Chapter 620 Returning Land

"This is just the beginning, the generals of the Piao Miao clan... have already suffered such a heavy loss... The power of the ancient monster beast clan is really not trivial, and it is by no means the small group of low-level people in the giant monster tribe in the monster world. The generation can be compared!"

Now, in his heart, he began to regret not listening to Mo Zhu's persuasion. At least, Hou Wuji and his men had some experience in fighting monsters and beasts. If they really joined forces with them, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. ? !However, Yuan Sheng's usual arrogance and majesty made him quickly describe this idea.How could he regret his decision because of a little girl?
For a whole day, the monster beast army did not attack again.

At sunset, the Temple of the Underwater Warrior in the Sea of ​​the Setting Sun.Lu Yu bowed tremblingly and stood behind the Black Dragon Demon Emperor.

"Your Majesty... the vanguard of the revived ancient monster legion launched the first round of attack in the morning. But... we have completely failed! The Misty Clan has been training the army according to the old ways of the ancient race war for 1000 years. , deploying defenses on the island, our army cannot be replenished in time..."

The Black Dragon Demon Emperor stretched out a big hand with sharp claws, stopped Lu Yu, and said leisurely:
"This king already knows! Hmph! The Piao Miao clan, sure enough, the descendants of the strong human beings are not in vain. It seems that their preparations for the defense of the island are much more solid than this king imagined. What a lot! Those dozens of defensive towers are very particular about their layout and location, and they complement each other. Moreover, there are archers in the long range, five-element sword energy in the short range, and heavy armored warriors on the ground. The craftsmen who are specially used to repair the defensive towers have already started training from generation to generation hundreds of years ago! That old man Yuan Sheng is really a good defender of the city!"

Lu Yu listened to all this, turned his thief eyes, thought for a while, stepped forward a few steps and whispered to the Demon Emperor:

"Your Majesty, since we can't attack by force, in my opinion, we can infiltrate and disintegrate them. The people of the Piao Miao clan are all proud and arrogant. They think they are powerful and don't look down on others. In fact, they just take advantage of them. I, Lu Yu, are in the city of Piao Miao. Over the years, I have known quite a few people on the island, or I would have sent you to dive into Misty Island..."

Before Lu Yu could finish speaking, the Demon Emperor had already burst out laughing, which made Lu Yu feel cold for a while, so discouraged, and at the same time confused.

"Lu Yu, I understand your devotion to meritorious deeds! The method of infiltration and infiltration is certainly good, but I can't wait that long! Now, with the Asura God of War in hand, I don't need to use any means. It's time for a strategy! Remember, under the pressure of absolute power, no strategy is superfluous! This time, I will let the people of Misty City have nothing to defend!"

Lu Yu's heart was shocked when he heard it. He knew that the Demon Emperor was definitely not like someone who would boast arbitrarily. With his knowledge and strength, since he said these words, he must have already planned in his heart.

Another day passed.The generals on Misty Island were still staring at the empty sky.The arrow branch is already on the string, aiming at the direction where a huge monster may appear at any time.However, what they waited for was a power that they never dreamed of.

Shura God of War's huge mountain-like body stands proudly in the sea of ​​setting sun. Now, with his height, with both feet on the bottom of the sea, he can already expose his chest and head strength to the surface of the sea.

Dark clouds covered, and thunder and lightning blew.

In the undersea temple, under the protection of Lu Yu, the demon emperor curled up into a ball, wrapped his wings tightly around his body, and layers of thick black evil energy enveloped the entire egg-shaped body firmly. Now, the demon emperor wants to wrap himself All the power in his body is completely extracted and fused with the Shura God of War who possesses the supreme evil and dark attribute. Only in this way can he complete today's feat that can be recorded in the entire history of Greedy Wolf Star. At this moment, he is destined to be forever remembered.

There was a thunderous roar, like a shrill scream from a torn soul, and in an instant, a thick black evil mist charged straight up from the Temple of Warriors.The shadow of the huge black dragon broke through the sea and flew out of the sky, circling for a moment above the head of the Shura God of War wearing the horned helmet, a black light flashed across the sky like a golden light, and shot straight into the mountain-like figure. Between the eyebrows of the Shura God of War.

Shura God of War twitched all over his body, and his originally empty gaze suddenly emitted an extremely fierce and sinister green light.This light is very familiar to Lu Yu. Since the first time he met it, he has never dared to look directly at it, as if all his dark past and unpredictable past could be seen in it. the future of.Those are the eyes of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor, who can see through the weaknesses of human beings at a glance.

Now, the consciousness of Shura God of War has been completely possessed by the Demon Emperor!

For a powerful existence like the Demon Emperor, this is also an extremely risky thing, and the duration is only a short quarter of an hour, so you have to get out of the body immediately, otherwise, even the Demon Emperor himself , will also lose consciousness and become a madman.

Between heaven and earth, the situation suddenly changed color.It was as if the darkness of the past, when the sun changed, descended on the world again!Moreover, there is no sign or foreshadowing at all.This is by no means the law of the way of heaven, but caused by the power of the most extraordinary strong man, and it is the act of the supreme evil strong man against the sky!

On the four corners of Misty Island, the soldiers in the defensive towers suddenly felt as if night had fallen suddenly, and the surroundings were pitch black, and everyone was panicked.Without the light, they became blind almost immediately, and became the meat on the plate of the monster army in the boundless darkness.There was a moment of chaos, and everyone hurriedly lit torches, for fear that the monster army would take advantage of the darkness to sneak attack on Misty Island.

Of course, they imagined all this too simply!

In the tall tower building on the side of the closed Misty City, a purple-robed girl stood worriedly at the window.Her room was still full of various ancient books and divination volumes, but...all of them are useless now!When the inclination and accumulation of power reaches a certain level, it can go against the sky and is not bound by the laws of heaven, then all astrology techniques will lose their effect.

Only the will is the last thing to rely on.

The purple-robed girl stood by the window and looked out. In the entire Misty Island, soldiers were busy patrolling with torches, fully armed, and the noise was endless.There is no light in the dark world.Her eyes lightly fell on one of her palms, and in the open palm lay quietly a necklace made of red jade, which was a sacred object of the entire astrological family.Has the oldest memory.Once, just a few days ago, it appeared in the hands of another human warrior...

Mo Zhu's thoughts were stimulated by the three words Hou Wuji, and she became a little flustered for a moment, and a crazy idea that surprised her began to rise slowly in her heart.For a long time, she has been struggling with that idea in her heart, but now, she seems to have gradually made up her mind!Destiny is so independent of people's will, even though there is a lot of reluctance, she still tells herself that now, it is time to leave.

A clear knocking sound interrupted her thoughts, and she glanced around the room in a blink of an eye, but there was nothing unusual. The sound just now was the slight sound caused by the vibration of the ceramic teacup on the desk...

Star Continent, the top of Blade's Edge Mountain.

Hou Wuji stands proudly on the highest peak of the mountains, beside him is Murong Feng, the second sister and disciple of Xuantianzong's Chu family.And hundreds of Xuantianzong's first inner disciples.Without exception, they stared closely at the distance, the sky above the vast expanse of sea.There, in the sky above the head of a huge humanoid general with half horns, black clouds pressed down on the sea, and countless bolts of lightning as bright as blades continuously landed.

Everyone was silent, all of them had unusually serious expressions on their faces.

After more than ten seconds, there was a muffled sound like a mountain roar and a tsunami in the sky, as if the sky above everyone's heads was being crushed by a huge and boundless force and was breaking apart.

Soon, on the distant sea surface, things kept hitting it, stirring up countless large and small waves and water drops, but it was not rain or hail, but broken clods and stones, some of which , has even floated to the top and feet of the warriors from the Star Continent in Blade's Edge Mountain.

Everyone raised their heads at the same time. Above the sky, the originally gray cloud became darker and thicker, as if a huge figure hidden in it was about to emerge.

"Look! That's... Piao Miao..."

Chu Mengyao suddenly shouted loudly, pointing with one hand at the huge gray cloud in midair.When she said the last two words, her throat seemed to be strangled by someone, and her tone suddenly dropped, as if she was afraid to say it.

Everyone saw that in the gray clouds, a huge piece of land like a skeleton was slowly revealing its ancient and frightening figure...

Hou Wuji looked at this scene indifferently. When a scene that was so shocking that it cannot be described as an accident appeared, everyone immediately accepted the arrangement of fate.

In the sky above Blade's Edge Mountain, Misty City, that piece of ancient island land with a history of thousands of years, is slowly descending towards the setting sun sea like a ship returning to the shore.In the eyes of everyone, it becomes bigger and bigger, more and more real, enough to cover the sky for a whole day.The thick roots of countless ancient trees on the island are exposed in the air at the bottom of the land like blood vessels...

(End of this chapter)

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