The hand of another world covers the sky

Chapter 623 Flags and Negotiations

Chapter 623 Flags and Negotiations

Behind him, Blade's Edge Mountain stretched across the sky and earth like a broad back, like a natural arm protecting many weak and weak beings. After coming down from its top, it seemed that the world had returned to a peaceful state all of a sudden.But who would have imagined that on the mountain, there was still a sea of ​​flames, a place where rivers of blood flowed, and the Asura God of War made all the warriors in the Star Continent sleepless like a nightmare.

When night fell, the Xuantianzong spies sent earlier returned.Beside the bonfire on Broken Star Cliff, Hou Wuji and his teammates listened carefully.

"How is the Piao Miao clan doing now? Have you seen their suzerain Yuan Sheng?"

"Leader... the battle in Misty City seems to have subsided for a long time. With the bloodthirsty nature of the monsters and beasts, they seem to have slaughtered the city, but this time, they seem to give up soon! Even the palace area in Misty City , are all intact, from the subordinates' point of view, it seems to be..."

"What is it?"

The black-clothed spy hesitated in his tone, as if he didn't dare to speak out, until he got Hou Wuji's instruction, he said slowly:
"From all the indications, the Piaomiao clan seems to have...surrendered to the monster beast clan!"

"What?! No! This is absolutely impossible! The Piao Miao family is the descendant of human heroes, how could..."

Beside Hou Wuji, the purple-robed girl Mo Zhu heard these words like a bolt from the blue, stood up with a thud, and shouted sharply.

The spy panicked and said:

"Miss Mo Zhu, please calm down. Forgive me for speaking bluntly. The surrender of the Piaomiao clan to the monster beast clan may have become a reality. At this moment, even on the top of the Misty City, the ancient flag of the human race has been replaced and hung on it. The red totem of the monster clan... If Miss Mo Zhu doesn't believe it, you can go to the top of Blade's Edge Mountain to have a look at it tomorrow morning..."

Before the spy in black finished speaking, Mo Zhu was already trembling all over.She couldn't believe that the Yuan Sheng Sect Master, who had always been humanly orthodox and possessed incomparably lofty prestige and strength, would actually surrender to those evil alien legions!

What made her even more heartbroken was that Yuan Sheng's investment in the Monster Beast clan meant that her clan of astrologers, her father, and dozens of astrological elders all followed suit. To be a servant of monsters, this is nothing short of shame and humiliation to the family of astrologers who have always stood in the world with loyalty and wisdom. Even my father and the elders followed Yuan Sheng and followed the fall of Misty City. And if the evening festival is not guaranteed, for a while, she almost feels that she has no face to stand in the world!
Yuan Sheng's self-willedness and arrogance eventually destroyed not only an island and a city, but also the reputation of the entire astrological family for thousands of years.

On the second day, Hou Wuji and Mo Zhu climbed to the top of the two towering Blade's Edge Mountains.Despite 1 dares and reluctances in his heart, Mo Zhu finally looked worriedly at the direction of Misty City with a pair of light blue eyes.

There is no suspense in everything, just as the spy said, on the towering towers of Misty City, the ancient purple and white human flag is no longer seen, but replaced by a dark red totem flag that is showing off its might, Even the patrolling guards and soldiers on the tower have been replaced by monster warriors with green faces and long fangs, wearing heavy and dirty iron armor. There are still dark red blood stains on their armor. Those are misty The blood of civilians and warriors within the clan.

What makes Mo Zhu even more unacceptable is that the flag that hangs at the highest point in the entire Misty City is exactly at the top of the Astrology Tower. Such a sense of shame that seems to have been done deliberately made Mo Zhu feel so angry that he trembled all over. Even breathing became heavy.

Hou Wuji glanced at Mo Zhu lightly, seeing her expression of uncontrollable sadness, he wanted to comfort her a few words, but he swallowed the words when they came to his lips.Now, Hou Wuji felt that as long as he opened his mouth, he seemed to be a gleeful person.It is really embarrassing that the once brilliant Piao Miao clan has come to such an end.

"They're here!"

Hou Wuji slightly lifted his chin towards the distance, and said calmly.

Mo Zhu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and looked in the direction Hou Wuji indicated. Sure enough, in the desolate Gobi desert, three black spots were moving towards Blade's Edge Mountain.Not far behind the three black dots, a large group of monster soldiers with long-range attack weapons followed slowly.After advancing within a certain range, it stopped.

And those three figures continued to walk towards the top of Blade's Edge Mountain, where Hou Wuji and Mo Zhu were standing.

Now, the outlines of the three people can be roughly seen, one red and two black.The old man in black robe walking in front, Hou Wuji and Mo Zhu are all very familiar with, it is Yuan Sheng, the suzerain of Piao Miao clan, while the old man in black robe behind him is a little staggering, seems to be weak and sick not healed.Hou Wuji was startled, and suddenly remembered, could this person be the Great Elder Duan Hai whom he had met once in the Astrology Building?When she looked at Mo Zhu in a blink of an eye, she saw that her eyes were full of tears, and an impulse to cry was forcibly suppressed by her.

Lu Yu in the dark red robe and Yuan Sheng walked side by side, walking in front of the three of them, holding a red banner of the monster beast clan totem.It seemed that the other party's intention was obvious, that they came to negotiate with Hou Wuji.

Now Lu Yu took off the evil black armor given to him by the Demon Emperor, and put on the dark red robe symbolizing the envoy of the Piao Miao clan. A look of complacency could be seen.

Hou Wuji looked at the three people who were gradually approaching in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat.Secretly said: The Demon Emperor is indeed a very ordinary person, and he sent these three people to negotiate, paying equal attention to kindness and power.Use Yuan Sheng and Duan Hai to win over feelings, and use Lu Yu to intimidate and majesty.It seemed that they already knew about Mo Zhu leaving Misty City and going to Hou Wuji!
Lu Yu and the three of them came to the top of Blade's Edge Mountain.Twenty steps away.Standing still, he shouted:

"Hou Wuji, an old friend is here! Let's talk!"

On the side, Mo Zhu could no longer hold back, and was about to stride towards Duan Hai.Just after running not far away, Hou Wuji stopped him and said sharply:
"Calm down, don't do anything stupid!"

Mo Zhu struggled a bit, but was hugged tightly by Hou Wuji's strong arms, and after a while, she calmed down in his embrace.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu's face was extraordinarily proud.He has already seen that the purpose of sending Duan Hai all the time is very effective.To strike while the iron is hot:
"Mo Zhu, haven't you seen Hou Wuji's true face? Now, you are already a hostage in his hands! But don't worry, as long as you have the heart to return to your home, Misty City, the gate here will open to you at any time. You open it! As for Hou Wuji, haha, he is just a trapped beast now, with the Demon Emperor and the God of War, he can level the entire Blade’s Edge Mountain in an instant! Come back, Mozhu, Misty City is your home, you I am still the honorable eldest lady, I, Lu Yu, will still obey you and protect you well..."

Hou Wuji wanted to rebuke Lu Yu loudly, but he didn't do that.Instead, he slowly let go of the ink beads in his arms, and stared at the purple-robed girl with rapt eyes, as if waiting for her own choice.

After a long time, Mo Zhu wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes fiercely, and said in a decisive tone:
"Lu Yu, you don't need to say any more! Misty City is no longer my home, and it is not even the territory of human beings! Since you are helping the evildoers and acting as a traitor, you are my sworn enemy of Mo Zhu! Misty City's sworn enemy!"

Lu Yu's face was startled suddenly, as if he didn't expect that the weak girl in front of him was not as easy to fool as he imagined, but was very sober at the critical moment.

"Haha! The sworn enemy of Misty City? Mozhu, are you serious? Look, I'm wearing this red robe again, and I'm on an equal footing with the respected elder next to me..." After finishing speaking, he pointed to Yuan Sheng who had a gloomy expression.

"Now, the entire Misty City's gunfire and sharp arrows are pointing at you, and the pretentious low-level warrior next to you, Hou Wuji. Who is the enemy of Misty City? Who is the enemy of human beings? Haha... "

"Lu Yu, you are just a scum who sells the owner and seeks glory, a traitor who steals human artifacts, you are not qualified to represent the human family of the greedy wolf star! Even if the Star Continent fights to the last one soldier, you will never surrender like you!"

Hou Wuji pointed at Lu Yu angrily and shouted sharply.

Lu Yu glanced at Hou Wuji contemptuously, and wrote lightly:
"This world has always respected the strong and survived the fittest since ancient times! Where are the scum and traitors? Weak people like ants like your Star Continent have long been unworthy to exist in Greedy Wolf Star!"

Mo Zhu looked at the black robed Yuan Sheng with a pained and puzzled expression, and kept shaking his head.

"Why? Sovereign... You taught me to be a person who would sacrifice his life and never break his promise since childhood, why today... Could it be that you have forgotten your promise and faith to the civilians and warriors of the entire Piao Miao clan? "

After a long time, the gloomy face of the suzerain in the black robe finally twitched slightly, and he said calmly:
"Mozhu, you are still young, and you don't know the difficulty of race existence! That's right, it is precisely because of your unparalleled commitment and faith to the people of the Piao Miao clan that this king absolutely cannot let the Piao Miao clan perish. The blood of a strong human, It must continue!"

"Living humiliatingly under the slavery of the monster beast clan, do you want to survive?" Mo Zhu murmured.

On the face of the old man in black robe, an extremely unnatural look flashed across his face, and he bowed his head in silence for a moment.

Mo Zhu turned her head and looked at Duan Hai, who was sickly and pale.A sad feeling came to my heart immediately, Duan Hai was like a lamp that had run out of oil, as if he had only the last breath left.


Mo Zhu cried out in pain.

Duan Hai raised his face, staring closely at his daughter with a pair of piercing eyes that did not match his sick appearance, he didn't say anything, but shook his head gently at Mo Zhu.

Even though it was just such a very simple expression, Mo Zhu already understood in her heart that the tacit understanding between the father and daughter let her know that Duan Hai, and the entire elder astrologers, were threatened by the Demon Emperor and Lu Yu.At this moment, there is no need to say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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