colliding was not the real thing, but the true energy in the warrior's body!To be more precise, it is the five elements of the metal system that have been practiced to the realm of transformation.

"There is such a profound powerhouse?"

Hou Wuji's heart was shaken, he subconsciously withdrew his steps, and an afterimage drifted past, and in the blink of an eye he was already fifteen steps away from Jia Chengxian.This is to prevent the uninvited guest who made a sudden attack just now from making another move.Because it was just one move, Hou Wuji already deeply felt that when dealing with this person, one should not underestimate the enemy like dealing with the elders of Xuantianzong.

"Who! Get lost..."

Hou Wuji let out a low growl, but before he could utter the word "Come out", a bald old man with a short figure flew towards you in the midair of the Cliff of Broken Star Sect, as if there were a pair of invisible wings growing from his back. The general stability and calmness, but the movement method driven by the pure force of the five elements, is completely different from the shortcuts such as the Tiangong footwork that Hou Wuji learned.

The bald old man landed steadily and stood beside Jia Chengxian.When Hou Wuji glanced over, he saw that he was completely unarmed, without any weapon, and he was even more certain in his heart that the blow of transformation just now was struck by the old man with the pure energy of the five elements!

What a great old man!This person is no ordinary character!
The old man looked around lightly, bowed to Hou Wuji humbly, and said directly and respectfully:

"My lord is nothingness, the old lord of Broken Star Sect in name, the young hero must be Hou Wuji, the supernatural young man who recently shocked the Star Continent!"

Mo Chen present, including several other Xuantianzong elders, and Hou Wuji, were all startled when they heard this. When the visitor really reported himself as his family, it still caused a commotion.

"It turns out that he is the true suzerain, Wu Wu, who has lived in seclusion for many years! The top powerhouse on the Star Continent. Could it be that his actions are so extraordinary!"

Hou Wuji secretly sighed in his heart.The heart has been prepared.

The bald old man paced indifferently, his tone was still calm, polite and respectful.

"Hou Wuji, this old man is so polite! Dare to ask your sect's Sect Master Qingyuan, how is he doing! Brother Qingyuan and I have not seen each other for more than ten years..."

Hou Wuji said calmly:

"Whether Qingyuan is good or not, I don't know, and I don't care. People in the world say that I, Hou Wuji, took the power of Xuantianzong by force and used force to intimidate the sects to make them submit. Since nothingness, you have a good relationship with Qingyuan, today He came forward to intervene again, wanting to settle this account with Hou Wuji, just come! There is no need to make friends and say some hypocritical words!"

The old man in nothingness was meant to be polite, but Hou Wuji didn't accept his tricks when he was cold-hearted. As soon as he opened his mouth, he touched a cold face, feeling embarrassed in his heart, and said with a slight smile:

"Hou Shaoxia's words are serious. The prejudice of the world will not be taken into account by imagining the bearing of a young hero. I think the young hero is by no means a mean and stubborn person. Since he can rule the Xuantian Dazong, he naturally has his own strength and reason. The old man has never thought that there is anything wrong with the young hero's actions! The sects of the world are always respected by the strong!"

Hou Wuji sneered and said:

"Old man nothingness, since you claim to be enlightened and have good eyesight! Then tell me, is this disciple named Jia under your school a despicable and stubborn person?"

"This one……"

Nothingness pondered for a moment, then cupped his hands and said:

"Ashamed, ashamed! Hou Shaoxia learned the lesson! It is really unfortunate for the Broken Star Sect to have such a wretched and treacherous person. Jia Chengxian is naturally a disgrace to us and other warriors on the Star Continent! However, as the young hero knows, the old I have already expelled this person from the gate wall, but..."

Wu Wu still had to defend himself, but Hou Wuji didn't want to listen to him, so he interrupted him:

"Since this is the case, why did you come forward to stop me, break up my sword energy, and save this traitor's life?"

Nothingness sighed for a long time and said:

"I hope Hou Shaoxia will understand. Although Jia Chengxian is heinous, he is still an elder of the Broken Star Sect. Here is the Broken Star Cliff. According to the ancestors of my sect, on the Broken Star Cliff, no outsiders are allowed to slaughter the members of our sect. I have no choice but to do so." Show up and intervene! I also ask Hou Shaoxia to stop, the old man can assure the young man that since he has left the customs, he will naturally severely punish Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian, two unscrupulous people, so as to return justice to the world..."

(End of this chapter)

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