Chapter 49

What makes me most uncomfortable is not when I was young, your tenderness to me slowly disappeared without a trace.Rather, the promises we made to each other have not been fulfilled after many years. "Together forever" is sweet at the time, but hurts at the end. Those vows that cannot be fulfilled are the real poison in this grand love.

Wang Yibei stood at the bus station for a long time, only when the evening wind blew, did he feel so melancholy and real.She did meet Chen Zihan and got back together again.It seems that the decision she made for herself was heard by God, so she arranged for them to meet again.She knew that if one day, she saw him with someone else, she would really give up. Even the love that was as heavy as a mountain could not withstand the unlimited consumption and change her insistence on morality deep in her heart.

She turned her head and walked into the school.I don’t know when the gate was changed from the right to the left. The overpass was repaired only to encourage more students to go. Now it seems that the effect is still there. People who walked down from it continued to chat about the previous topic.She sighed slightly, not knowing what she was sighing, walked into the school gate, and stopped at the flower bed.

She raised her head slightly and looked at Sun Yanbin standing in front of her.She didn't know how long he had been standing here, whether he was waiting for her.She turned around and found that he was standing at this position, just in time to see the scene at the bus stop.This fact made her heart ache, the corners of her mouth trembled, she looked at him but didn't know what she could say.

And he just looked at her.

"You love him very much?" Sun Yanbin's voice was low, his brows were tight, but his eyes were firm.

She nodded.

"How long are you going to love him?" he spoke again.

That tiny and humble psychology reminded him that even if she was with another person, he would still be willing to wait and take her into his arms when her love could not blossom and bear fruit.

"I plan to live my whole life." So, don't put any hope on her.

At that time, Sun Yanbin may not have understood that it was her tactful refusal to him, and she would not know about him until Wang Yibei broke up with Chen Zihan, and she went to another strange city alone, and the man rushed over. How heavy is this love.And her refusal was nothing more than his love for her, letting her know that she would never be able to make the same sacrifice, so she was unwilling to accept it.

After exchanging good night with Sun Yanbin, they hurried back to the dormitory.

Wang Yibei bounced back to the dormitory, his mood was not affected by Sun Yanbin.People sometimes have to explain that they are not great. When they live in the city of joy, even if they know that others are not feeling well, they can at most just sigh with humanitarian comfort, and more just guard their own feelings.After all, the emotions that can make you deeply and unforgettable are always your own feelings.

After she returned to the dormitory, she sat in front of her computer, took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to Chen Zihan, asking where he was now.She has a mobile campus card, and she will be given [-] text messages every month. She has never used it up before. After all, there is no one who can let her send text messages. Now I think this gift is really good.It was not until many years later that her mobile phone was dropped together with this card. She hugged her empty self and stood alone on the corner of the street, only to realize that she was really the only one left.

But now, she only had Chen Zihan in her mind.

Send a message with him, telling him to be more careful, I heard that there are a lot of thieves now, don't doze off on the train.Chen Zihan also told her to go to bed early and not stay up late every day.

After putting down the phone, he was still staring at the phone and giggling non-stop.

Seeing her like this, Wang Qianyu couldn't help shaking her head, walked over and patted her on the head, "Girl, you can return to reality now."

Wang Yibei slapped her hand away, "I don't know if it will hurt?"

"It's rare, you still know what pain is." Wang Qianyu chuckled. Seeing Wang Yibei's pure smile at this moment, she couldn't say anything rational. Those great principles can actually be left behind when meeting this kind of happiness at the moment.Wang Qianyu just envied this couple in her heart and hoped that they could go further.

The happiness that I can't get, sometimes I hope that this kind of happiness will happen to others, maybe I will get something, but that touch of warmth will make the corner of my mouth smile.

Wang Yibei didn't listen to Chen Zihan that much. He often surfed the Internet, watched Taobao, chatted about gossip, and watched many hot topics.When I see many people questioning "long-distance relationship", I think that this kind of relationship will lose to distance sooner or later.She took the mobile phone and called Chen Zihan. In fact, she also knew that there was no point in calling him to ask him about this.But she just wanted to hear his voice, to hear his comforting tone, to be able to imagine that person's expression and movements from the other end of the phone, and to form such a picture in her mind, which would satisfy her all day long.

She would call him and tell him that she had spotted a dress on Taobao, and it would look great in it.Most likely, Chen Zihan would let her buy it, and let her wear it the next time he came.She is not a girl who wants to push her feet. Knowing that they are all students now and have no source of income, she is mostly talking about it and won't let him buy it for him. At most, she just sends him the picture and asks him to give his opinion.

She will tell him some interesting things she encounters in life as soon as possible, and share them with him.When she was wronged, she was of course the first to inform Chen Zihan to let him know how sad she was.

Every night, Chen Zihan would call her and talk about irrelevant topics before he could fall asleep.

One of Wang Yibei's roommates, Xiaorou, is like her, holding the phone porridge every day.The difference is that Wang Yibei has a habit of always leaving the dormitory to answer the phone, so as not to disturb others, and she and Chen Zihan hardly quarrel.Xiao Rou likes to talk loudly with her boyfriend in the dormitory.The content is so eye-catching, usually it is noisy, noisy, and then crying, and the more serious one is dropping the mobile phone. This kind of scene happens almost every day.

When Wang Yibei entered the dormitory, he found that Xiaorou was rushing out immediately, so he was not surprised. He glanced at Wang Qianyu, "What's wrong with her?"

"Go down and pick up your phone." Wang Qianyu was very calm.

Wang Yibei curled her lips. She doesn't like Xiaorou either. She looks like she is on the battlefield every day, especially because she has a bad personality. Every night after twelve o'clock, she can't help calling Xiaorou when she hears Xiaorou talking loudly. So Xiaorou also has a big opinion on her.

I used to drop my phone, but now I just throw it downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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