The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 618 Resurrection of God of War

Chapter 618 Resurrection of God of War
The whistling wind kept blowing past my ears, and the Qingyun Crane flew straight towards the territory of the Star Continent like a sharp arrow in the sky.Both master and apprentice stopped talking for a while, and fell silent.What Murong Feng said just now made Hou Wuji feel extremely heavy.In his heart, he didn't know what Mo Zhu's words and deeds implied.It's just that, at the moment when the situation of the entire Greedy Wolf Star is changing, whether the Piaomiao clan is an enemy or a friend to the warriors of the Star Continent, he still can't draw a conclusion for a while. There are extremely complicated and difficult feelings.

Blade's Edge Mountain has passed, and the surrounding air has become open and clear again.Underfoot is the vast Gobi where the Broken Star Sect used to be.Now, Hou Wuji and Murong Feng, who were in mid-air, could clearly see the tents and positions built by the disciples of the five major sects on the Star Continent along the cliffs of the mountain.Groups of disciples from the inner sect were patrolling in an orderly manner. Obviously, all of this was due to the efforts of Chu Mengli and Chu Mengyao, two young ladies of the Xuantianzong's Chu family.

"His Majesty is back!"

As the Qingyun Crane on which Hou Wuji and Murong Feng were riding swooped down, those inner sect disciples of Xuantian Sect pointed at the sky and ran excitedly to tell each other.Now, Hou Wuji is the leader of the entire Star Continent and the backbone of the disciples. His return to the sect has made all the disciples calm down, as if no matter how difficult it is, they are not afraid...

Sea bottom of the sunset.

The Temple of Warriors has been fully restored under the power of the Demon Emperor.Even those places that were already covered by coral and algae on the bottom of the sea now have a new look.Now, although the huge black dragon has almost become a bare commander, he is still the final big winner anyway.Holding the octagonal soul core as hot as molten iron in his hand, the Black Dragon Demon Emperor stood under the majestic and tall Warrior Temple, full of confidence and ambition.

Behind him, there was a sound of stumbling footsteps.

"Your Majesty! Congratulations to Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, the Resurrection Altar has been officially opened, and the great moment is coming!"

The Demon Emperor turned around calmly. Behind him, the pair of bone wings with a big hole missing was extremely disproportionate to the magnificent Temple of Warriors.

"Okay! Well done! Lu Yu, at least this king is not mistaken! You are the first foreign subordinate recruited by this king, but you are the most powerful one! The high priest of the monster beast was destroyed by Hou Wuji's soul leaf witch weapon Afterwards, this king has never had a powerful and powerful confidant. Now, you are my first assistant!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Demon Emperor!"

"Lu Yu, don't think that there are only the two of us now. Soon, as soon as Shura God of War is resurrected, his magic power will immediately summon hundreds of thousands of monster warriors to descend on Greedy Wolf Star again! Lu Yu, Your ingenuity and ability will receive due recognition and respect! With this king, you no longer have to live a submissive life! Well, now, let us go to the Altar of Resurrection together!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

In the deepest part of the setting sun sea, a square high platform has been built, surrounded by the oldest totems of the monster family, and on the other side of its bottom, it is made of human bones. On it, there are hundreds of people. The blood of human generals.This kind of mixed power, which is half of the monster race and half of the human race, also foretells that the character resurrected from this altar in the future will have the power of the greatest powerhouse of ancient mankind at the same time, and a fierce and powerful monster like a monster. Cold heart.

The source of mana for the altar was provided by the remnants of dozens of vicious demons who had escaped from the demon mound together with the demon emperor.These remnant souls were collected by the Demon Emperor before he left after being killed by Hou Wuji in the soul world.

In fact, even in the battle of the soul world, these ancient ominous demons did not die at the hands of Hou Wuji, the Demon Emperor planned to personally sacrifice them one by one after obtaining the soul and soul core of the God of War, in order to revive the biggest and most A powerful ultimate character, the Demon Emperor will never have any pity for his subordinates.

Above the sea of ​​setting sun, the wind and clouds on the sea surface changed color, dark clouds covered, lightning flashed and thundered.The waves and waves are even more ferocious, like a beast that has reached its final peak of madness.

The Black Dragon Demon Emperor and the black-armored human teenager Lu Yu were already standing in the center of the huge and deep altar.He stared solemnly at the center of the square altar.

For the Demon Emperor, no matter how calm the surface is, it is difficult to conceal the excitement and impulsiveness in his heart.The plan that the monster clan has plotted for thousands of years is about to come true in their own hands...

"Take a good look! Lu Yu, it will be an honor in your life to witness the resurrection of Shura God of War with your own eyes!"

As the Black Dragon Demon King spoke, he raised his hands violently, and then let out a deafening roar. From his thick scaled body, a huge humanoid general's shadow emitting a dazzling green light slowly rose.

The soul of the god of war, who was wearing heavy body armor and holding a long sword, rose gently into the air like a feather.Suspended above the altar.Suddenly, countless pairs of black hands stretched out from the altar, greedy and crazy, like unjust souls from hell, seeing the green soul of God of War, quickly covering it like a hungry tiger.Densely packed, firmly wrapping the green soul of light tightly.On the body of the bound God of War Soul, the green light was gradually covered by darkness. Once those dark claws were attached to it, they would be branded on the surface of the green God of War like skin.From the bottom of the sea, there were bursts of tragic roars that shook the heavens and the earth, just like the roar before a volcanic eruption.Lu Yu, who stood watching from the side, was terrified and trembling uncontrollably.

Now, he saw with his own eyes that the soul of the God of War, the ultimate symbol of human power, was gradually eroded and occupied by the evil power of the black monster... And just now, the final completion of this altar Or, it is his own pair of human hands.

An extremely sinful feeling flashed through every pore of his body like a cold current, making him shiver all over.However, soon, he suppressed it with paranoid thoughts.The dark road has gone into hell, and if he wants to turn back, he has already lost his direction.

When Lu Yu recovered from his contradictory thoughts, he saw that in the center of the altar, the green soul of God of War had completely turned into a dark color.Even the gigantic long sword in his hand turned into pure black.However, on the hilt of the sword, there is a clear and shining sphere like an eye, which continuously emits intense light, and cannot be invaded by the power of darkness.

"Could it be... the ninth rare treasure... the eye of the sky?"

In Lu Yu's mind, he muttered to himself.

On the top of the head of the strong human general wearing a black iron helmet with animal horns and full of heavy armor, a dazzling octagonal crystal has been suspended above it.

There was a loud bang like a mountain shaking and the ground shaking, which made Lu Yu almost unable to stand on his feet, and the entire bottom of the Sunset Sea shook violently, as if the bottom of a pot was about to fall.The strong light was like the sun falling into the bottom of the sea, and Lu Yu stretched out his hands in a panic to cover his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the square altar had been destroyed.Both the dark soul of the God of War and the octagonal white crystal had disappeared.

Beside him, the Black Dragon Demon Emperor, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, has already knelt down piously on the ground.

"Great God of War, may you, in the name of the Monster Beast Race, conquer those humble alien races and make them all submit to your feet!"

The Black Dragon Demon Emperor let out a resonant low growl, and that voice contained an uncontrollable arrogance and a fervent desire for revenge.

Lu Yu hurriedly followed behind the Demon Emperor, plopped his knees and knelt down, and pressed his face to the bottom of the sea.As if he was afraid that if he saw the true face of Shura God of War, he would immediately kill himself on the spot!
Above the head, above the setting sun sea, there was a bang that almost shook the entire Tanlang planet. This sound sounded terrifying and weird, like a human and a beast, as if a mixed force that had never before descended on this planet.This roar shook thousands of miles away on Blade's Edge Mountain, countless cliff tops, huge boulders rolled down one after another, the mountain collapsed, and rolled into the turbulent setting sun sea.

In the middle of the night, Hou Wuji, sisters Chu Mengli and Chu Mengyao, who were doing breathing meditation, were all awakened by the sound.Even the countless inner disciples of the five major sects of the Star Continent were shocked by this prominent voice and felt panicked.They all held the swords in their hands tightly, looking up at the dark night sky all around in a panic.

"Sura God of War has been resurrected!"

Such a thought quickly flashed through Hou Wuji's mind.In fact, he was not the only one, Chu Mengli and Chu Mengyao also let out an exclamation in their hearts.It's just that the three of them just looked at each other silently, no one opened their mouths to say this, and each of them already understood everything in their hearts.Now, an atmosphere of great peril brought everyone closer together.

And above the sea of ​​setting sun, on Misty Island, the black-robed old man Yuan Sheng was still standing in front of the towering window of the watchtower, staying up all night. The loud roar just now caused a slight vibration to all the utensils in the tower. .No doubt he soon understood what was going on.However, even though the facts are in front of his eyes, he still seems a bit unacceptable. Since the destruction of the Broken Star Sect and the appearance of the lunar change, he has been observing the sky every day. It seems that from the patterns of the stars outside the sky, he firmly believes that the whole The human family will never be destroyed by monsters. He is obsessed with the way of heaven and has no doubts. He has always pinned the fate of the last pure blood descendants of mankind on it. However, when everything happened, he was still in a daze. It's like not waking up from a dream.

The guard came to report, and Miss Mo Zhu asked to see her.Yuan Sheng waved his hand, motioning for her to come in.

Now, Mozhu has returned to Piaomiao City. During his trip to the soul world, he lost fifteen top vajra generals, lost the ultimate soul-type soul core, and even...even his own portable magic weapon, the eighth extraterrestrial treasure. Maha...was half bought and half cheated by Hou Wuji!This made the black-robed old man suffer a lot in his heart.However, right now he seems to have no mood to worry about these.There was no reason to blame Mozhu again.

"Sovereign, God of War Asura..."

Before Mo Zhu could finish speaking, Yuan Sheng interrupted her with his hand, as if he didn't want her to say it himself.

"Understood! But... Mo Zhu... I observe the sky every day. According to the way of heaven, the human race will not be destroyed so easily. Could it be that... the sky can also deceive the world?"

Mo Zhu's big eyes glanced lightly at the night sky outside the window, and those eyes seemed to be full of disdain.She herself is a magician who is proficient in calculation and prediction. However, in her bones, she is not as weak and dependent as Suzerain Yuansheng. Instead, she believes in human actions and tangible actions.

"Sovereign, it is true that the human race will not be wiped out easily, but... suzerain, do you really think that the Piaomiao clan can represent all human beings? No, you are wrong! On the side of Blade's Edge Mountain, there is another area that is of the same clan as us. The other branch of Yuan! Those human warriors who we scornfully call the low-level warriors have already started to cultivate and improve, and have already built a defense on the side of Blade's Edge Mountain! But... but the Piao Miao clan! Now they don't know anything. did not do it!"

Mo Zhu said loudly and righteously, it became more and more difficult to restrain his tone, and in the end, it turned into questioning the suzerain and reflecting on the clan.

" are talking about the five major sects of the Star Continent? No! They are all like ants in front of us, how can they resist the Shura God of War? They can decide the fate of the human race? Hmph! I think you are talking to Hou Wuji That glib, spooky boy has been hanging around for a long time, and he even forgot his own identity! Mo Zhu, are you... wanting to leave the Piao Miao clan like that damned traitor, Lu Yu, whom the world despises!"

(End of this chapter)

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