The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 614 Purple and White Stars

Chapter 614 Purple and White Stars
The Demon Emperor silently looked at the black armored boy in front of him.Just now, the scene of the monster priest being wiped out in one move was still in front of his eyes. Before, he only thought that Hou Wuji had shown a little prestige, but when he saw the magic sword that he personally blessed was in the soul. Ye's attack was vulnerable, and frightened an extremely arrogant Lu Yu, only then did he realize the seriousness of the incident.

"The Soul Leaf, a witch tool of the star saint level...can be controlled by a small star continent's low-level martial artist. This is definitely against the level of heaven! Hou Wuji, Hou Wuji, what kind of monster are you! Could it be that it doesn't belong to this time and space of Greedy Wolf Star at all!"

The Demon Emperor murmured in his heart, based on his knowledge, he absolutely could not accept that a young man from this humble race of human beings could drive this soul leaf, which symbolizes the way of heaven and the ancient things.In fact, let alone a small low-level warrior, even the Demon Emperor himself may not be able to use it.Hou Wuji looked like an ordinary descendant of human beings, no matter what, he couldn't compare with ancient monsters like the Demon Emperor.And the only explanation for all this can only make the Demon Emperor have to wonder whether Hou Wuji is the "foreigner" in the legend of fate...

But right now, since things have happened, the Demon Emperor must make his own next steps.

In the dark space of the soul world, on the branch of the tall tree of souls, Hou Wuji has already pulled the purple-robed girl Mo Zhu back into her arms.Pointing at the Demon Emperor with a sword, he shouted sharply:

"Yaohuang, it's your turn now! I, Hou Wuji, want to see if I am worthy to be your opponent now!"

Facing Hou Wuji's provocation, the Demon Emperor remained silent.To be more precise, at this moment, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.If it's just magic weapons and martial arts skills on the ordinary Tanlang star.No matter how powerful and rare it is.For myself, I don't pay attention to it at all.However, the fate of this Hou Wuji is so unbelievable!He can always use the ready-made treasures in the map, such an ancient existence as the soul world, that is the natural mighty power that even the demon emperor should be in awe of!

Now, he is completely unsure about how much energy Hou Wuji has in his heart.

"Your Majesty! Kill them! Avenge the dead monster mages! You only need to move your fingers, and you can instantly kill these two ant-like humans..."

At the feet of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor, Lu Yu, who was tightly hugging his thigh, was trembling all over, but his mouth was still very hard, as if he firmly believed that the Demon Emperor would always be invincible in front of human fighters.However, judging from his posture of hugging the Demon Emperor tightly, on the other hand, he was afraid that if the Demon Emperor lost, he would fly away and leave him alone.For Lu Yu, now, being able to leave the soul world alive is the greatest extravagant hope!
In the dark space, there was the whistling sound of a pair of gigantic wings suddenly shaking the air, and in a blink of an eye, the huge figure of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor had left the tree of souls and rose into the sky.

At the same time, Hou Wuji was about to fly in pursuit.Suddenly, he felt his feet go weak, and the body that was next to Mo Zhu began to tilt down violently.


Mozhu let out a scream.

It wasn't until this moment that Hou Wuji suddenly realized that the moment the Black Dragon Demon Emperor soared into the air, a pair of sharp claws cut off the tree of soul forcefully.However, because the tree of souls is also the color of darkness and blends with the surrounding space, the two of them didn't realize it.

Hou Wuji hastened to use his footwork, took quick steps, and walked towards the huge tree trunk that was about to fall.Suddenly, a burst of extremely strong icy air roared from the darkness.


Mo Zhu screamed a warning in his ear.

Swish swish!
Hou Wuji moved his fingers continuously and released more than ten witch weapons.Those transparent soul leaves flew away rapidly, forming a space of witch formation in the air.

There was a huge wave in the air, and the space of the witch formation formed by the leaves of the soul collided violently with the extremely strong elemental power spit out by the Black Dragon Demon Emperor, causing the light in the air to bend.

"go to hell!"

Suddenly there was a huge thunderous roar in his ear, and it was very close at hand. However, before the giant dragon hidden in the darkness approached him quietly, Hou Wuji didn't notice it at all. When he realized that the black dragon was as huge as a sky net It was obviously too late when the Bone Wings of the giants came to attack overwhelmingly.

There was a loud sound like a mountain cracking a rock, Hou Wuji only felt that his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and his body flew backward rapidly like a thrown stone.There was the whistling of the wind in his ears, and he didn't know how far he was hit by the extremely close-range full-power blow of the Black Dragon Demon King.

"Ink beads?!"

Hou Wuji was startled, when he stretched out his hand to grab it, there was still half a figure.The delicate purple-robed girl didn't even have time to let out a scream, and it was gone in a blink of an eye.

Hou Wuji's heart sank violently, and he was instantly as cold as gray.

The same scene happened again to the teammates around him!But he could only watch all this helplessly, powerless.

There was a surge of Qi and blood in his chest, and Hou Wuji realized that the blow just now by the Demon Emperor was intended to kill him, using extremely strong force.Obviously, the Demon Emperor didn't intend to deal with him too much at all, and the eight-edged soul core had already been obtained.Naturally, there is no need for the Demon Emperor to fight head-on with an opponent who has mastered a star-level witch weapon such as the Soul Leaf.His main purpose is to revive Shura God of War and then rule the entire Greedy Wolf Star.

In front of his eyes, the light of the stars kept moving towards the rear, Hou Wuji himself did not know how far he flew backwards, and finally managed to stop on a group of soft clouds.He struggled to stand up and looked forward, and the tree of souls had long since disappeared.I am in a boundless dark space, as if time has stopped, and there is no direction of up, down, left, and right.After being hit hard in his heart, Hou Wuji's eyes went dark, and he fell headfirst on the clouds, slowly losing consciousness.

In a dark and chaotic space, he seemed to have had an extremely long dream. Countless pictures of the past kept flashing in his mind, reminding him that even though he was alone now, he must not give up.

I don't know how much time has passed. When Hou Wuji woke up again, he felt a very strong white light in front of him, as if he was already under the dazzling sun.He was overjoyed, thinking that he had left the dark and dangerous space of the soul world.After turning over and waking up, all the previous experiences came back in my mind.He thought of Lu Yu, the monster priest, the monster emperor, and the towering tree of souls, as well as his apprentice Murong Feng, the astrological girl Mo Zhu...

However, at this moment, those people and things are all gone.

Hou Wuji's eyes, which had just been opened, were immediately stimulated by the strong purple-white light, and immediately closed them again in extreme discomfort. After a while, under the cover of his palms, he gradually got used to the strong light in the boundless darkness.

When he saw it clearly, he suddenly found that following the floating of the cloud below him, he had unknowingly come to a huge star emitting a dazzling purple-white light.Now, the purple and white stars seem to be within reach.It seems that it has stood quietly in this dark soul world for tens of thousands of years.

Hou Wuji carefully looked at the purple and white star in front of him, suddenly he was startled, and secretly exclaimed:
"Isn't this purple-white star the one I saw on the road I just stepped into the soul world from Blade's Edge Mountain? I felt that this purple-white star seemed a little familiar before, but Unexpectedly, as if deliberately arranged in the dark, under the violent blow of the Demon Emperor, it floated in front of its eyes."

While thinking about it, suddenly an old voice sounded leisurely, it sounded like an echo from the boundless dark space:

"Hou Wuji, why didn't you say hello when you met your old friend, what doubts do you have in your heart?"

The old man's voice suddenly rang in his ears, which startled Hou Wuji a lot. Since he entered the soul world, he only knew that there were ruins like a death star, but unexpectedly there were still living people.

He looked around vigilantly at the moment, but didn't know where the voice came from for a moment, so he could only speak loudly to the dark surroundings:

"Who are you? How come you know my name as soon as you open your mouth. The soul world is coming back from the bottom! Are you a human or a ghost? Are you a subordinate of the Demon Emperor?"

After hearing that, the old man laughed loudly.road:

"The old man is neither a human nor a ghost. The voice you hear now is just a ray of remnants that do not want to rest in peace! Although the old man has been silent for thousands of years in this dark and boundless soul world, but for you kid But I watched you grow up, and I know you very well! What? You learned the old man's unique skills in the cave next to the Darkmoon Forest. Do you want to turn your face and deny people? The old man didn't have to force you to recognize me as Master, why are you so nervous!"

Hou Wuji's heart skipped a beat. He was even more surprised when the old man mentioned the cave next to the Dark Moon Forest. It was an adventure when he was a child. Even Senior Sister Chu Mengli might not understand it clearly. How could he know? ?Hearing him say "I learned the old man's unique skills", suddenly realized.

"Could it be that you are... Star Wind?!"

"Hmm... you still have a little memory! Haha, I thought you were fooled by the demon emperor's slap!"

At this time, Hou Wuji could vaguely see the image of a white-haired old man in the light of the dazzling purple-white star, and recalled carefully, it was the same as the one he saw when he was young and learned the five-star celestial body in the cave. But it looked normal, and finally a stone fell to the ground in my heart.Anyway, I finally met an old friend here.

Seeing that Hou Wuji was still a little downcast, the old man couldn't help asking:
"What? Hou Wuji, you are famous now, and your cultivation is so powerful that you are proud of the world. Why are you so discouraged? This is a disgrace to the master. The Demon Emperor is a great monster in ancient times. Even the race a thousand years ago Even the human God of War can't completely wipe it out, he can only fight, you have suffered this defeat, why are you so discouraged!"

Hou Wuji shook his head, sighed, and said:
"Senior learned the lesson well, but... the junior is not because he can't afford to lose this battle in front of the Demon Emperor, but in the battle of the soul world, the junior not only got on top of the fifteen top masters of the Piaomiao clan, but also lost one of them." The life of a friend of my apprentice is really hard to let go..."

In the dark space, the voice of Xingchenfeng was silent for a long time, as if he was thinking about something to calculate.After a while, the old man's voice sounded again,

" are still kind and righteous. It seems that I did not pass on the exercises to the wrong people! However, things are unpredictable. From the old man's point of view, things don't seem to be as bad as you imagined! Your apprentice and astrology Warlock friend, after being hit by the demon emperor, he did not die, but was directly shaken out of the soul world..."

Hou Wuji couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it, and hastily said loudly:

"Really? Senior, I know you are the top expert in the soul world. Since you say that, it must be absolutely true, that's great!"

The white-haired old man coughed a few times and said calmly:
"What are you in a hurry for, I haven't finished yet! Although they didn't die directly in the space of the soul world, but... Judging by the power of the demon emperor, it is far from possible for them to land on the Blade's Edge Mountain after being blown away from the soul world Instead, it should have fallen into the sea of ​​the setting sun at this moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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