Chapter 1

If one day, the name you keep in your heart is repeatedly mentioned by your friends or classmates, and then enters your life with a forceful gesture that cannot be ignored, do you wish him a good life or curse him to be unlucky all the time?If it were me, I hope he is worse than me, so that I can tell myself that he is not doing well after leaving me, and I am doing well after leaving him, even if it is just self-deception.

Wang Yibei never expected that when he returned to his hometown Yanchuan City from Mochuan City, he would be greeted by what the doctor called "acclimatization".She remembered that the summer in Yanchuan was not so hot, but after she got off the plane, she thought of the hot summer in addition to the familiar smell of her hometown. She thought that the weather in this city should be as cool as Mochuan City. Gentle, like a lover's hand, never too hot, never too cold.The fact is that she has forgotten that Yanchuan's summer is extremely hot, and the unfamiliar Yanchuan made her stand in the lobby of the airport for a long time.

She came back, back to this familiar yet unfamiliar city.

Carrying her luggage, she went alone to find the residence that the company had arranged for her.The moment she got into the taxi, she realized that she had really become different. Even in a strange city, she dared to live alone.No longer worrying that I can't cope with this or that I can't do it well, but greet the arrangement of the next moment with a smile.After searching for a long time, she finally found the person in charge of receiving her. She originally planned to take the train back, but temporarily changed to a plane, and notified the other party until she got off the plane.In this way, some time was wasted, and in the afternoon, she finally took a good rest on the big bed in the apartment that had been packed.

Sleeping until evening, she only felt dry and hot all over, so she turned on the air conditioner, and what greeted her was severe stomach pain, and she came to this clinic.She was given several bottles of drips before she was allowed to leave the clinic and returned to her apartment with a pale face.

After resting for a while, she called her mother. She didn't mention her illness, but simply narrated that she had returned to Yanchuan.The mother's voice came, and instead of the nagging that used to be annoying, it was a whispered worry.Mother was very happy, and after knowing that she had returned to Yanchuan, she kept saying yes.

Putting down the phone, he lay down on the bed again, wrapping himself tightly in the quilt.Even she didn't think that she would return to a city, but she still came back. This city, which occupied most of her life, recorded her laughter and tears, and it was fixed in her mind, which would never be cleared.

Wang Yibei slept soundly this time, no matter how long the time is, he just needs to have a good sleep.

While sleeping in the middle of the night, the phone rang.

Her mobile phone number was still the one in Mochuan City, and it was too late to change it when she returned to Yanchuan.Originally, she planned to change the number as soon as she returned to Yanchuan, otherwise, she really couldn't afford the charges for making and receiving calls.

She took out her mobile phone from under the pillow, and didn't think about the secondary issue of whether it would cost money to answer the phone. She picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button, before anyone had time to look at it.

"Haven't you slept so late?" The other party's familiar voice sounded, Wang Yibei was still in a trance, and rubbed his head before slowly waking up, but the other party continued to speak, "Hey, what happened to the classmate reunion two days ago? Did not go?"

Only then did Wang Yibei realize that the other party was her best friend from high school, Liang Yue. She couldn't help but turn on the small desk lamp beside the bed, and sat up, "Student reunion?"

Her inexplicable voice entered Liang Yue's ears, which made Liang Yue a little puzzled, "You didn't receive it? I sent it to your QQ? You didn't go, I thought you were..." Speaking of this, suddenly Shut up.

Wang Yibei didn't want to continue to ask Liang Yue what she wanted to mention and who she wanted to talk about when she didn't open her mouth. Maybe she knew it herself, but she just didn't want to say it from others.

"Qq number? I haven't used it for a long time, so I didn't see it." Wang Yibei said truthfully, but at this second, she curled up on the bed, but she felt fortunate that she didn't see it. She didn't have to hesitate whether to go to the classmate reunion or not. .They are often divided into classes in high school, and the class reunion is not based on a class, but usually all the classmates who know each other in the first and second classes are called.

Liang Yue paused for a moment, she didn't expect it to be like this.Wang Yibei, who was addicted to qq back then, will one day stop playing qq, and no longer use qq account.

It's been a long time since anyone called her by her nickname like this, and she couldn't help but smile, "Tell me, when will you learn to hesitate."

"If Chen Zihan had a girlfriend, what would you do?"

Wang Yibei paused, what would happen to him if he had a girlfriend?She had asked herself this question countless times, if one day he had a girlfriend, what would she do?Should I continue to put him in my heart, or should I also live a life of mediocrity?There is no answer at all, no matter what he is, it has nothing to do with me. They have been separated for so long, and they are no longer who they are to each other.

She has seen countless kinds of temptations by friends or relatives, and the result is nothing more than that person...

She sighed slightly in her heart, but smiled on the surface, she was the only one here, she forgot that she didn't need to pretend, "Well, what else can I do, bless him!" She used a very brisk tone, even her I even believe that she really doesn't care anymore, and will really wish that person and his current girlfriend happiness.

She once dreamed in the middle of the night that he had a girlfriend who looked like Xiaojiabiyu, with a gentle and considerate personality and a good family background. She was better than herself in everything. She saw that pair walking on the street. Treat that woman with his tenderness.

Waking up in the middle of the night, but she was alone, guarding the empty room and the bed with no temperature.

What else?She was no longer someone in his life, even if he was married, it was not her turn to worry about it.

"At that time, I thought you would... forget about it. It's okay if you miss the class reunion, but you can't miss my wedding, right?"

"You're getting married?"

"Well, then you must come to participate..."

(End of this chapter)

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