Chapter 591 Broken Blue

In such an extremely short moment of distraction, the red-robed emissary who was on the edge of the cliff of fate had already keenly grasped this fleeting opportunity with all his tense nerves.

At the moment when he was about to dodge behind Yuan Sheng, Lu Yu saw that the black and gold witch weapon in his hand was out of control. He turned around suddenly, and with all the strength left in his body, he slapped Chu Mengyao who was watching the scene attentively. Call to go.

Chu Mengyao was caught off guard, and Lu Yu's move was so fast that she couldn't catch her eyes.

Hou Wuji, who was far away, suddenly felt that the situation was not good, and at the same time that Lu Yu had just made his move, he had already volleyed away with all his strength.

"Meng Yao!"

Hou Wuji let out a roar, and at the same time, he volleyed a palm towards Lu Yu's back, and struck it hard.

Fortunately, although Lu Yu suddenly cast a cold hand, the shoulder that was pierced by Hou Wuji's witch weapon obviously slowed down his speed. Lu Yu's palm was about to touch Chu Mengyao for a moment, and his body shook suddenly. It had already flew out heavily like fallen leaves in the wind, and the force of that palm also deviated from the direction, and hit the city wall with a bang.The force was so strong that a clear five-finger outstretched palm was printed on the thick stone wall, sinking into the stone, half a foot deep.

Lu Yu snorted, and fell heavily to the ground with a bang, his long hair scattered on the ground in a mess.

Chu Mengyao was still in shock, and when she looked back, she saw the palm prints sunken in on the stone wall, which gradually began to solidify into blue ice edges, until the surrounding stones were completely frozen.

Such a powerful water system technique!

Lu Yu slapped Chu Mengyao with his frozen palm, obviously, while causing huge destructive power, it sealed the flow of true energy in her body, and the purpose was to rescue the ink beads from her hands!
The hundreds of warriors of the Piao Miao clan present were in an uproar.

No one expected that this young, low-level martial artist from the Star Continent, whom they regarded as worthless, had already defeated the Piao Miao envoy, who represented the face of the sect, to the point where he could barely stand up with one move.It was before the change of the lunar calendar, when the Piao Miao clan began to intervene in the affairs of the Greedy Wolf Star, they had only heard of the names of the two-star king-level masters Qing Yuan and Wu Wu on the Star Continent, but they never regarded this person named Hou Wuji as young. People put their eyes on him, but after experiencing the scene in front of them, I am afraid that all the warriors of the Piao Miao clan will have to start to focus on him.

Yuan Sheng stood quietly aside. Just a few seconds ago, he saw his envoy's defeat with his own eyes. It was like a slap in the face of the Piao Miao clan. On the floating island, surrounded by hundreds of star god-level warriors, Hou Wuji was able to show off the limelight, which made him unable to calm down anymore.

"This black-armored boy's sorcery is so advanced that he has even reached such a level in the Five Elements Kung Fu! It's incredible!" Yuan Sheng murmured.Even the leader of the human race like him has never seen a descendant of human beings who can be proficient in witchcraft and martial arts at the same time to reach such a level.Even the countless geniuses who emerged during the war of ancient races can only reach the pinnacle in one of the fields after spending their entire lives.

"This kid... what kind of freak is he? Yes... it must be the relic of the secret book found in the tomb of the God of War! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to use the classics stored in the various sects on the Star Continent in a short period of time. In a short period of more than a month, the progress is so rapid!"

Yuan Sheng thought secretly in his heart, but relying on Hou Wuji's palm on Lu Yu, he had already clearly judged that the strength of Hou Wuji had obviously surpassed the nothingness he had invited to the Misty Island, named Xing Wuji. Middle-ranked king, but the actual power has reached the peak of the high-ranked star king!

What is even more frightening and what worries Yuan Sheng most is that just a few hours ago, Hou Wuji had just drank a whole bottle of Blue Spring holy water. Although the energy of the holy water has not been released for the time being, it is stored in the body of the drinker. , once Hou Wuji's cultivation reaches the rank of star gods, he will immediately gain the potential to advance by leaps and bounds!And this point, even for many gifted disciples of the Piao Miao clan, is something that is hard to come by.Such an encounter made Yuan Sheng unavoidably jealous.

The two bottles of red and blue holy water on display in the astrologer's hall had been placed for nearly ten years, and it seemed that they were prepared for Hou Wuji, and they let this kid get his hands on it as soon as they arrived.If it is calculated according to the degree of preciousness, I am afraid that Hou Wuji will not be able to pay back the entire Xuantianzong and the entire Tongtian Peak...

On the ground in the distance, there was a groaning sound, and Lu Yu, who was hit hard by Hou Wuji, struggled and slowly got up from the ground.Just now he wanted to take advantage of others' danger and strike first, but he didn't expect to lift a rock and hit his own foot. Because he struck with all his strength, he didn't even activate the defense of the gang qi, so Hou Wuji's extremely heavy palm was solid. After hitting it, the meridians and viscera of the whole body have been shaken to pieces, and there is no fighting power anymore.Fortunately, he was a realm higher than his opponent after all, so he would not die.

Hou Wuji helped Chu Mengyao over and whispered greetings in her ear to make sure she was not injured.Because Hou Wuji knew that for a star-god-level powerhouse, even if a star-king novice like Chu Mengyao rubbed even a tiny bit, it could be fatal!

Hou Wuji stepped forward, angrily pointed at Yuan Sheng and said:
"Old man in black robe, just now you said how the people of the Piao Miao family are upright and keep their promises, but how can they do such despicable deeds while taking advantage of others! In my opinion, the people of the Piao Miao family claim to be noble, but they are not What a big deal!"

Yuan Sheng's face was ashen, but he didn't say a word to the accusation of this younger boy, as if he didn't bother to argue with it.

At this moment, there was a loud booing sound from the crowd, and immediately afterwards, everyone around couldn't help whispering and discussing in low voices.

When Hou Wuji looked at the crowd in surprise, he suddenly found that the direction they were pointing at was none other than Lu Yu who had just gotten up from the ground with great difficulty.

Hou Wuji followed the gazes of the crowd, and when he saw Lu Yu, whose clothes were disheveled and his long hair was disheveled, he was also stunned.

He saw his burly young man's face covered with dirt due to his heavy fall on the ground, and his unkempt long hair scattered randomly. Through the gaps in those long hairs, he clearly saw that at this moment, one of Lu Yu's eyeballs was Light blue, while the other one has turned dark brown—the same as ordinary people in Star Continent.On his chest, there is still a light blue dye-like liquid...

Lu Yu suddenly heard a burst of emotion from the crowd around him, and immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes fell on him, including Yuan Sheng, Mo Zhu, and even his opponent Hou Wuji.When he realized what was on his body that attracted everyone's attention, his panicked face quickly lowered, feeling ashamed.

" it turns out that the red-robed emissary is of the Star Continent's blood, and his eyeballs are dyed!"

Chu Mengyao pointed at the city gate, and Lu Yu, who was already in a panic, shouted loudly, like a child who exposed a lie.

Hou Wuji suddenly realized something, and quickly made a gesture to Chu Mengyao, signaling her not to make such a publicity and anger the other party.But it was too late, Chu Mengyao would not care about these things.

This loud sentence sprinkled a handful of salt on Lu Yu's bloody wound. Even with his head bowed, Hou Wuji could still see his face trembling and convulsing, as if a mouthful was about to explode. volcano.

In front of hundreds of warriors in Piaomiao City, Hou Wuji could imagine that his vain behavior was exposed in public, what a cruel blow this would be to Lu Yu!For a moment, he felt a little sympathetic to Lu Yu.At the same time, he secretly took precautions, for fear that Lu Yu would lose control for a while and desperately look for himself, or Chu Mengyao would come desperately.

"...Is it really that important to be a member of the Piaomiao clan?" Hou Wuji couldn't help muttering in his heart.Lu Yu's blind worship of the strong family made him feel deeply sad.

More than ten seconds passed, and Lu Yu was still standing there, painfully enduring hundreds of warriors pointing and pointing at him, but he didn't explode, maybe because of Yuan Sheng's presence, no matter how much he felt grief and anger, It is still taken into account.

Hou Wuji stepped forward and said to Yuan Sheng:

"Okay, now the outcome of the decisive battle has been decided, old man Yuan Sheng, you can open the city gate and let us go out!"

Yuan Sheng moved his eyes, nodded, sighed, and said calmly:

"That's right! Hou Wuji, since the number of days is so long, I don't want to defy you. You really won this round, you can leave!"

After hearing this, Chu Mengyao sneered, not to be outdone, and said:

"Hmph! Old man Yuan Sheng, if you lose, you lose. Why are you talking about the number of days! Can the Piao Miao people want to save face like this? In my opinion, you are the shame of the descendants of mankind!"

Hou Wuji quickly stretched out his hand to stop Chu Mengyao. In his opinion, the two were able to escape with great difficulty. If they angered each other, they would go back on their promises and insist on not letting them leave. People, after all, this is their territory, or their lair.

Unexpectedly, Chu Mengyao is a master who is not afraid of anything, so she said loudly:
"What are you afraid of! People from the Piao Miao clan can do it, why don't you let me tell you? Hou Wuji, don't you see that this old man Yuan Sheng made it clear that he did it on purpose. He already knew that Lu Yu was a warrior from his Star Continent. , Sending Lu Yu to fight with us is obviously to let the people of the Star Continent kill each other, and stay out of the matter and watch the show!"

Hou Wuji rushed forward and gave her a hard push, and then gave her a hard look, which made her quiet.Glancing at Yuan Sheng, he saw a gloomy and cold look on the face of the old man in black robe.Obviously, when Chu Mengyao said these words in public, even his old face was slapped severely.

Hou Wuji and Chu Mengyao were heading towards the city gate when suddenly the old man's voice sounded from behind:

"and many more!"

Hou Wuji turned around in horror, his heart pounding, fearing that old man Yuan Sheng would repent.

The black-robed suzerain stepped forward, glanced at Hou Wuji and Chu Mengyao, and said in a low voice, cautiously:

"You two want to leave now? I'm afraid you forgot something?"

Hou Wuji was startled, hesitatingly said:
"What... what?"

A sneer appeared on Yuan Sheng's face, and he took a few steps closer to Hou Wuji, and said softly:

"Hou Wuji, you hijacked Mozhu, pretended to be a servant and followed into the watchtower to inquire about the secrets of my clan. Have you forgotten this as an old man? It's time to return the Maha magic weapon that doesn't belong to you?"

Hou Wuji was startled suddenly, he was only thinking about fighting that Lu Yu just now, and forgot about it for a while.At this moment, Yuan Sheng pointed out that it seems that the Piao Miao clan is also determined to obtain the eighth and ninth magic weapons!

(End of this chapter)

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