Chapter 117

Originally wanted to pinch him, but the winter clothes were a little thicker, so she calculated that if pinched, her hands would be at a disadvantage, so she gave up.

Because it was still class time, they were stopped directly by the guards guarding the gate.After explaining for a long time, he told the guards that they were graduates of this high school, and now they came back to visit their alma mater, and the guards let them go.

Wang Yibei's hand was held by Chen Zihan, and her eyes looked left and right.I haven't been back to school for several years, and the school has changed a lot. There is a newly built teaching building that is particularly eye-catching. I don't know which grade is in it.The original high school teaching building is still preserved, and the most frightening special teaching building for the third year of high school still exudes a strong sense of depression. Looking in from the window, you can also see many books piled up on the table.

When she came under a certain tree, she didn't want to leave, and looked straight at the tree.She remembered a very miraculous phenomenon, the tree she was studying in the third class and the second class happened to be opposite to each other. They were obviously two teaching buildings, but it was like fate.It was precisely because of this fate that she burned her high school diary under this tree.

She clearly remembers that day when she came to school by car alone with the diary in her arms.When she was in the car, her tears flowed down, as if she was grieving for what she was about to do in advance.At that moment, she told herself that she would burn up her past, burn down this day on her birthday with practical actions, and then tell herself a complete new life.

I dare not look through the diary, almost every page in it has the same name.When she tore off page by page, she was unwilling and full of hatred.

At that time, she never thought that maybe one day in the future, she would still stand beside this tree?Moreover, the person holding her hand happened to be the name that appeared most frequently in the diary.

The past is always like a gust of wind, you can really feel it when it comes, but it will leave soon, if it is just an illusory image of yourself.

"Is this tree so beautiful?" Chen Zihan couldn't understand why she was so interested in a tree.

She lifted her chin and smiled broadly, "Better than you."

She doesn't need him to understand all her emotions, if she doesn't understand it, don't understand it, if she understands it too much, maybe she will lose something instead.

The school is not big, and they toured the school quickly.Wang Yibei would point to the uneven bars with a smile. When she was sad, she liked to sit on them without saying a word.She would stand under the girl's apartment, count the floors, and then tell him the dormitory on that floor that she lived in back then.When standing under the boys' dormitory, she would also ask Chen Zihan to point out which floor and which room he lived in at that time...

The very small things, just the person around me, make this matter no longer boring, no longer monotonous, and even feel warm.

They didn't expect to meet Mr. Jiang.Teacher Jiang is still teaching here, still teaching Chinese. When he saw them holding hands, even his eyes seemed to smile.

They walked over to say hello to Teacher Jiang, who laughed and pointed to the hands they were holding, "You are a model who does not abide by the school norms."

Chen Zihan coughed and pushed Wang Yibei forward, "This is the good student you brought out."

Teacher Jiang cast a glance at Chen Zihan, what a ghost, and pushed Wang Yibei to gag her.The representative of the Chinese class that I valued most at the beginning also fell in love early, so what else can I say?
When Teacher Jiang saw them, he was also very impressed. After all, they were students brought out by himself, so he asked them about the school after graduation and where they worked.It can be seen that she is very satisfied with them, and there is pride in her smile.

After thinking about it, Teacher Jiang asked them to do a favor and go to her class to talk about college and what to do after graduation, so as to encourage these students who are about to embark on the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination.

Chen Zihan and Wang Yibei looked at each other and agreed to Teacher Jiang's request.

So the class led by Mr. Jiang is like a small speech, but the students ask questions actively and they answer them.Because the questions asked had nothing to do with study, the students became very enthusiastic.

The questions the students asked at the beginning were fairly standard. They asked about life in the university, and they learned that they got up at seven o’clock in the first class in the university. They were very envious. You must know that they have to get up at six o’clock even in winter. , There is no class in the first period, and you can start whenever you want. For high school, it is simply heaven.

Gradually, the students became restless, and a bold boy stood up directly, "Senior and sister, are you a couple?"

This sentence successfully made Wang Yibei blush. This group of students are also good people. Seeing Wang Yibei's reaction, they immediately yelled, "Seniors and sisters are so good."

Someone also laughed softly at the bottom, and deliberately looked at Teacher Jiang, "Puppy love, puppy love..."

Teacher Jiang is also used to seeing all kinds of scenes, so she walked directly in front of her two favorite students back then, with a calm expression, pointing to Chen Zihan, "You senior, when you took the exams, no matter the big or small exams, you were the first in the next grade. She pointed at Wang Yibei again, "You senior sister, your Chinese score has almost never been lower than 120. When you reach this level, don't talk about dating secretly. The teacher encourages you."

"Wow..." There was an exclamation in the classroom.

Seeing so many pairs of eyes looking at herself at the same time, Wang Yibei coughed a few times, "Actually, my grades are not very good. The reason why I was admitted to a good university was because I repeated my studies." She cast a glance at Chen Zihan, Chen Zihan Feeling inexplicably horrified, "Let me tell you, we broke up after the college entrance examination because of my poor grades. So I advise the girls who are sitting, if the boy you like or the boy you have a crush on has particularly good grades, you have to let me know." Your grades should also improve, otherwise you will be disliked.”

"Then how did you get together?"

Wang Yibei blinked, "When he was repeating his studies, he changed his mind and studied hard. After getting into a good university, he thought he might be worthy of him, so he didn't dislike him. You have to study hard, don't have to repeat your studies like me. What a waste of time. And in a year, who knows if the person you like will be snatched away by someone else..."

The classroom roared with laughter, Chen Zihan frowned, why did he sound like a heartless person?

(End of this chapter)

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