The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 608 Cracks in the Soul Realm

Chapter 608 Cracks in the Soul Realm
Time passed day by day, and the lights in the astrology building in Misty City were brightly lit all night.Now, more than a dozen warlock elders of the entire astrology family are studying information about the ancient alien world soul world all night long.Now, all the astrologers and elders in Misty City are under the command of Mozhu, and she herself has been sticking to her post, constantly reading all the books in the hall.For even an astrological genius like Mo Zhu, in order to accurately obtain the crack in the soul world, one must first use astrology to find the general position and geographical location, and then use the divining tortoise shell to deduce the most detailed location.

The junction between this small world and the big world is often very hidden, and after thousands of years of energy dissipation, the cracks have become extremely narrow.This brought greater difficulty to the calculations of the astrologers of the Piao Miao family.

What's even worse is that the defected emissary, Lu Yu, had already taken away a large part of the relevant information before leaving Misty City.If it weren't for the large number of astrologers remaining in the Piao Miao clan, even if it took decades, they might not be able to find the results they wanted.

Chu Mengli has been sent back to the Star Continent.Now, most of the disciples of the five major sects have gathered in the area of ​​Blade's Edge Mountain, relying on the natural danger of Blade's Edge Mountain, they are always on guard against the infiltration and invasion of the monster clan.After the mysterious treasure of war in the demon mound appeared, the strength of the disciples of the five major sects had greatly increased, but compared to those fierce demons in ancient times, they still seemed relatively weak.Chu Mengli was the most suitable candidate to lead the disciples of the five major sects this time.There, Chu Mengyao, He Lanxun and the others were already waiting for her at Broken Star Cliff.

However, Hou Wuji couldn't leave Misty City for the time being. First, he had to stay by Mo Zhu's side all the time. Once the results related to the soul world were reached, the two of them decided to leave immediately without any delay. It was a moment earlier than the Demon Emperor. moment.Second, with Maha on his body now, Yuan Sheng didn't want him to leave easily alone.

While Mo Zhu was studying those ancient volumes day and night, the bored Hou Wuji also picked up those voluminous volumes and read them.Originally, for martial artists like Hou Wuji in the Star Continent, it was absolutely forbidden to touch the books of astrologers, but the situation is very different now. Therefore, no one dared to stop them. What's more, these are all books about prediction, and the five elements and witchcraft are not involved, so Mo Zhu and other astrological elders did not go there. Never mind him.

On the tenth day, Mo Zhu and the astrologers finally made decisive progress in their research.

Soon, Hou Wuji took his apprentice Murong Feng, together with Mo Zhu, and under the personal escort of the suzerain Yuan Sheng, opened the city gate and went out.This time, the suzerain ordered people to choose the fastest flying mount, and sent ten carefully selected military generals with the strongest levels to accompany them.At the same time, Yuan Sheng told everyone to go and return quickly. After entering the soul world, retrieve the soul core as quickly as possible. If you encounter the Demon Emperor and his subordinates, you don't have to fight, and retreat to the Misty City to resist together.

The group quickly left Misty Island and headed towards the Eastern Blade Mountains.

According to the speculation of the astrologers, the thousand-year-old crack leading to the soul world should be in the most remote corner of the Blade's Edge Mountain, next to the Sea of ​​the Setting Sun.

But after a day and a night, everyone stopped in the desert of Blade's Edge Mountain.After landing, looking around, everyone was in a daze. In this piece of Gobi in the Blade's Edge Mountains, it was extremely empty and endless. It seemed that no piece of scenery was exactly the same, and when the wind blew past, the wind and sand were so strong that it was almost unbearable. Open your eyes.Not to mention looking for clues from geographical indications, it is extremely difficult to identify the location.

Hou Wuji tightly held Mo Zhu, the purple-robed girl, for fear that if she let go of her slender body, she would be blown away by the strong wind. The two of them searched in the desert for a long time, but found nothing. According to the information obtained from the ancient book, everyone headed towards the direction of a huge boulder.

After reaching the stone formation, Hou Wuji and his teammates stopped for a while.Mo Zhu has already pulled out the divine divination tortoise shell from his bosom, and gently attached his palm to it.

A moment later, Mo Zhu led the crowd straight forward and came to a place of ruins.

Hou Wuji looked around carefully, and saw many collapsed buildings buried half deep and half shallow under the surface. The carvings and patterns on them looked very ancient, but judging from the patterns of the totems and statues, it seemed that It is not a thing of the human race, and secretly said in his heart:

"This place clearly looked like it used to be a majestic temple, and for some reason it collapsed for so long. Judging by the sturdiness of those pillars, it is obvious that it cannot be easily subdued by ordinary natural forces. In this way, when It was deliberately done by a powerful manpower that looks down on the world... The entrance to the soul world is related to the ruins of this ancient temple, which is reasonable." What surprised him even more was that the pattern of this temple, It is quite similar to a certain one I saw in the ancient volumes of the Astrology Building, but what is described in the book is its original appearance when it was complete.

Just as he was about to ask Mo Zhu what happened, when he looked around in a blink of an eye, he suddenly saw Mo Zhu standing in the middle of the ruins and thinking, with an anxious expression on his face.He rushed over to ask her why, but heard her say:

"Strange! According to the divination and tortoise shell, the crack in the soul world should be near the ruins of this temple. Usually, at the junction of the small world and the big world, there is light emitted by energy dissipation. , the energy of the light may be reduced, but it shouldn't disappear completely. I searched carefully for a long time just now, but there is no sign of it... Could it be that... the divine divination tortoise shell also made mistakes?"

Hou Wuji was startled, and suddenly remembered that when he was deceived by Jia Chengxian and went to the small foreign world outside Xuanzhou City, he was close to the entrance, and he, who was proficient in witchcraft, had already sensed it. The skill cultivation has already far exceeded that of the past. If the entrance of the soul world is really nearby, I am afraid that I have already sensed it.This is a special ability of all wizards.

Suddenly, a boy's voice sounded from behind,

"The Divine Divination Tortoise Shell can't be wrong! Looking at it from below, this gap in the soul world may have been deliberately closed by someone!"

Hou Wuji and Mo Zhu turned their eyes together, and the person who said this was Murong Feng.

Mo Zhu's face froze, as if he suddenly understood something.He sighed heavily and said:

"What do you mean, apprentice... Could it be that the Demon Emperor has already taken the first step and entered the Soul Realm?"

Hou Wuji looked at Murong Feng, and thought to himself: You can't recite time like this?Is the ability of the demon emperor really so powerful?The astrologers of the entire Piao Miao family spent ten days and ten nights with great effort, and the result they got was not as good as his light move?
"The entrance to the soul world is a natural law of the heavens. Even the Demon King has no ability to close it without authorization, but... he can cover it with magic, so that others cannot find it... But right now, we How can we see through his blindfold?"

A group of people are at a loss.Hou Wuji pondered for a moment, the pattern of the ruins of the temple aroused his memory of casually reading those ancient volumes a few days ago, after a long time, his heart suddenly brightened, and a burst of joy was beyond words.He hurriedly took out the crimson and brilliant pearl and jade necklace from his bosom.

Mo Zhu saw Hou Wuji took out his belongings at a glance, his face was startled, he didn't know what Hou Wuji wanted to do.Just when he was about to ask, he saw Hou Wuji staring at the ruby ​​necklace in a daze, and murmured:
"The secret of the astrologers family, you can try it now!"

"What are you talking about... a family heirloom of the astrologer... this is a mystery that the elders of the entire Piao Miao clan can't figure out for a while..."

Hou Wuji also ignored her.Going straight to the center of the ruins of the temple, he held the red jade necklace tightly in his hands. After a long time, a burst of light blue spiritual fire slowly rose from Hou Wuji's palm.

When Mo Zhu saw this scene, she was so shocked that she could hardly believe her eyes.Hou Wuji actually used the spiritual fire that symbolized the evil power of the alien race to burn her family's ancestral treasure, which is not bad!
"Hou Wuji, stop! Are you crazy?"

With a loud cry, Mo Zhu rushed towards Hou Wuji, but when she was about to snatch the ruby ​​necklace from Hou Wuji's hand, she stopped suddenly.Around Hou Wuji and himself, in the center of the empty temple ruins, a special light diffused in the air. The scene of this temple whose name has been forgotten is intact, like a picture composed of light and shadow appears in front of your eyes.However, some of them are ethereal and illusory.

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them. They had never seen such a majestic and huge temple, as if it was created by an extraterrestrial force different from the ordinary power in the world.

And right in the center of that illusory shadow, a square area constantly flashing with lightning is particularly conspicuous.

The shadow of this illusory ancient temple at this time did not last long. This long-forgotten ruin seemed to have its own memory. Under the urging of the ruby ​​necklace and spiritual fire, it showed the past scene to the extreme. In a short moment, it disappeared without a trace.

However, just this short moment is enough to determine the gap in the soul world.

Hou Wuji put away the light blue spiritual fire in his hand, and threw the ruby ​​necklace in his hand to Mozhu, she stretched out her hand to catch it carefully.

"Obviously, the ruby ​​necklace implies that its heir will marry a senior wizard!"

Hou Wuji smiled lightly, and while handing the necklace to Mozhu, he threw such a sentence.

Mo Zhu's heart skipped a beat, and Hou Wuji's words caused waves in her heart for a moment.

"Marrying a wizard? The combination of an astrologer and a wizard... What does this portend? Why is there such a strange and incredible prediction..."

A series of mysteries unfolded in Mo Zhu's mind.It's just that, now, she doesn't have the slightest idea about these things for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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