The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 596 Advanced 5-Planet Celestial Body

Chapter 596 Advanced Five-Planet Celestial Body

After hearing this, Chu Mengli felt that what Hou Wuji said was reasonable, so she didn't say anything more.The two returned to the place where the Xuantianzong sect was located. After Hou Wuji sent Chu Mengli away, he returned to the Xuantianzong Venerable Hall alone. This is the most critical and confidential place of the entire Tongtian Peak.

After Hou Wuji entered the Venerable Hall, he sent a few inner sect disciples to protect the Dharma outside the door, and signaled to his subordinates that outsiders are not allowed to enter and disturb without his permission.Those few disciples understood by heart, knowing that Hou Wuji's trip must be a great harvest, so they all agreed: "Obey!"Then they respectfully divided the guards on both sides.Hou Wuji stepped into a retreat in the depths of the Venerable Hall.Light a candle.When the room was gradually filled with orange light, I carefully went to the wooden table in front of the lamp, took the pen, ink and scroll, closed my eyes and stared for a moment, and my thoughts entered a kind of extremely focused memory.When he opened his eyes again, he had already picked up a pen and was writing vigorously on the scroll.

"A summary of the five-star celestial body's advanced exercises..."

Hou Wuji carefully recalled the ancient book he got from the astrologer's hall in Misty City. When he sneaked into Misty City, in order not to arouse the suspicion of the masters of Misty Clan because of the loss of the book, he was already outside the East Pavilion. , went through it at a fast speed, and with a super memory, I wrote down the contents of the entire volume word by word. Now that I return to Xuantianzong, the most important thing is to immediately write down the contents of the exercise. Read the content silently.However, if he had known that his identity had been found out because of Lu Yu's appearance, he naturally didn't have to take the trouble to write it down. He might as well just steal the ancient scroll from Misty City instead!Now, after Hou Wuji has silently finished this volume of five-star celestial body cultivation secrets, he still feels a little regretful in his heart.

"I knew that sooner or later I would turn against the Piao Miao clan, so I might as well just get a few more copies of it! Anyway, this group of arrogant and rude people occupy so many ancient human inheritances for nothing, but they live a life of seclusion! Even a bunch of small ominous demons who escaped from the demon mound are terrified! The Piao Miao clan, I don't think so!"

Hou Wuji couldn't help but secretly sneered in his heart.

Although only one cheat book has been obtained from it, for Hou Wuji, this is enough for him to study for a long time!What's more, his ambition is of course far more than a few ancient scrolls. The Star Continent is now in his hands, and his next goal is the land to the west, the floating island...

Hou Wuji took the advanced cheats of the five-star celestial body in his hand and looked at it carefully.He suddenly found that the content and style of writing in this cheat book were exactly the same as the upper half of the Xingchen Jue that he saw when he entered the Xingchen Cave by mistake when he was a child. From this point of view, the upper and lower parts of the cheat book were undoubtedly written by the same person.And this mysterious old man, the top powerhouse in ancient times, is Star Wind!
"Star Wind... Strange! From the entire Star Continent to the Misty Island, almost no master has ever mentioned this name. It stands to reason that for a powerful person who can create such a profound skill as the Star Art, it is like nothingness." How can old monsters like Qingyuan, Yuansheng, and Yuansheng know nothing about it!"

Hou Wuji couldn't help wondering inwardly.After thinking about it, I didn't have a clue, so I simply ignored it.secretly:
"It doesn't matter whether he is the wind of the stars or the rain of the stars, in short, since I, Hou Wuji, happen to have a five-planet celestial body, and fate will hand over the second half of this cheat book to me, it must be a certainty!"

At the moment, regardless of the origin and function of the ancient scroll, he started to practice secretly.

At this moment, the night was already deep, and on the top of Tongtian Peak, most of the disciples had already rested, except for a few Dharma protector disciples who Hou Wuji found were still guarding the door. This is the sect's rule. They have to stay at their posts all the time, if the retreaters don't come out for a day, they can't move for a day, if they don't come out for a year, they have to stay where they are for a year.

Before the blink of an eye, about two hours had passed. Hou Wuji slowly came back to his senses from the exercise and breath adjustment. Unknowingly, the meridians throughout his body were extremely smooth, and there was a slight heat. Under the lamp, the hundred-page secret book was also Already read a third of it.

"How simple..."

Hou Wuji raised one palm and looked at his own palm. On it, there was still the dark red color left when the Five Elements Kung Fu gradually faded away.Like a fiery weapon that has not been extinguished in the furnace.

"Hey! It seems that I, Hou Wuji, only accidentally found the second half of this star art until today, so it may not be a bad thing!" Hou Wuji looked at the volume of cheat books under the lamp that had not yet fully dried, and secretly rejoiced in his heart No, just imagine, if you find it when your strength is weak, you may put all your effort and energy on it. Instead, because the starting point is too low, you will get half the result with half the effort and waste time in vain.With the top-grade nine-tailed spirit fox, the four ancient witch weapons, and even the blood essence of the alien monsters, there is no doubt that all these have given Hou Wuji a foothold to see all the mountains and small things. Therefore, when practicing the lower half of the advanced five-star celestial body, it is almost effortless...

And all these reactions in his body undoubtedly indicated that his physique had been further strengthened.The meridian potential of the Five Elements Kung Fu is further improved, just like a ship, suddenly its capacity and its skeleton have been doubled several times, with the body of an ordinary human low-level warrior, it can carry more than the entire Greedy Wolf Star. powerful energy.

"It's no wonder that people from the Piaomiao family also use the Tiangong footwork, much faster than me. Presumably, the potential of the five elements in their bodies is several levels stronger than the fighters of the Star Continent. From this point of view, when I introduce this After completing the cultivation of the fifth-level celestial body secret book, I think it will be no worse than them!" Hou Wuji thought to himself, very happy for his progress.

"Hmph! The Piao Miao clan... descendants of humans... I, Hou Wuji, can prove to them that there is no such thing as the noble blood of the descendants of the so-called ancient human heroes, and they can still have their strength! Old man Yuan Sheng, just wait and see!" Hou Wuji secretly said in his heart.He couldn't help but think of the scene of Lu Yu who was defeated by him at the gate of Misty City that day, feeling ashamed.

Lu Yu may be really talented, but...he admired the noble blood, never thought that even as an ordinary warrior in the Star Continent, he could rely on his continuous efforts to reach the realm that is not weaker than the Piao Miao clan!

Hou Wuji couldn't help sighing, feeling a little sorry for what happened to Lu Yu.At the moment, Hou Wuji looked out of the window, there was still some time before dawn, anyway, since he accidentally drank a whole bottle of blue spring holy water with extremely powerful medicinal effects in Misty City, he felt that he seemed to have something useful Endless energy, even in the middle of the night, still not a bit sleepy.So, I simply picked up the five-star celestial body cheat book on the table again, examined it carefully, and decided to strike while the iron was hot and practice it for a few hours.He knew that the sooner he could surpass Star King and advance to the rank of Star God, the sooner he could truly be on an equal footing with the generals of Piao Miao clan and compete with each other.

After a few hours.Outside the window, there is already a bright morning light shining in.Hou Wuji slowly straightened up from the long meditation and stretched his waist, but unexpectedly, the heavy wooden table in front of him made a roar and moved a little bit just by such an inadvertent stretch of his body .And the candles on the table were also extinguished.

This scene startled Hou Wuji a lot, thinking that there was some invisible ghost sneaking into the house while he was concentrating on cultivation.When he finally figured out that all of this was formed after his five-element internal qi had been greatly improved, and it was a little difficult to control for a while, and then spread into the air, he couldn't help but feel a little at a loss.

Hou Wuji quickly stretched out his arms and rolled up his sleeves. When his eyes were fixed on his arms, he could almost feel the faint flow of the Five Elements True Qi under the skin and flesh.

"It's incredible!"

Hou Wuji muttered to himself.

Now, his body is like a pond that has vacated a huge space, impatiently waiting for the infusion of endless true energy...

On the crooked wooden table, most of the secret book written silently in the dark has been turned over, and the last third of the content is left.According to this speed, it only takes another day for Hou Wuji to complete them completely.

Finishing the second half of the advanced volume of Xingchen Jue overnight... This sounds a bit unbelievable, if Hou Wuji hadn't experienced it himself, he would not have believed it.

Hou Wuji put away the secret book on the table, and walked out of the Venerable Hall confidently.Outside the door, the two inner disciples were already extremely sleepy after standing guard all night, holding their long swords and dozing lightly. Seeing Hou Wuji coming out, they quickly cheered up and stood upright.

"While my venerable is in seclusion, is there any disciple to report something important?" Hou Wuji asked seriously.

The two disciples turned around, bowed together, and replied respectfully:

"Report to your lord, only a few disciples from the inner sect who were sent to the Wuji Sect in the Heming Valley came to report back, saying that your lord sent them to search for another Qingyunhe relic, and they searched for it with the disciples of the Wuji Sect for a long time. , but nothing has been obtained, and this time I returned to the clan and returned to my life, I just wanted to plead guilty to the venerable..."

Hou Wuji waved his hand, smiled lightly and said:

"No need! The Qingyun Crane is an extremely rare item in the Star Continent. At the beginning, I estimated that I would have to deal with the forces of the Sea of ​​the Setting Sun and the Misty Island in the future, so I needed more flying mounts. Now it seems... "

The two first disciples wondered:
"Could it be that His Majesty means...that it is unnecessary now? The five major sects of the Star Continent no longer cross the Blade's Edge Mountain to communicate with the Piao Miao clan?"

Hou Wuji laughed and said:
"No! On the contrary, not only do we have to associate with Misty Island and Misty City, but one day, we have to live in them!"

When the two disciples heard it, they were both surprised and happy. Hou Wuji's bold words made them feel a little uneasy. They saw that Hou Wuji had practiced in seclusion all night without any sign of fatigue, and said happily:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, this trip to Misty Island has won a treasure, and your strength has greatly increased!"

Hou Wuji shook his head, thoughtfully said:

"The's far from being obtained! Up to now, the biggest treasure on the entire Greedy Wolf Star is not a magic weapon or a supreme skill, but a wandering soul!"

"Wandering soul?"

The two disciples looked at each other, not knowing why.However, it is inconvenient for Hou Wuji to elaborate with them at this moment, and instead said:

"Go, pass my order, all the inner sect disciples of the five major sects of the Star Continent, go to the Broken Star Cliff in the Western Region together, build a line of defense on the front line of the Blade's Edge Mountain Range, and stick to it!"

The two disciples were shocked when they heard this, and said:

"Honorable One, is it possible...we are going to start a war with the Piao Miao family?"

Hou Wuji thought for a moment, then murmured:

"The war is about to break out, but it is not in the Star Continent, but we have to take precautions. As for the enemy, it may be the Piao Miao clan, but it is more likely to be a monster..."

Those two disciples saw that when Hou Wuji mentioned monsters, their faces were quite solemn and serious, and they knew in their hearts that the enemy this time was by no means an ordinary person. The human battlefield is either the demon world or the dark underground tomb, but this time, it has come to the Star Continent instead.Although it is far away in the Western Regions, it is still possible to affect the Central Plains.

So the two didn't ask any more questions, and took the order.

(End of this chapter)

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