Chapter 61

She didn't want to stay in the dormitory, so she ran to Chen Zihan's small apartment by herself.When Chen Zihan heard the reason for her illness, he couldn't help "praising" her for her good health, and suggested that she go for a morning run, but she pretended not to hear.Chen Zihan forced her to see a doctor. She would rather die than get an IV or an injection. No matter how the doctor persuaded her, she only asked for a few doses of medicine.

Chen Zihan had no choice but to let her go.

In fact, since he started working, the time they meet has not been as good as before. He is obviously staying in a city, and he has been busy with work. If she invites friends to go shopping or something, she won’t come over that weekend. In this way, they meet every month She didn't have much time, and she felt that this minor illness was fine, so she could stay here and let him accompany her.

Because Wang Yibei was here, Chen Zihan got up earlier in the morning. When she wasn't here, he hardly knew how to make breakfast. He always ate something at the bun shop downstairs before going to work. Now he had to make breakfast.After he made breakfast, he went to wake Wang Yibei up. When Wang Yibei heard his footsteps, he began to wrap himself in the quilt, waiting for him to tear off the quilt layer by layer, "Get up."

She always closes her eyes and pretends to be in a deep sleep.

Chen Zihan was very helpless, pinching her nose with his hands, "Get up quickly, or you will be late for class."

She was not afraid of being late, she continued to pretend to be asleep, and opened her mouth to vent her anger.

Chen Zihan didn't call her anymore, she felt it was strange, so she squinted her eyes to look at him, and then realized that she had been tricked, so he waited for him to open his eyes, and then slowly got up with his clothes.

After breakfast, she went back to school, and he was going to work, but Wang Yibei held Chen Zihan's arm, "Send me to school, okay?"

Her eyes were full of pleading, and Chen Zihan's heart suddenly softened.

One has two, Wang Yibei will ask him to send her back to school every day, he wants to refuse every time, but every time he hardens his heart to say the words of rejection, seeing her disappointed eyes, he immediately retracts the words of the previous rejection, Send her back to school again.

Wang Yibei's cold had recovered early, but she still stayed here, and Chen Zihan didn't talk about her, so she followed unconsciously.

When Chen Zihan was about to leave work that day, his boss Shen Shaoan stopped him, so Chen Zihan had no choice but to follow Shen Shaoan into his office.

Shen Shaoan's complexion was not very good. He sat at the desk and squinted his eyes to look at him, "I promoted you exceptionally. There are so many pairs of eyes looking at you, but take a look at how you have behaved recently?"

Chen Zihan frowned, but remained silent.

Shen Shaoan sighed, and he didn't want to make things difficult for him, "Your ability is undeniable, but young people, especially young people like you who have just started, must at least be down-to-earth. If I leave immediately, even if I want to promote you, what will others think?"

"no more chance."

Only then did Shen Shaoan nod his head. One of the reasons he admired Chen Zihan was that he would not like to find reasons to excuse his mistakes like others. Chen Zihan would accept the consequences of his mistakes. As for the reasons behind it, no one would be willing care.

"Okay, you go out!"

Wang Yibei later found out that no matter how spoiled she was, Chen Zihan was hard-hearted and refused to send herself to school. She lost her temper for a while, and then went back to the dormitory by herself.After she went back, Chen Zihan called as usual. After she lost her temper, she just assumed it was over and didn't mention it.

Another thing that made Wang Yibei angry was that her college held a Christmas party on Christmas Day, and she had already promised to go, and for this reason, she and Wang Qianyu went shopping for the dress she wore that day several times. Looking forward to the party.

Another reason for anticipation is that she always feels that there are no surprises with Chen Zihan now, and she wants to use this festival to enhance their relationship.But while she was working so hard, Chen Zihan told her that he would work overtime that night, and he would be very busy with work recently, even on weekends.If it was just like this, maybe she wasn't so angry yet, but Chen Zihan still taught her not to be obsessed with such meaningless festivals. Nowadays, people celebrate festivals for the sake of festivals, and they don't even understand the meaning of why other people celebrate such festivals, but It will be celebrated with great fanfare.

The more Wang Yibei thought about it, the more angry she became. Her focus was not on those festivals at all, but on creating an opportunity for each other.But he said what the festival was like.

She was so angry that she was talking nonsense. Standing on the balcony and being blown by the cold wind, she still felt full of anger.Especially when she saw many couples on the way back to the dormitory from outside, those boys reluctantly sent their girlfriend back to the dormitory, and stood at the door and refused to leave.When she saw that picture, she felt envious.

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She wiped her hair, "Busy, there is never a time when you are not busy. Among my classmates, there are also boyfriends who are working, but when they called boyfriends, didn't they see that they were busy?"

She couldn't listen to anything, and just yelled at the phone, "Then get busy, I'll see how busy you are."

After hanging up the phone, she walked into the bedroom angrily.As soon as Wang Qianyu saw her like that, she knew that she and Chen Zihan must have had trouble again, so she couldn't help comforting her.

Wang Yibei couldn't listen at all now, and looked at Wang Qianyu impatiently, "Isn't it because I'm not important enough? If I was important enough, he would have put down what he was doing and promised me. After all, it's not that I am not important... "

Wang Qianyu just wanted to persuade her, but the other two roommates nodded unanimously at Wang Yibei's words, "Yes, if a boy really cares about you, he will definitely put you first and put everything else aside. My ex , Excuse me to be busy all day long, I really believed him at the beginning, but later I realized that he is really busy, busy trying to court another girl... For a man, tsk tsk."

When Wang Yibei heard this, he felt even more uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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