Chapter 544 Star Core
Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli were interrupted by Chu Mengyao's deliberate coughing, they realized for a while that they were getting carried away, and then let go, both of them showed embarrassment.

Murong Feng on the other side finally seized an opportunity to take revenge on Chu Mengyao, and immediately laughed and said:

"Chu Mengyao, Elder Zhao and I are two big men who didn't make a sound. Why can't you see it anymore? I'm afraid you are jealous of the two of them?"

Chu Mengyao blushed, gave Murong Feng a hard look, and said:
"Who can't stand it anymore, nonsense!"

Hou Wuji immediately ordered everyone to clean up the forces in the Broken Star Sect. Together with Zhao Chang, he began to lead many disciples of Xuantian Sect and Jiuyoumen into the Broken Star Sect's sect territory.As for the remaining disciples in the Broken Star Sect, the number is already very small. I heard that the suzerain, Jia Chengxian, and Lin Aotian have all given up all the sects and left. How dare they resist? In half a day, Hou Wuji and Zhao The Xuantianzong force represented by Chang has completely occupied the surrounding area of ​​the Broken Star Cliff.

Hou Wuji sent the masters of the inner sects and the first disciples to settle in various parts of the Broken Star Sect, and he reunited with his teammates and began to carefully examine the old nest of the Broken Star Sect.

In the depths of the inner cave of the Broken Star Cliff, it was originally the secret room of the head of the Broken Star Sect. When a group of people nodded their torches and searched, they found no valuable information.But only in the most common place where the sect stored scriptures, some ancient books were found that recorded the events of the ancient times.After Hou Wuji examined them one by one, he shook his head lightly, as if he had some disappointment on his face.

Zhao Chang couldn't help wondering:
"Master, it is said that the Broken Star Sect is the most favored mysterious place on the Star Continent, the closest to the heavens. We finally captured the Broken Star Sect and entered the secret room. I haven't got any loot... Could it be that these rumors on the Star Continent are groundless?"

Hou Wuji sighed softly, put down the ancient scroll in his hand, and said with a sneer:
"Hmph! The rumors are true, of course, but... Elder Zhao, don't forget who is in charge of the Broken Star Sect in the end!"

"You mean...Jia Chengxian?" Zhao Chang suddenly realized and said in surprise.

"That's right! With Jia Chengxian's scheming, he naturally expected all of this, so of course, when he, Lin Aotian, and the last batch of disciples from the Broken Star Sect went to the Tomb of the God of War, he had already prepared the worst possible plan." I plan to deal with the secrecy of the sect so that nothing leaks out!"

Zhao Chang listened and exclaimed:

"Thinking about it now, it is indeed very possible! Jia Chengxian, an old fox, put all his eggs in one basket in the battle at the Tomb of the God of War. Moreover, once he succeeds, these things in the sect are naturally worthless compared to the treasure of the God of War. But... ...If according to the inference of the sect leader, the records about some important deeds of the Broken Star Sect were all buried and hidden by Jia Chengxian? Should we mobilize the disciples of Xuantian Sect to search carefully, we now have four With all the forces of the Da faction and the large number of people, even if we search the entire Gobi in the Western Regions and dig three feet, we will surely be able to find what Jia Chengxian hid!"

After hearing this, Hou Wuji was silent for a moment. After a long time, he looked at the empty stone wall, shook his head, and said quietly:
"I'm afraid it's not as simple as hiding it! It's just... it's all been destroyed!"


Zhao Chang showed a look of horror, and could hardly believe what Hou Wuji said.

"If Jia Chengxian succeeds in the Battle of the Tomb of the God of War, he will definitely take over the Central Plains and annex the four major sects in one fell swoop. Naturally, Broken Star Cliff will not be his lair. If he fails, he also knows that it must be a disaster, It’s hard to say whether I can escape with my life. I don’t need these things! Moreover, once I fail, I will have nowhere to go. If it wasn’t for the envoys of the Yinzong from Misty Island to rescue them, I would have already died Therefore, what he can't get will definitely not leave the slightest clue to the opponent. In the entire Star Continent, Broken Star Sect's understanding of the history of ancient times is far behind other sects. Jia Chengxian is better than anyone else. Knowing this better, it makes sense to destroy these things!"

Zhao Chang sighed and nodded, muttering:

"I didn't expect Jia Chengxian, an old trickster, to be so insidious! Now that we know nothing about the history of ancient times and the legendary Piao Miao Yinzong, how can we compete with it! The people of Yinzong took away nothingness I'm afraid that he and his two subordinates will collude soon. This is a strong alliance! The people from the Piaomiao Yinzong provide powerful abilities, and the remnants of the Broken Star Sect know us best. If we want to To deal with us, we are in the open, they are in the dark, and there is almost no power to fight back!"

Hou Wuji sighed and said slowly:
"That's right, that's exactly what I'm worried about! But...comparing the strength of Wu Wu and his subordinates with that of the Yinzong, the people of the Piao Miao clan will not be bewitched by Jia Chengxian. In their eyes , even nothingness is just a small character who comes and goes when he is called, let alone Jia Chengxian! From my point of view, the main target of the Piao Miao Yinzong people seems not to be us, otherwise, they would have been killed in Suixingya Cliff that day. At the top, that red-robed emissary alone is enough to destroy me!"

"Then their sudden appearance, the purpose of getting involved in the rivers and lakes disputes is..."

Hou Wuji thought for a while, then smiled lightly and said:
"Well, to be honest, I don't know. However, since the other party is much stronger than us, it's useless to worry. When they want to deal with us again, they will naturally come to the door. Right now, we just need to live in peace for a few days The day will be fine, let’s live with the situation!”

"That's the only way to go!" Zhao Chang sighed.Turning the subject, he said again:

"By the way, Sect Leader, in fact, Broken Star Sect left me nothing useful, so we don't have to pay too much attention to it. After all, the biggest spoil of war, the Mysterious Treasure, is now in our hands! According to Sect Leader's order, we will He and his disciples have already sent the relics found in the crypt of the God of War to the top of Tongtian Peak, and sent loyal disciples to guard them strictly. They are waiting for the head to inspect it!"

"Oh! Not bad!" Hou Wuji nodded and said, "What did you find out?"

Zhao Chang said:
"As the leader had previously imagined, most of the relics in the crypt of the Tomb of the God of War are for group strengthening, rather than a single piece of magic weapon or magic weapon. From this point of view, the tomb of the God of War hides These things seem to be the heritage of the entire human race during the ancient war, and using these things can strengthen thousands of troops and form a powerful overall race!"

Hou Wuji nodded and sighed:
"You're right! Warriors and people in the Star Continent all know how many shocking and powerful treasures there are in the mysterious treasures of war. It seems that even if a mortal gets it, he can become an invincible powerhouse in one fell swoop." However, as everyone knows, the ancient god of war is not the power of a single person, and the human beings can win the final victory in the war with the monsters and beasts. How many people can understand the wealth that they have laid down! Now, it is time for them to exert their great energy again!"

After hearing this, Zhao Chang gradually frowned, and a trace of uneasiness and worry gradually appeared on his old face, and he murmured:

"The head of the sect means... Could it be that the reincarnation of thousands of years ago has resumed, and the human beings on Star Continent will be involved in a huge catastrophe again?"

Hou Wuji remained silent without comment.Now, he is still not completely sure where the opening of the Demon Tomb, the reappearance of the Zhan Mysterious Treasure, and the reappearance of the Piao Miao Clan, these major turning points, will lead the fate of the people on the entire Greedy Wolf Star, the road ahead, Still like in the fog, only warriors can come out step by step.

The two were talking, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps from behind, accompanied by a hearty conversation, it was Chu Mengyao who came with her, as well as Chu Mengli and the blue-clothed scholar Murong Feng.

When Chu Mengyao saw Hou Wuji, she said happily:
"Hou Wuji, let's see how you thank me! I found a treasure that is very useful to you!"

As he spoke, he spread his palms in front of Hou Wuji and Zhao Chang, and saw a prismatic dark golden fragment lying quietly in Chu Mengyao's palm.

"This is... Stardust?"

Zhao Chang said loudly in surprise.

Chu Mengyao pouted at him and said:

"Elder Zhao, you are wrong this time! Stardust is just the tiniest spiritual thing, but this piece is the star core that has gathered fragments of spiritual things scattered outside the sky for decades!"

Hou Wuji sighed:
"I heard that there are often extraterrestrial spirits scattered in the plateau of the Western Regions. Among them, usually only one percent can extract stardust that can be kept stably, and only a large amount of stardust can be gathered to form a stardust." Star core... Chu Mengyao, where did you get such a big piece of star core! Broken Star Sect really deserves to be the most mysterious sect on Star Continent!"

Chu Mengyao said triumphantly:
"That's needless to say! As the right guardian of the Broken Star Sect, this girl naturally knows a little more about this place than ordinary people! You and Elder Zhao just searched around, I'm afraid it's not as useful as what I have in my hand !"

Zhao Chang excitedly said:
"Miss Mengyao is really amazing! The first move is a big deal. The head and I were still sighing just now. We finally subdued the Broken Star Sect. It seems that we are going to return empty-handed. Now that we are all right, we finally have a consolation prize. What a waste of work!"

Before Zhao Chang could say a word of praise, behind Chu Mengyao, a young man's voice rang out impatiently. It seemed that it was suppressed for a long time because of someone's intimidation.

"Elder Zhao...Master...Master! This star core was actually discovered below! Chu Mengyao didn't recognize this thing at all, if it wasn't for me..."

"To shut up!"

Murong Feng wanted to continue talking, but Chu Mengyao glared at him angrily. He raised his hand and made a gesture that he was about to fall.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Hou Wuji exchanged a glance with Zhao Chang, and already understood what was going on.

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"Okay, stop arguing, tell me where you found this star core."

"The retreat of the void suzerain!"

This time, Chu Mengyao took the lead and didn't give Murong Feng any chance.

Hou Wuji was startled, and repeated in a murmur, the place where nothingness retreats?Could there be such a large star core...

Immediately said:

"Hurry up and take me to have a look again. Inside the Broken Star Sect's sect, all the clues about the ancient history were destroyed by Jia Chengxian. Maybe there are still some left in this empty retreat..."

After all, we must prepare to stride.Looking up, Chu Mengyao and Murong Feng just looked at each other, and they didn't intend to lead the way at all.

(End of this chapter)

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