Chapter 616 The Last Rescue

Time passed by minute by minute, and the sound of the tree of soul breaking under the feet became more and more intensive and louder, as if a severely injured flesh and blood body was about to collapse.

Hou Wuji was extremely anxious, and his mind was constantly pondering. The encounter at the purple and white star just now reminded him of something suddenly. Although the hope was slim, there was no other way now, so he had to give it a try.

Hou Wuji had made up his mind, and suddenly closed his eyes and focused his attention, using the true energy in his whole body to swell with internal force, and issued a call that resounded through the dark space:
"Dark Moon Sky! Where are you?"

Hou Wuji uttered this sound with full qi in his chest. Since he inherited the last trace of the energy of the remnant soul from Star Wind, his current internal strength is completely different from that of half an hour. In the boundless dark soul world space, but the more it is emitted, it will cause bursts of roars, and in the empty dark abyss, echoes that are gradually drifting away continue to come.

Hou Wuji stared blankly into the distance.Listening carefully, after a while, the echo of the call I just made had disappeared in the vast darkness, but I didn't hear the slightest footsteps coming from my ears.

His heart sank, and he laughed at himself: This space in the soul world is so hidden and hard to find, how could the Dark Moon Heaven have such ability to find it in such a short period of time, and calling him at such an urgent time, it would be too lucky !After all, although An Yuetian has some abilities, he is still far from being a god who is everywhere...

And under his feet, the entire tree of souls has begun to tilt!

This time, it was the largest trunk of the tree of souls, which meant that after the battle with the demon emperor, the only tree of creation in the soul world was about to be destroyed!Thinking of this, Hou Wuji couldn't help being shocked.Holding the seven-star sword behind his back, he made a leaping posture. Even if everything is inevitable, he will fly into that endless dark abyss by himself at the last moment!

There was a clear and violent sound, followed by a black liquid gushing out of Lao Gao like a fountain. Under his feet, the trunk of the tree of souls finally broke in half after barely supporting it for a few minutes.Hou Wuji, who was standing on the branch, and the whole trunk leaned rapidly to the side...

Just when Hou Wuji's toes were about to tap lightly on the tree trunk, and he jumped up, suddenly there was a rustling sound in his ears, like thousands of snakes coming out of their holes.He was startled, unprepared for the protruding voice.Just as he stood up straight, the tree trunk under his feet shook suddenly, and suddenly stopped falling.

Hou Wuji was overjoyed, as if he realized something.When I opened my eyes and looked carefully, sure enough, with the faint light of the bright or dark stars in the extreme distance.He saw that on the backlit side of the tree of souls, countless slender shadows, like countless hands with only life, quickly joined together, weaving into a strong and flexible vine net, which was about to fall into the dark abyss. The upper half of the tree of souls was firmly pulled back.

This scene warmed Hou Wuji's heart.

That eccentric black-feathered old monster really kept his word, and never let him down no matter what time...

Sure enough, after a few seconds, Hou Wuji saw the white clouds around him, and they began to float one after another. Although he didn't see An Yuetian himself, he already knew that it was only because of Heiyu Just hide in the surrounding dark environment.

"Come here! Hou Wuji, what did you eat? Your voice is really loud!"

A black shadow lightly landed on the branch of the tree of soul not far from Hou Wuji like a bird or beast.Muttering anxiously in his mouth.

Hou Wuji bowed his hands to An Yuetian and said with a smile:

"Senior Dark Moon, long time no see, don't come here without any problems? This junior thought just now that this space of the soul world is remote and deep, and senior won't be able to find it for a while!"

An Yuetian glanced at Hou Wuji contemptuously, pouted, and said:
"You boy, do you really think that I am a god who is everywhere! Luckily for you, the soul world is one of the habitats of the dark moon clan like me. The old man has just arrived a while ago and is planning to sleep comfortably for a few days. I didn’t expect to be summoned by your boy before I got a firm foothold! Alright! This is the last time, boy, I have done the three things I promised to help you, and we will not owe each other in the future!”

"Thank you, senior! I have been grateful to you for lending a helping hand at critical moments several times, and this junior will definitely remember it in my heart!"

Hearing Hou Wuji reply so respectfully and politely, An Yuetian was quite upset, shook his head, and sighed:

"You kid, you have always caused me trouble since you were a child. I promised you three things at the beginning, and the old man still regrets it now! You bastard, every time you ask the old man for help, it is a hard job. Once, my Dark Moon Clan lost my money! Although I only did two things, the sum of these two things made me lose more money than ten things done by others!"

After hearing this, Hou Wuji doubted:

"What do you say, senior? It is fair to say that I helped me obtain the third witch weapon in the magma in the demon mound and destroyed many plants of the Darkmoon tribe. Now this tree of souls..."

Dark Moon said:

"It seems that you don't know much about the tree of souls! The tree of souls is the most yin and evil thing in the world. Its nature is extremely greedy and its devouring power is extremely strong. These vines help it reconnect the broken branches. , once you cling to it, you will never be able to get out, and will be absorbed by the tree of souls into your body, becoming its energy to repair injuries..."

After hearing this, Hou Wuji couldn't help being shocked.The tree of souls turned out to be the most yin and evil.But there is no doubt that the only fruit soul core produced on it has no distinction between good and evil, black and white.

An Yuetian saw the doubts in Hou Wuji's heart, sighed, and added:
"Everything in the world has an evil side in its soul nature, or it has something to do with it!"

Hou Wuji nodded, he couldn't help sighing, he seemed to have a feeling in his heart, at the end, he cupped his hands and bowed to An Yuetian, saying:
"In any case, thanks to the help of seniors this time, I am in a hurry to rescue my teammates, so I will bid farewell!"

An Yue chuckled and said:
"Hou Wuji, don't be too happy too soon! Take it easy. You no longer have the summoning power of the Dark Moon Clan, but... the old man knows that your two biggest enemies are the ethereal envoy Lu Yu and the Demon Emperor. , but they are still alive and well! The next time you face life and death, without the help of my Dark Moon Clan, can you handle it by yourself?"

After Hou Wuji heard this, his brows were tightly furrowed, his mood became heavy, and he murmured:
"I'm afraid there will be a third opponent soon! Besides, it's the biggest one on the entire Greedy Wolf Star... But right now, we can only take one step at a time!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and quickly walked along the tree of souls, and slid down towards the bottom of the tree.

Behind him, Dark Moon Sky shouted loudly:
"Hey, Hou Wuji, you haven't told the old man why your voice suddenly became so loud today?"

"That's because I met my master, your old neighbor..."

Hou Wuji replied without turning his head as he plummeted down at high speed.

"Old neighbor..."

An Yuetian stood on a branch, lost in thought for a long time.After a long time, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he murmured:
"Xingchenfeng... Could it be that he was talking about this old monster? He is also in the Soul Realm..."

Hou Wuji took a breath of true energy, slid non-stop to the bottom of the tree of souls, and then, relying on the memory of entering the soul world, quickly ran towards the entrance of the soul world.Now, in that dark space, the directions of the nebulae everywhere have changed. Fortunately, he can identify the directions through the bright or dark stars in the distance, plus the guiding role of the seven-star sword in his hand.Stepping on the clouds floating in the sky one after another quickly, approaching the entrance of the soul world step by step.

The dark horizon, infinity.Looking up, you can still see the purple and white star that represents the star wind.It's just that it is completely different now from when I first came in, as if the burning sun has dimmed and shrunk like a candle.With the whistling of the wind in Hou Wuji's ears, stars turned into light and flashed rapidly.The purple-white star also became dimmer and smaller.

When the long and narrow crack between the soul world and the Blade's Edge Mountain outside finally appeared in Hou Wuji's eyes again, Zibai star had only the last ray of brilliance left.

Go to the entrance of the soul world.Hou Wuji stopped and finally turned around to look at the boundless dark sky. In the distance, the purple-white star finally shone and turned into a spot of light, gradually disappearing in the darkness.It's like a final farewell.

"Hou Wuji, the future will depend entirely on you!"

Xing Chenfeng's words echoed in his mind, and he secretly made up his mind.Gritting his teeth, he jumped up and flew towards the gap in the soul world...

The dazzling white light suddenly lit up the space between the sky and the earth, making it difficult for Hou Wuji to open his eyes for a while, until he finally got used to it.Everything in front of me suddenly became real and textured.

Everything that happened in the soul world was like in a dream.

He turned around, and the extremely faint and thin crack in the soul world had disappeared, and there were only dilapidated walls and ruins left around.A gust of sea wind blows.The sound of rustling was everywhere, and those originally solid and simple stone walls and pillars were swept away like dust that had been decayed for many years.The central area of ​​the entire temple suddenly turned into a white desert.

Too late to think about it.Hou Wuji was concerned about the safety of his two teammates.He flew towards the setting sun sea and ran rapidly.

The surrounding area is boundless and empty, and there is not a single person in sight, but the sea of ​​setting sun, which used to be as calm as stagnant water, is now constantly setting off turbulent waves. celebration.

Hou Wuji raised his eyes to look at the boundless sea of ​​setting sun, not knowing where to start his search.Now, it was too late to go back and move reinforcements.

Think for a moment.He stopped by the sea and touched his arms with one hand, but it was empty.Only then did he remember that the divining tortoise shell had been handed over to Mozhu earlier as Maha's collateral in exchange.

While he was at a loss, he suddenly saw a blue-clothed figure rising and falling with the waves on the sea.Although he was far away, he could still clearly see that the other party was waving his hands and feet on the sea and swimming vigorously.

"Isn't that... Murong Feng?" Hou Wuji was overjoyed, as expected Murong Feng was still alive.After all, he grew up on Taohuawu Island in the East China Sea, and he is quite familiar with water, so he won't drown easily!
Hou Wuji used his true energy to fly and walk on the water.Soon, the exhausted Murong Feng was picked up and brought back to the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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