The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 601 Reappearance of the Law

Chapter 601 Reappearance of the Law
In the distance, the vicious demons under the Demon Emperor and the generals of Misty City are engaged in a bloody fight.Relying on the erratic hand shadows of these invisible spirit substances, those originally invincible star god level five element powerhouses have not encountered the most severe challenge until now.The powerful members of the Piao Miao clan, after a millennium of peaceful times, it is obvious that these younger generations who think highly of themselves are much weaker than the ferocious demons who survived the catastrophe of the race war thousands of years ago.Although the physical body is gone, it is only the soul of the ferocious demons. These evil ferocious demons who have concentrated their grievances for thousands of years in the dark underground of the demon tomb are extremely ferocious and cruel.

Soon, the generals of the Piao Miao clan were killed in battle, and their huge bodies rolled down from the griffin mounts they were riding on.On the side, Lu Yu, who was already exhausted from the battle, was already stunned. It seemed that he had never imagined that he might be intercepted and killed by the Demon Emperor this time, and it turned out to be so dangerous.Those usually majestic generals who are good at land combat have become so vulnerable!
"Ignorant humans! Give up! You are no match for this king!"

In the middle of the air, that group of illusory and misty voices sounded low and low.Now, only four or five of the nearly twenty generals brought by Mo Zhu and Lu Yu are left, and most of them have been seriously injured. The blood that is constantly dripping in the air has dyed the air into a red mist...

Behind Lu Yu, an old man with a thin body huddled in a wide robe stepped forward, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Let's get out of here quickly! According to the old man, as long as there is a demon king in the formation, the reaction speed and ferocity of these ancient fierce demons are far beyond our expectations! The younger brother of the extraterrestrial Tianlong is really not that good. Deal with it! If you stay, you will have to finish playing sooner or later!"

Lu Yu shook his head.Of course he knew who said this, it was Jia Chengxian who couldn't even keep his sect and fled to Misty City together with nothingness.Since the two secretly colluded together, Lu Yu admired the scheming of this black and thin old man, but Jia Chengxian was different from Lu Yu. He had no beliefs, no pursuits, only selfish desires and ambitions.In Jia Chengxian's view, it doesn't matter to him who he goes to or what kind of strong man he relies on as long as he has his life left. It doesn't matter whether the other party is right or wrong, as long as he is strong, he will submit and obey!

"No! I can't run away. This task... I begged the Suzerain to give me the task. If I just run away... I will never return to Misty City!"

Lu Yu murmured.In his heart, although he knew that the suzerain used this arduous task of narrowly dying to test himself, but he wanted to be a real member of the Piaomiao clan and get the approval of the suzerain and those clansmen in the city, so he had to bite the bullet and persevere.

Behind him, the old and treacherous old man laughed coldly, and said contemptuously:
"Hey! Lu Yu, you still want to be a real member of the Piao Miao family? The old man Yuan Sheng is willing to let Mo Zhu come with you, so he must have secretly sent someone to protect and follow him. He hasn't shown up until now, don't you? Haven't you noticed yet? The Piaomiao clan only care about the life and death of their own clan members. As for you, who have abandoned their race, the last-rate martial artist in the Star Continent in their eyes has never been taken seriously by them...Let's take a look , Mo Zhu is now protected by Hou Wuji, and the Piao Miao clan's secret protection team will not appear!"

Lu Yu's heart was disturbed by Jia Chengxian's provocative words for a moment. There is no doubt that what Jia Chengxian said was reasonable, and these words hit a sore spot in his heart...

The humble bloodline on his body made him feel miserable!

In a blink of an eye, I looked at the Qingyun Crane on which Hou Wuji and his teammates were riding. Now, Mo Zhu was sitting safely beside Hou Wuji, one in front and one behind, protected by two wizards, and Mo Zhu was not a hair. lossless.This scene made Lu Yu, the envoy who was ordered to protect Mo Zhu, feel jealous.

"But... I gave up the mission, and I can't return to Misty City... We have nowhere to go..."

Lu Yu's heart began to shake a little.

Behind him, the old man wrapped in robes was silent for a while. Of course, this was not hesitation. For Jia Chengxian, there was never any hesitation. It was just that he was brewing emotions and was about to tell Lu Yu a bold idea.

Sure enough, Jia Chengxian leaned forward, took a step closer to Lu Yu's ear, and said slowly in a very soft and low voice:

"The world is so big, the strong are respected, Lu Yu. You have also seen the power of the demon emperor. Although there is only a wisp of spirit, the force field he opened has already made the dozens of ancient fierce demons around him stronger." It has increased by ten times. The Great Maelstrom is right next to it, and the Soul of the God of War is already in the hands of the Demon Emperor. In my old opinion, it is better to simply abandon the Piao Miao clan and join the Demon Emperor..."

"What?! You..."

The words of the old man behind him were like an ice ridge piercing his back, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Betraying the Piaomiao clan... Joining the Monster Beast clan... Betraying the clan and clan... No!This is absolutely impossible!

Behind him, the old man seemed to have guessed his thoughts. Before Lu Yu could refute, Jia Chengxian sneered and said lightly:

"What's the matter...Lu Yu,'s not the first time you have betrayed your blood and race! Hehe!"

Lu Yu naturally knew what Jia Chengxian meant. Obviously, it meant that he was hunted down by the five major sects of Star Continent, escaped from the mainland, and became a member of Misty City.

The two were plotting, and on the other side, the battle between Hou Wuji and his teammates and fierce monsters had reached a fever pitch.Relying on the power of the four ancient witch weapons, he emitted streaks of golden light in his hand, repeatedly hitting the erratic black shadow in the sky.There was only a squeak, and the groups of fierce demons representing the ancient evil forces were instantly wiped out... The spirits of these fierce demons who escaped from the demon mound were the ones who were attacked by the four ancient witch weapons. □, it was only after Hou Wuji collected the energy of the four major witch weapons that they escaped by taking advantage of the change of the sun. Now, it is their destiny to fall into the hands of human warriors with the power of the four major witch weapons again!
And behind Hou Wuji, the rumored "twelve-day wizard" Murong Feng was also fighting vigorously.Countless days and nights of assiduous retreat and hard work have not been in vain. Murong Feng has brought out his talent in magic arts to the extreme.The Twelve Day Wizard has become a real wizard with intermediate power.That nickname is no longer a badge of ridicule!It became an affirmation of his talent and sweat!

The master and the apprentice kept sending out long-range witch weapons, hitting dozens of fierce demons so that they dare not approach for a while, and even if some crazy souls of the fierce demons squeezed close, they were already sitting with Mo Zhu. Chu Mengli fought back one by one.The three of them joined forces far and near, and achieved an incomparably tacit success.

And all of this has already attracted the attention of the ethereal figure of the Demon Emperor in the midair.

On the side of the battlefield where everyone was fighting, in the place where the water surface was surging rapidly, the appearance of the vortex became more and more powerful.The extended area has already reached tens of feet wide, and the vertical black hole split in the center of the vortex has also become extremely deep, like a tunnel leading directly to the ground.At the same time, at the end of the sponge of the setting sun, the sea water was almost completely stirred up. Those generals who were torn into pieces, as well as the corpses of flying mounts, were constantly drawn into the center of the vortex, and even the white mist in the air, It was also constantly being sucked into the deep black hole.

"The Soul of the God of War will appear soon!"

Behind Hou Wuji, Mo Zhu pointed to the vortex that was roaring like a beast and said loudly.

Obviously, this phenomenon was also recognized by the Demon Emperor in mid-air.

The warriors on the back of Qingyunhe from the Star Continent, which he hadn't considered at all before, turned out to be the one that killed the most fierce demons under him.This had to impress him.

"Little ones, let's go together, and destroy that damned human wizard team as quickly as possible... Huh! They have played such a trick in 1000 years, and today it is unexpected!"

In the air, the deep and cold voice could no longer maintain his arrogant and calm posture, and instead became irritable and roared through gritted teeth.

With an order, countless black shadows screamed and rushed towards Hou Wuji and his teammates. They spread their black wings, exposed their white sharp fangs, and crazily delivered a final blow to Hou Wuji and the teammates behind them. .

Hou Wuji did not dare to be ambiguous at all, and launched a fierce counterattack with his apprentice and senior sister.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and on the surface of the sea at the end of the sunset sea, the turbulent momentum of the maelstrom gradually reached its peak at the same time.The entire sea has become like a boiling furnace.The turbulent waves formed by the huge vortex caused a sudden hurricane above the sea. Under Hou Wuji's body, the Qingyun Crane kept screaming. If it wasn't for its extremely strong and light body, it would have been blown off by the strong wind at this moment , fell into the rapidly spinning sea water.

Suddenly, at the center of the great vortex, the roaring sound stopped abruptly.It was like the sudden silence before a volcanic eruption.The Yaohuang, Hou Wuji, Mo Zhu, Lu Yu and others all looked at the deep crack in the center of the vortex in unison.

A moment later, a dazzling green light, like a lamp in the darkness, slowly rose from the deep black hole, getting brighter and bigger.And when it finally fully rose from it, everyone saw the silhouette of an extremely tall warrior in full armor, wearing a pointed helmet and holding a long sword, slowly soaring into the air.Judging from his sharp facial features and figure, he is undoubtedly a human being!To be more precise, it is a hero who has extremely strong bones and physique like the warriors of the Piaomiao clan!It is the ancestors of those Piaomiao warriors!
"The soul of the God of War has appeared!"

On the sea not far away, Hou Wuji and all his teammates exclaimed in unison.Beside him, Lu Yu and Jia Chengxian also saw the scene in front of them, their eyes were full of greed, both excited and admired.

"The soul of the God of War! It belongs to this king!"

In mid-air, there was a roar like a beast.Immediately afterwards, a huge darkness like a dark cloud shrouded the top, as if a vast land was descending on everyone's heads.

When Hou Wuji and his teammates looked up into the sky, they saw four strong and sharp claws piercing down like a mountain peak under a pair of huge black wings without skin and flesh.It was the shadow of a huge black dragon. Although it was only the wandering soul of the Demon Emperor, its size was huge enough to shock everyone's hearts!
Hou Wuji and Chu Mengli looked at each other, and they immediately understood.One of them picked up a spiritual creature on his back, and at the same time threw it towards the demon emperor who was falling vertically in the air.

The demon king's bone spear and green bamboo stick, against the huge black shadow of the demon king, looked extremely small, like flying needles.Ten steps away from the demon emperor, the two spiritual objects collided and merged into one place. Suddenly, a golden light appeared, and the white bone spear and the green bamboo staff quickly merged into one.Send out a burst of light that directly illuminates the sky and the earth like daytime.

The black dragon demon emperor was just about to stretch out a pair of sharp claws and tear the Qingyun Crane that Hou Wuji and his teammates were sitting on to pieces when he suddenly saw two black weapons flying towards him. The one-piece white bone spear emitted a breathtaking light, which made him subconsciously cover his eyes with a wing before he reacted suddenly.

"Tianlong's backbone?! Unexpectedly, you little human beings even stole the demon king's personal weapon! Haha...haha! Great! Great!"

In the middle of the air, the Black Dragon Demon King suddenly let out a series of incomparably crazy laughter, which shook the air around him and made his ears buzz.

After the strong golden light of the Tianlong spine fused with the green bamboo staff shone, an illusory light with a square shape like a door began to flicker faintly, like a sharp blade of time and space. And the special space comes out.

"The law of space..."

The Demon Emperor was shocked by the illusory alien space that appeared in front of him.He didn't expect at all that this young human warrior, who was not as big as one of his own claws, would actually use his brother's spine to activate abilities that were far from his own.

(End of this chapter)

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