Chapter 13

Wang Yibei realized that the "Goddess" also had a crush on others.

As soon as she turned her head, a stack of books appeared on her desk, and the male protagonist of the gossip was standing in front of her.She opened her eyes wide, looked at Chen Zihan, and swallowed her saliva. Although gossip about others behind her back was a bit bad, she could accept it, but if the person involved heard it, it would feel awkward.

"Your book." Chen Zihan explained the source of the stack of books, and then walked away from her position, leaving her stunned.

After entering the second class, Wang Yibei felt the pressure of studying.During class, the students all listen carefully to the class, and there are very few students who are not paying attention.Even when it was time for get out of class to end, most of the students were sitting in their seats, reviewing the content of the next class, or doing some puzzles. Basically, they stayed in their seats except for going to the bathroom.Perhaps it is because the word "college entrance examination" appears more and more frequently, and everyone puts study first as the teacher wishes.The teacher is not like in the past, all the knowledge points will be mentioned, but only the key points, and then the students will take the initiative to raise the points that they do not understand, explain in public,

The life of three points and one line is boring and boring.

Originally, there were only three classes for evening self-study, but residential students would have an extra class for evening self-study. Usually there is no teacher to come, so the monitor is on duty.This class is also mostly the favorite of students who love to learn. It is quiet and helpful for solving problems.

After the monthly exam, the results were quickly released, and the rankings of both the class and the whole year were posted on the wall.

Wang Yibei was very depressed. There were 23 students in the class, but she actually got 86 in the exam and 17 in the whole grade.Liang Yue is a little better than her, 67 in the class and [-] in the whole grade.It turns out that this is the so-called competition. Her grades in the class are considered to be average, which is really embarrassing.

And Xiang Chen got No. 7 in the class, [-]th in the whole grade.The reason why Wang Yibei paid attention to Xiang Chen's results was because she lost to Xiang Chen in the competition for class cadres, so she regarded Xiang Chen as her potential opponent.

Teacher Jiang also took out the class fee to give prizes to the top ten students. Although it is just a pen and a notebook, the meaning is different after all.And in the last self-study class in the afternoon, Teacher Jiang invited the students who she thought had unsatisfactory grades into the office one by one to "educate". In the past, her physics grades were very poor, but now compared with these good students, she His physics is not only bad, it is simply a drag in this class.

Teacher Jiang flipped through the monthly exam ranking list, "Do you know where your problems are?"

"Physics is too bad."

Teacher Jiang himself laughed, "You are an extraordinary person. The physics teacher mentioned you to me. You must be the one who doesn't listen in class."

"I will not do it again."

Teacher Jiang nodded, "Chinese is still very good, but other subjects still have to pay close attention. I want to see your progress during the half-term exam."


"Get out!"

Wang Yibei returned to the classroom, is she the only one who thinks that physics is so rare?Why can others learn so easily.She walked into the classroom and saw those hard-working people looking up at her. She felt very uncomfortable for a moment. She knew that they were just looking up instinctively, but she just felt very uncomfortable.

She returned to her seat, and after a while, Chen Zihan stood on the podium, "Now, everyone stand up and go outside the classroom. I will call a person's name and come in to choose a seat. From now on, every time Seats are selected according to the test results. If you have any objections, please come to me after you have selected the seat, and I will arrange it appropriately."

Wang Yibei pulled Liang Yue out, "You choose a seat first, no one else is allowed to sit next to you, and then I will choose that seat."

Liang Yue sighed, "I'm sure I can't choose a good position."

"Just sit together."

Xiang Chen didn't walk out of the classroom, but stood on the podium to help Chen Zihan, outline the people whose names had been chosen, and make a record.

Wang Yibei looked at the two people on the podium. Liang Yue had already chosen a seat. When her name was called, she heard Xiang Chen ask Chen Zihan, "Where are you sitting later?"

She didn't hear Chen Zihan's answer, but just walked towards Liang Yue. It felt really uncomfortable, competition, this is competition, very realistic, although it was just for seat selection.

After choosing the seats, Xiang Chen drew the chart on the blackboard one by one, and wrote down the occupants of each seat on the blackboard according to the classroom's seating order.That's why they all returned to their original positions. After dinner in the afternoon, they came to change positions before evening self-study, and pulled the table by the way.

Wang Yibei glanced at the names on the blackboard, and Chen Zihan was still sitting in his original seat. He could have chosen a better one, and he should be the first one, but he didn't choose anything.

"Why does Chen Zihan always want to sit by the garbage dump?"

"That's because the squad leader is kind."

"Why didn't you say that he was throwing out trash for convenience?"

Liang Yue laughed, "You're the only one who thinks that way? But, his grades are so good, it doesn't matter where he sits."

Wang Yibei didn't say a word, took out the physics book and looked at it, and felt angry. She just hated it and didn't like it.

Liang Yue looked at the name on the blackboard, "Look, Xiang Chen's name is in front of Chen Zihan's!"

"I saw it a long time ago."

"She really stands out."

"That's called getting the moon first."

"Don't you dislike her? Don't make some damage?"

"When did I do it?" She looked disdainful, "I can't even manage myself, how could I manage others, how can I think of me as great."

Liang Yue shook her head, "Did the old class tell you?"

"No, I have to prove that even if I don't study physics, I can still get good grades." She made up her mind, and of course it was a piece of news that encouraged her. Only those who have passed the heavy-duty exams are really smart people.

However, Wang Yibei forgot that she was never a genius.

In the rest of her spare time, she spent all her time on English and biology. She still didn't want to touch physics, which she hated the most. She wanted to be angry with herself, so she just didn't study.She will take out the wrong questions on the papers she has tested and read them in detail, and analyze the reasons repeatedly.When she was serious, she would dive in like this, regardless of everything. Of course, at this time, she felt very passionate. She hoped to take the exam soon and have a chance to prove herself soon.

(End of this chapter)

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