The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 552 The 2nd day wizard

Chapter 552 Twelve Days Wizard

Chu Mengyao became coquettish when she heard it, and said:
"Then I don't care, Hou Wuji, you gave my sister a gift, and I want it too!"

Chu Mengli stood beside her, not knowing what to do, and seemed hesitant to speak.

Hou Wuji saw her embarrassment, stepped forward and leaned close to Chu Mengyao's ear, whispered a few words, and immediately explained the ins and outs of the green bamboo stick in Chu Mengli's hand.

After Chu Mengyao heard this, her expression became a little embarrassed, she looked at her sister and Hou Wuji embarrassedly, and said:

"Oh... so that's what happened! Then I don't want it! I just deliberately teased Hou Wuji just now, don't blame my sister!"

Chu Mengli smiled and shook her head slightly.

Chu Mengyao turned to Hou Wuji, and asked again:

"By the way, what did you say just now that you can't do it alone? What need another mage who is proficient in witchcraft..."

Chu Mengli said:

"It's about restoring the primordial spirit for Miss Yu'er during the period of the lunar change! Junior brother discussed with me just now, and there is still a lack of a wizard, but the warriors on the entire Star Continent have not practiced witchcraft for a long time. Junior brother I'm having trouble with this."

As soon as Chu Mengyao regained her spirits, she said loudly:
"It's not easy, there is someone ready-made, right in front of you!"


Chu Mengyao pointed at herself carelessly, and said:
"My girl, so is Chu Mengyao!"

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli looked at each other in surprise, and said in unison:
"You know witchcraft?"

"Not now, but this girl can learn now! With my talent and aptitude, it's not a piece of cake to do deeds, save people, and summon souls!"

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli looked at each other speechlessly.Hou Wuji gave Chu Mengyao a blank look, and said with a wry smile:
"You really think that this is a trick of a quack warlock doing supernatural rituals! Learn now and sell, Chu Mengyao, can you do it? Although within the direct line of Xuantianzong, your aptitude is very extraordinary, but That's just the Five Elements technique, but with witchcraft, I'm afraid you're still a little behind!"

After hearing this, Chu Mengyao immediately refused to accept it and said:

"Who said that! Aren't the five elements and witchcraft all created by humans? How do you know if you don't try?"

Hou Wuji waited to argue with her, while Chu Mengli pulled Chu Mengyao's hand and persuaded:

"Sister, Junior Brother is right! You can't force this matter. Besides, there are only [-] days away from the Taiyin Change. You have never been exposed to witchcraft before. If you want to learn it in such a short period of time, I'm afraid it will be too late." It's unrealistic! What's more, witchcraft and the true energy of the five elements are inseparable in themselves. For ordinary warriors, it has long been impossible to have both. On the Star Continent, only the younger brother has the five elements. Talents with astral body can do it, even Jia Chengxian learned some heresy ways after he was expelled from the school and the vein of the five elements was abolished! Returning a Helan Yuer, might hurt a Chu Mengyao!"

What Chu Mengli said made sense, and Chu Mengyao couldn't help being unconvinced, but she refused to give in in front of Hou Wuji, and she still looked at Hou Wuji angrily, as if she was still dissatisfied.

Hou Wuji suddenly fell into deep thought at this time, and after a long time, a flash of inspiration appeared on his face, and he said loudly:

"Although Mengyao is talking nonsense, she reminded me this time! She is right, there is indeed someone right in front of her eyes, but it is not Chu Mengyao, but my impotent scholar apprentice Murong peak!"

Chu Mengli was taken aback for a moment, and then excitedly said:
"That's right! Murong Feng only memorizes the Five Elements Kung Fu method by heart, but he never wants to let him practice the gestures himself, because he is afraid of being tired and suffering. And this kind of profound and obscure witchcraft spells are quite suitable for him. What's more, I have heard from you, junior brother, that he is also very talented in witchcraft, and he can practice witchcraft within twelve days. It seems that he is the only one in the entire Star Continent who can try it!"

After Chu Mengli finished her sentence, when she looked up, Hou Wuji had already turned around and ran away impatiently.Needless to say, he must have gone to find his apprentice Murong Feng, and now the time until the Taiyin Change is not long, one moment earlier is one more moment to be sure.

Chu Mengyao chased after him for a few steps, and shouted at Hou Wuji's back:
"Hey! Hou Wuji, this idea was the first one I thought of, you have to remember it!"

However, Hou Wuji's movements were quick, and he had already disappeared into the mountain road long ago, where he could not hear a word from her, Chu Mengyao yelled a few times, but there was no reply.

"This damn bastard! He takes advantage of me every time, and specially uses my good ideas, good ideas, and in the end, all the benefits belong to him alone! It's really pissing off!"

Chu Mengyao stomped her feet indignantly, and muttered while looking at the direction Hou Wuji was going away.

Chu Mengli walked forward with a smile, took her sister's hand, and said softly:
"Okay! Brother, he really didn't do it on purpose this time! Sister, don't worry too much!"

The top of Tongtian Peak.Night fell on time, as always.

Ever since the bloody battle at the Tomb of the God of War in the Monster Tomb and the peak duel at Broken Star Cliff ended.The entire Star Continent has returned to its former tranquility and peace.Xuantianzong's momentum is at its peak, and it has grown to a level that has never been seen in thousands of years.The inner sect disciples who walked around the rivers and lakes of the mainland seemed to have become respected masters and heroes, and their status had been greatly improved.However, under Hou Wuji's strict restraint, Xuantianzong's school rules and disciplines are very strict, so everything on Tongtian Peak seems to be orderly, and everything follows the usual sunrise and sunset.For most of their disciples, the change of the lunar calendar was nothing more than an unintentional rumor spread by a scruffy hunchbacked old man at the foot of the mountain.No one knows, but after a few days, there will be such a celestial phenomenon appearing above the head.

To avoid panic and chaos.Hou Wuji, sister Chu Mengli and teammates such as Zhao Chang did not make the news of the Taiyin Change public.Even Lu Jing, the head of the alchemy house who is closely related to the Qingyuan suzerain, only has a half-knowledge about this matter.Qingyuan's sudden departure, and the accompanying spiritual material fell into Hou Wuji's hands. Although Lu Jing was full of doubts in his heart, he had no power in Xuantianzong after all, and he couldn't investigate it for a while. Once, he went back to the secluded place where the Qingyuan lord had turned into ruins, trying to find some clues, but according to the reports from the eyes, ears and eyes sent by Hou Wuji, it seems that Lu Jing didn't get any substantial gains.

Five consecutive days passed.

By the side of Feiyun Peak, two young people come here every evening to gather spiritual energy and practice witchcraft.One of the black-armored youths always emits a very light white translucent spiritual fire, which is a sign of witchcraft rising to a high-level wizard, while the blue-clothed scholar next to him seems to be Not long after he started learning, although he was often unsuccessful in performing witchcraft, and sometimes even had to try more than a dozen times to succeed once, but compared to ordinary practitioners, his progress speed was already very amazing!
The way of witchcraft is all based on the thick spiritual energy in the caster's body. The spiritual energy is like the true energy in the warrior's body. Its storage capacity and storage limit directly determine the power of witchcraft and the power of wizards. level of repair.Hou Wuji led Murong Feng to the side of Feiyun Peak every day at the turn of day and night, in order to collect the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and then transform it into spiritual power in his body, so that his witchcraft cultivation base could break through the entry level as soon as possible, and enter the primary level as soon as possible. Because, only by barely reaching the minimum level of primary level, can we join forces with Hou Wuji himself to maintain the witch formation that summons the primordial spirit to return to the physical body for a sufficient time.

The two practiced in Feiyun Peak for several hours, until the night was dark, Hou Wuji slowly extinguished the spiritual fire in his palm, and steadily put away the spiritual energy in his body.Murong Shen also slowly extinguished the bean-sized light blue spiritual fire flame in his hand, and the distinct faces of the two slowly disappeared in the dark surroundings.

"Apprentice, you have made good progress in the past few days! As long as you keep at it, and persist for a few more days, you should be able to break through the bottleneck of beginner wizards!"

Murong Feng looked at the palm of his hand that had been ignited with the flame of the spiritual fire just now, there was still a trace of coolness in the palm, he smiled bitterly and said:

"Master, according to the classics I have read, it takes more than three years for ordinary people to practice witchcraft, and the basic entry level, but I only have twelve days, and I will barely achieve my goal. I can’t do it, and it can’t be used in practice at all! I think in the Star Continent in the future, someone will call me the Twelve-Day Wizard..."

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"Wizard of the Twelve Days, this nickname sounds good!"

Murong Feng got up and looked into the sky, sighed:
"If these [-] days of hard work can really come in handy, it will not be a waste of master's painstaking efforts. I am only worried that I will not be able to shoulder such a burden when I am in a hurry to learn the art, and I am facing such a major moment as the lunar change!"

Hou Wuji patted him on the shoulder and said:
"Don't worry! I'm here for everything! Since it's God's will, we can do what we can!"

Murong Feng nodded and said:

"Master, if Miss Yu'er can be rescued this time, I will definitely learn witchcraft from you seriously in the past! I will also be a competent teammate in the future! Since we are born at such a time of turmoil, I don't want to go out to meet you!" It’s a pity for the world, if you go on an adventure on the battlefield again, would you be willing to take your apprentice along with you?”

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"Master is already very happy that you have such thoughts! As for taking risks, the enemies we face will only become stronger and stronger. If I don't have a certain degree of certainty, how can I let you take risks casually, not to mention, you are a peach blossom!" The only son of the old head of Wu, if there is any mistake, I will not be able to explain to the disciples of Taohuawu!"

Murong Feng said urgently:

"Master, you don't have to worry about this! Since you are in the rivers and lakes, you must obey the destiny in everything and have nothing to fear!"

Hou Wuji thought for a moment and said:

"Don't worry! The world is so big, there are plenty of opportunities for you to show your talents! Let's go and check it out with me. The disciples of Xuantianzong's inner sect, after studying the Five Elements Cheats obtained in the Tomb of the God of War, practice How is it going!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the place where the sect was located.

(End of this chapter)

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