The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 605 The End of the Traitor

Chapter 605 The End of the Traitor

There was only a sizzling sound, the light of the witch weapon that used up all the spiritual energy of Jia Chengxian's life had already sunk firmly into the target's head, and he didn't even have time to utter a cry.Jia Chengxian naturally knew what a powerful character Yuan Sheng was. He only had one chance to sneak up on him from behind.

This scene made Jia Chengxian feel unbelievably happy!

"Successful?!...I didn't expect it to be so easy!"

An excited thought flashed through Jia Chengxian's mind.

When his feet landed on the ground, his whole body trembled, and the robe on his body fell to the ground. Under the orange flame, it revealed the most common Taoist robe and hair bun for warriors in the Star Continent. On both sides of the mouth, there were long gray hairs. The mixed beard trembled slightly in the air heated by the hot molten iron.

"Hahahaha! Old man Yuansheng! Unexpectedly, you also have today. When you lured wolves into the house and took in the three survivors of the Broken Star Sect, you deserve to be rewarded today! It’s a waste of you sitting on such a big, prosperous and strong castle, but not You want to make progress, and for thousands of years, you only think about living a life of seclusion, hehe! You are not worthy of being in charge of the Piaomiao clan. In my opinion, it is much better to leave it to the old man to take care of it! Haha!"

"Jia Chengxian, it's not exactly what you said!"

On the edge of the melting pot, the black-robed suzerain who turned his back on Jia Chengxian suddenly asked a hoarse question.This burst of sound made Jia Chengxian's heart tremble, almost screaming, his back felt chills, and the long sword in his hand was subconsciously clenched.It was as if a ferocious beast that he thought had been killed suddenly came back to life, catching him off guard.

However, Jia Chengxian's panic was not without reason, because from the reply of the black-robed suzerain, he was extremely shocked to find that the other party's tone was calm and unhurried, without any sense of weakness after being traumatized by the great primordial spirit.

"You...Yuan Sheng, don't bluff, force yourself to be calm! You hit the Baihui critical point on the back of your head with a blow from my full-strength witch weapon, and your primordial spirit disappeared. Even if you have great abilities, you are still useless at this moment. I think you'd better be obedient and grab it!"

Jia Chengxian forced himself to act intimidating, to embolden himself, and shouted loudly.As he spoke, he couldn't wait to rush forward, and began to search the body of the black-robed old man, looking for the Maha magic weapon.

However, just as the black and thin Jia Chengxian took a step, a foot suspended in the air suddenly froze as if petrified, and he was stunned.

Because, just five steps away, the black-robed old man in front of him had turned around abruptly. However, what appeared in front of him was not the old man with a bushy beard, Yuan Sheng, but a young man in black armor. For me, it lingers like a nightmare and is extremely familiar.

"Hou... Hou Wuji! You are not dead yet!"

Jia Chengxian stared with a pair of small triangular eyes as big as a fist, trembling all over his body, pointing tremblingly at the opposite one with one finger.

Hou Wuji gave him a contemptuous sneer, and flung his arm violently, throwing the disguised black robe on his body into the abyss behind him.

"Hmph! Old thief Jia, if you die, I, Hou Wuji, will never die! What?...Surprised, aren't you? Do you really think that people from the Piao Miao clan are so easy to fool? Sect Master Yuan Sheng looked at Mo Zhu As important as her own daughter, how could it be so easy for her to put herself in danger. The ones who went to the end of the setting sun sea to find the soul of the god of war, besides Lu Yu and Mo Zhu in Mingli, had another branch secretly protecting them. Sea water, could it be that he wanted my life, Hou Wuji! Haha, you are thinking too simply!"

Jia Chengxian's conspiracy was seen through in person, his distorted old face turned red and white, extremely gloomy, he gritted his teeth and said angrily:
"It turned out that I also thought that Yuan Sheng had another man secretly protecting him, but after the Soul of the God of War came into the world, things happened in a hurry... Unexpectedly, in the end, you guys took advantage of the loophole!"

Hou Wuji strode forward, pressing Jia Chengxian step by step, pointed at him angrily, and shouted loudly:
"Jia Chengxian, you have used traps to harm people all your life, and this time, you have finally fallen into others' traps! Fortunately, you are greedy. If you don't covet the treasures of the suzerain, you may have slipped away by now. I, Hou Wuji Make sure you covet the Maha Magical Treasure on Sect Master Yuansheng, and it is here specially waiting for you! Now, your road has come to an end!"

"Hmph! Boy surnamed Hou, it's hard to say who will come to an end!"

Jia Chengxian roared viciously, and swiped two or three sword qi away.These three sword qis did not come directly at Hou Wuji's body. Jia Chengxian naturally knew that he had already been abolished by the Void Sect Master a few years ago to abolish the potential of the five elements and was expelled from the gate wall. , if this sword energy hits Hou Wuji, with Hou Wuji's star-god-level defensive power, it will naturally be like scratching an itch. His three sword energy are sent out at a very close distance, but every move is aimed at Hou Wuji. The stone ground at the foot of the Promise.Hou Wuji reacted quickly, the three strands of sword energy had just touched the ground, and they had already used their body skills, soaring into the air, with a crash under their feet, the entire field of stones was cut off by the sword energy, and fell into the fiery abyss.

Taking advantage of these three strokes, Jia Chengxian knew that he was far from being Hou Wuji's opponent with his current strength, so he wanted to run away immediately.Hou Wuji had expected this for a long time, an afterimage flashed out in the air, like a meteor lightning, his body flickered, he had already blocked Jia Chengxian's way, and intercepted him first.

Jia Chengxian was startled, the current Hou Wuji was far from the fledgling rookie boy in the secret realm of Guizong back then, his every move and thought had been fully observed, and he couldn't help being horrified.With a long sword in his hand, he was ready to fight to the death.Just about to throw it, a voice suddenly came from a distance:
"Uncle Master..."

Jia Chengxian and Hou Wuji looked subconsciously, and only a dozen steps away, Lin Aotian, who was dressed in rags, was staring blankly at the confronting two people! His chest was heaving and heaving, panting heavily, Obviously, it took him a lot of effort to get rid of the team of armored generals who had been lured away by him.

When Jia Chengxian saw Lin Aotian, he hurriedly said loudly:
"It's just in time! Aotian! It just so happened that our deadly enemy appeared. Our master, uncle and nephew are two against one, just in time to break up with Hou Wuji, come on! What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

Hou Wuji looked at the two of them contemptuously, and shouted angrily:
"Jia Chengxian, don't bluff! Judging from your current strength, you know very well that whether it is compared to witchcraft or the five elements, the two of you combined are not one-tenth of mine. I replaced the suzerain just now. At the time of Yuan Sheng, I had already made an agreement with him. Now, the outside of the melting pot has been tightly surrounded by star god-level generals of the Piao Miao clan, and not even a fly can fly out! You two, this time has already Become a turtle in a urn, hard to fly! If you are sensible, you can catch it without a fight, and obediently hand it over to the suzerain, otherwise, if you really make a move, you have no chance of winning!"

Hou Wuji's icy words have completely defeated Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian's psychological defense, and cut off even the slightest plan to escape in their hearts.

In the darkness, Jia Chengxian's eyes were already bloodshot with anger, and he no longer spoke any more provocative or sophistry words.

"Lin Aotian, Jia Chengxian just wanted to give him a back seat before he died, I advise you to distinguish between the strong and not to perish with him!" Hou Wuji pointed to Lin Aotian and shouted majestically.

Lin Aotian looked at the two of them tremblingly, for a moment, the hand stretched out to the scimitar at his waist suddenly retracted.Now, facing Hou Wuji's majesty and Jia Chengxian's instigation and provocation, he wavered for a while and was at a loss.On the one hand, he is well aware of Jia Chengxian's insidiousness, cunning and meanness. On the other hand, he has repeatedly fought against Hou Wuji, and has already formed a deep hatred. Even if he surrenders, he may not be able to survive. The level of the incomparable Piaomiao clan.


A short distance away, the black and thin old man suddenly uttered a sharp howl like a ghost, and raised his sword to stab at Hou Wuji. At the same time, the hand that was not holding the sword also uttered several gray streaks. Witch light.However, because he mistakenly thought that Hou Wuji was Yuan Sheng just now, he had already mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body to launch a desperate blow. Now the little light in Jia Chengxian's hand has become as faint as transparent, incomplete, and powerful. nothing.

Even at a very short distance, and the Five Elements sword energy and the witch weapon were emitted at the same time, Hou Wuji was not in a hurry, and with a light wave of his hand, he had already resolved Jia Chengxian's several attacks without a trace. With a strong talent for witchcraft, when Jia Chengxian sent a fatal blow to the back of his head just now, it was impossible for him to completely neutralize the opponent's attack.When Jia Chengxian rushed towards Hou Wuji with the witch weapon, he had already prepared a fatal blow, but he wanted to die with Hou Wuji, but he was far from worthy.

The instant before the body of the black and thin old man collided with Hou Wuji, there was a bang on Hou Wuji's body, and a cyan shield of strong aura had already risen in response.A frightened look flashed across Jia Chengxian's desperate old eyes.Of course, he could tell from the attributes of this aura shield that the nine-tailed spirit fox in Hou Wuji's body had also advanced to the highest level, and the defensive shield he released instantly turned his thoughts of dying together into bubbles...

Sure enough, with the flash of the thick air shield, Jia Chengxian's body was instantly bounced off like a balloon, and was once again attracted by the strong gravitational force.Jia Chengxian saw that the attack was ineffective, and when he was about to forcibly retreat and use footwork to dodge his body, he realized that he was no longer able to do what he wanted, and his whole body was firmly attracted to the air shield like a magnet.

A frightened and absent-minded light flashed in Jia Chengxian's cloudy old eyes, as if he realized that the end was approaching...

This is a real look of panic and fear, in the eyes of this old man who has always been cunning and cunning, this is the first time Hou Wuji sees it.

In an instant, Hou Wuji's thoughts flashed through the countless scenes in the past. They were all scenes of confrontation and face-to-face with Jia Chengxian. Now, all these have come to their due end...

There was a huge muffled sound that shook through the underground forging workshop, like a mountain rock cracking and a muffled thunder exploding.Hou Wuji's whole body was full of true energy, and a powerful force like a storm came out. In an instant, the black and thin old man's body, which was absorbed on the blue spiritual energy shield, was like a fallen leaf in a strong wind. After flying away, it didn't even have time to let out a muffled groan.Behind the shadowy old man is the air that is getting brighter and hotter.


Behind Hou Wuji, Lin Aotian screamed hysterically, and then, a young man in a long robe with a scimitar on his waist flew towards the old man's out-of-control body.

Above the huge furnace, the fire was so bright that it was extremely bright. The powerful hot wind lifted the robes of the two people high. Under the reflection of the extremely bright fire, the bodies of Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian turned into two black bodies that were as small as dust. point.

Hou Wuji was startled, and subconsciously took a few steps forward, his throat moved, as if he wanted to make a sound, but he didn't say it.Above the huge abyssal furnace, the black shadows of the two have begun to fall vertically rapidly.

Standing on the edge of the big melting furnace, Hou Wuji looked down, only to see the crimson molten iron tumbling like sea waves, exuding incomparably hot energy like the sun, almost burning the air between heaven and earth, everything They are all in a dazzling light, engulfing everything without a trace...


Hou Wuji raised his head and let out a long breath.It took only two or three minutes before and after, and under the sudden turnaround, the two mortal enemies who had been against him for several years were finally submerged in the boundless flames of this millennium melting pot.For those two sinful and dark souls, this cannot but be said to be a merciful purification and destination...

If it was when he was in Star Continent before, Hou Wuji would be ecstatic, completely at ease, and rest easy from now on. However, the situation is very different now. He knows that the demise of Jia Chengxian and Lin Aotian is nothing more than A small passage, waiting for oneself, will be an even more powerful enemy and an unpredictable fate!Don't allow him to take too long a breath.

Behind him, there was a sound of rustling footsteps, mixed with the slight sound of metal armor colliding.

(End of this chapter)

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