Chapter 53

During the day, after Chen Zihan worked in front of the computer for a period of time, he would go to the playground to check on Wang Yibei's situation. The temperature is too high recently, and many girls have fainted. He is still very worried about her, so he will at least go to the playground every day Twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.After Wang Yibei's military training at night, he didn't even go back to the dormitory, and rushed over to him directly.

Both of them were a bit out of touch. When they started cooking by themselves, the porridge made by the rice cooker was either as dry as dry rice, or so clear that a single grain of rice could not be seen. Later, Chen Zihan gradually knew how much rice was worth. How much water is put in, the porridge is not dry enough.He always cooks the porridge in advance and waits for it to cool down, because Wang Yibei hates hot porridge the most.

When she came back at night, Chen Zihan had already put watermelon in the refrigerator. As soon as she entered the door, she rushed to the refrigerator, took out the watermelon, cut it into two parts, and then scooped up big mouthfuls of it with a spoon. She ate it so violently that Chen Zihan I can't help but tell her to eat slowly so that she doesn't choke.She also doesn't like spitting out the seeds when eating watermelons. When Chen Zihan buys watermelons, he always buys watermelons without seeds.

After eating the watermelon, she will find clothes and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

Chen Zihan is a guy who finishes his work on the same day. Fortunately, he never asks others to do so, otherwise Wang Yibei will definitely be told to death by him.When Wang Yibei was taking a bath, he asked her to throw out the clothes, and he took them out to wash. Because there were few clothes, he could just rub them and hang them to dry, so there was no need for a washing machine.

Wang Yibei came out of the bathroom, wiped his hair with a handkerchief, leaned against the balcony, watched him wash his clothes, and bit his lip unnaturally, "Am I a very unqualified girlfriend?"

Among the couples she knew, no boy had ever washed the girl's clothes, but many girls did the boy's laundry.

Chen Zihan took the washed clothes in his hands, squeezed them to sleep, and hung them on a hanger to dry, "What the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm reviewing myself, okay?" She thought of something, and suddenly laughed happily, "The last time I went home, my mother said to me: How can a lazy person like you get married in the future?" Hey, am I really delicious and lazy?" Without waiting for the other party to answer, he answered himself, "I seem to be really lazy recently, I don't want to move anymore when I am standing there."

Chen Zihan picked up the basin, "You are a sign of Alzheimer's disease."

Wang Yibei suddenly jumped, "You are the one with Alzheimer's disease!"

"That's not right, let's go together."

She had to admit that although he seldom spoke love words, the words he said occasionally could warm her heart, "Who is with you, I don't want to be with you!"

Seeing her going to the bedroom, Chen Zihan called her to stop, "Go to bed when your hair is dry."

"I see, my future husband."

Chen Zihan had no choice but to stand where he was and shook his head, but there was an obvious smile on the corner of his mouth.

The three weeks of military training ended soon. Wang Yibei actually felt that she was not as relaxed as she imagined. She thought she would be happy after the military training. She and Wang Qianyu discussed where to eat. Today Han went for an interview. Tell her to eat outside by herself.She turned around and took another look at the playground. Those boys lifted the instructors up and threw them into the air. Some excitedly threw their hats and belts into the air, while others were busy taking pictures. The playground was full of hats and belts. Only then did she realize that It turned out that I was quite nostalgic for the 21-day military training life.

After eating, she went back to her dormitory to pack her things. Wang Qianyu left that afternoon and was also packing her things.

"Are you planning to go home?" Wang Qianyu knew that Wang Yibei was packing up and going to her and Chen Zihan's rental house. Hearing that Chen Zihan was already looking for a job, he probably had no plans to leave.

Wang Yibei nodded, "Stay a few more days, I have already called my parents."

Wang Qianyu wanted to tell her something, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't say anything.They are still in the period of passionate love, and it is really difficult for others to say anything.Wang Qianyu wants to tell Wang Yibei that he can't always be so willful in the future, and can't always be so arbitrary, he has to think about the other party's situation.But looking at Wang Yibei's happy, almost heartless appearance, he didn't want to mix these slightly realistic things into it.

Wang Yibei packed up his things, looked at himself with a big box and a few small pockets, and started to have trouble again, Chen Zihan probably hasn't come back yet, she wants to take these to the rental house alone?She sat down on the chair, thinking whether to wait for Chen Zihan to come back before leaving.

After Wang Qianyu packed her things, she found that Wang Yibei was sitting there motionless. Looking at the things Wang Yibei had packed, she knew what was in her head, so she couldn't help shaking her head, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

Wang Yibei screamed and ran to Wang Qianyu, "You are the best, I know you are the best."

Wang Qianyu shrugged, "Come on, you white-eyed wolf, even if the world is the best for you, the most important thing to you is Chen Zihan."

Wang Yibei laughed, "Don't be jealous."

After they went downstairs with their things, Wang Yibei suddenly remembered, "You sent me there, when are you leaving? Will you let the person who picks you up wait?"

"Ask now, are you willing to deliver things to your rented house if someone is waiting for me?"

Wang Yibei shook his head heartlessly, "But you can let the car that comes to pick you up drop by."

Wang Qianyu was speechless, but after a while she whispered again, "I don't intend to get someone to pick me up, I'm going to go back by myself."

Wang Yibei gave Wang Qianyu a strange look, but didn't ask why. Sometimes just by looking at a person's eyes, he could tell that those things were on his mind that the other person didn't want to talk about. It had nothing to do with secrets, but he just didn't want to tell others.

(End of this chapter)

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