Chapter 562
Hou Wuji knew that even when he was moving at a very close distance and fast, he could only produce a dozen or so afterimages, and a complete figure symbolized a more advanced and pure movement technique.It seemed that the other party's body skills were even higher than his own.

It was too late, and then it was too late, as soon as the stalwart warrior with his bare upper body approached, among the people present at Taohuawu, only Hou Wuji had the ability to sense it first, and the sect master hadn't reacted yet.Hou Wuji has already roared: Be careful!Immediately, the footwork of Tiangong stepped out again and again.Before the strong man's body touched the door owner, he pulled the door owner away.

A muffled voice sounded, and when everyone looked at it intently, a deep pit half a person's height had already appeared out of thin air where the sect master was.It made everyone in the room sigh.The sect master looked back at Hou Wuji, then at the strong man of the Piaomiao clan standing in front of him, and secretly said in surprise: If Hou Wuji, the Venerable Xuantian, hadn't made a timely move, he would have already been captured by that strong man. Nailed stones are generally nailed into the ground!

That strong blow missed, looked at Hou Wuji coldly, and said angrily:
"Hmph! You kid from the Star Continent! You're pretty fast! Where did you steal the Tiangong footwork handed down from our clan?!"

Hou Wuji was startled, thinking he heard it wrong.When he reacted, doubts arose in his heart.Secretly said:

"Tiangong footwork is obviously learned from the dungeon when I was in Jiuyou Grotto, why does this warrior say that Tiangong footwork is the physical combat skill of the Piaomiao clan?"

I was wondering for a moment.The red-robed messenger had already walked over slowly, and said arrogantly:
"Hou Wuji, as you saw just now, you are no match for the three of us at all! Just these two generals under my command are enough to destroy the entire island of you, so you should quickly hand over the divine divination tortoise shell in exchange for peach blossoms The lives of the people in the dock!"

Hou Wuji frowned, looked around, and looked at the inner sect disciples in Taohuawu, all of them were young and middle-aged, and they had been guarding this guide for many years.He really couldn't bear to lose his life to the Piao Miao Envoy because of himself. If he could escape by relying on Tiangong's footwork and Qingyunhe's moving speed, then the entire Taohuawu disciples, and even the entire Tongtian Peak Xuantian Sect, still Can't escape the control of the Piao Miao clan.

However, he also knows what it means to hand over the Divine Divination Tortoise Shell. That means the entire Star Continent, the entire Xuantian Sect, will lose all opportunities, and lose the only weight to compete with the Piao Miao clan.

Hou Wuji raised his eyes to look at the white-clothed girl He Lanyu'er who was lying quietly on the high platform in the center of the witch array, and slowly stretched out one hand to his chest, touching the eight-diagram-shaped black-brown tortoise shell.

At the same time, he secretly vowed in his heart: Piao Miao clan, one day he will truly become a top powerhouse, and he will surely make you, the descendants of humans who are arrogant and look down on the warriors of the Star Continent like nothing, completely submit to your feet!

On the side, many Taohuawu disciples had seen Hou Wuji's intentions from his actions, and said loudly:
"No! Your lord! Without the tortoise armor, the entire Star Continent really has no strength to compete with the Piao Miao clan!"

"Yes! The Venerable must not hand over the tortoise shell! We will fight to the death to ensure that the Venerable escapes from Taohuawu!"

Hou Wuji listened in his heart, why would he be willing to hand over this god-level treasure that he had so hard to get, but the lives of nearly a hundred people in Taohuawu are now in the hands of the Piao Miao messenger, and he is in the Xuantianzong's large army. With the first disciple of the sect, who is thousands of miles away, no response, where can I get half a helping hand in this desolate island for a while!
In mid-air, the outline of the huge black planet finally took heavy steps, and slowly withdrew the last figure from the rays of the huge sun, and the strong sunlight descended completely on the land of Planet Tanlang once again.It illuminates everything around it extremely brightly and dazzlingly.

Hou Wuji touched the hand in his bosom, and was about to take out the ancient tortoise shell, when suddenly there was a very light and thin sound of screeching beside his ears, Hou Wuji's gaze coincided with the gaze of the red-robed envoy toward Looking from the high platform in the center of the witch array.

The long-haired girl dressed in white slowly opened her eyes. Her big bright eyes were full of innocence, and everything seemed to have returned to its original appearance.

"Yu'er! You're awake!"

Hou Wuji's uncontrollable excitement rushed to his forehead, and his heart felt hot, and a warm current surged up.Desperately ran towards the high platform in the center of the witch array.

Seeing this, the two warriors of the Piaomiao clan wanted to chase Hou Wuji away.But the red-robed emissary stretched out his hand to stop him.

Hou Wuji rushed over, hugged Helan Yu'er tightly, was overjoyed, and kept muttering in his mouth:

"Yu'er, you've finally woken up! These days, I've made your senior brother worry to death!"

The girl in white in Hou Wuji's arms opened a pair of big terrified eyes, looked around, seemed to be frightened by the situation in front of her, and seemed to be at a loss for the first time, in Hou Wuji's arms Gently struggling, trying to break free from Hou Wuji's arms.

"You are...Big Brother...Hou Wuji?"

The girl in white looked at Hou Wuji and asked in a daze.

Hou Wuji's heart trembled, he grabbed Helan Yuer's hand and said eagerly:

"Yes, it's Senior Brother! Yu'er, don't you know me?"

"I... I know... I remember it! Brother... Where have you been all these years? Since your father brought you into the master gate of Biyu Villa... why did you suddenly disappear? The people in the village... ...It is said that you were eaten by ghosts in the Darkmoon Forest!"

Hou Wuji's heart was shocked, he seemed to realize something suddenly, he shook Helan Yu'er desperately, and asked loudly:

"Then what happened later! What happened later... Yu'er, do you still remember?"

The girl in white frowned slightly with her slender eyebrows, showing a look of embarrassment, shaking her head like a rattle.

Hou Wuji's heart felt as if he had been slapped in the head, he opened his eyes wide and looked at He Lan Yuer's whole body.The cruel reality forced him to accept a crippled reality: He Lan Yu'er came back, but, obviously, a considerable part of her memory was lost after she woke up!To be more precise, Helan Yu'er's memory at this time still stays before the two of them leave Jasper Villa to go to Tongtian Peak Xuantianzong!

"how so!"

Hou Wuji buzzed in his mind.

"Yu'er, do you still remember Tongtian Peak, your master Nalan Mingzhu, and Yaozuo, Yaowang..." Hou Wuji was not reconciled, and asked several things in succession.

The girl in white just kept shaking her head, hitting Hou Wuji's heart like an iron rod every time.His heart gradually sank to the bottom.

Behind him, the voice of the messenger of the Piao Miao clan resounded casually:

"Hmph! Don't waste your efforts! Hou Wuji, although the girl in your arms has returned to her original state, her memory is lost. Even a rare celestial phenomenon and chance such as the change of the moon cannot bring back this humble group of you on Star Continent. The fate of the tributaries of humanity! Accept the reality!"

The voice of the red-robed envoy sounded calm and very soft, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing. However, to Hou Wuji's ears, it was like a thousand arrows piercing his heart, destroying the last limit of his patience. Nothing left!The messenger's voice fell gently like a feather, and was suddenly interrupted by an extremely sharp and piercing metallic sound. This sound was so sudden and full of murderous intent that the hearts of all the people present could not help but feel agitated. There was a violent shock.

That was the sound of the Seven Star Sword unsheathing behind Hou Wuji!
A ray of seven-colored light flashed across the air, but in the blink of an eye, the sharp light of the Seven Star Sword was already pointing at the tall red-robed human warrior.The strong wind blowing up almost lifted his thick and voluminous robe.

With Hou Wuji's strength, he couldn't pose a threat to the red-robed emissary at all, but this extremely violent blow vented all the resentment and anger that Hou Wuji had accumulated over the past few days. The attack was fierce and murderous. , so that the red-robed emissary who was far beyond the star king level couldn't help being startled, and retreated a few steps back and forth.In front of so many low-level warriors in the Star Continent whom he regarded as ants, he could not believe his footsteps in such a panic.

Almost at the same time, the two strong warriors of different races rushed up together, flew to block the Piao Miao messenger, stretched out a palm together, and only heard a ding!Ding!Two crisp voices sounded.The body of the Seven Star Sword was firmly pinched by the four nails of both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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