Chapter 7

Naturally, Wang Qianyu didn't know why she fell in love with that man.Perhaps, when that man traveled thousands of miles to find his mother, he went out to find his mother who abandoned him a long time ago with his tuition fees. He only had a change of clothes, and he came to Yanchuan City by train on his stomach, just to find his relatives.He searched for it three times. At that time, her mother asked the boy if he still couldn't find it, would he come again?He said yes.That was the most resolute look in Wang Qianyu's life.

Later, Wang Qianyu thought that she was obsessed with those resolute eyes.His heart was captured by a man who was looking for his mother thousands of miles away, and then he could never recover.

"What happened later?" Wang Yibei listened quietly. In her eyes, Wang Qianyu was definitely a woman worthy of a man's care, but she had been single for so many years.

When the lights came on, there were little lights everywhere.

"Later, he went to college. I asked him to review his homework as an excuse. In fact, I just wanted to see him more times. Then he had a girlfriend, and he loved his girlfriend very much. Later, they got married, and he was a good husband. Also a good father."

Simply stated, in the happiness of others, I once occupied a corner with my own world.

"You haven't explained it to him?"


Wang Qianyu smiled sincerely. She loved a man once, and he was a good man, but he didn't love herself.He will also give sincerely, just to another woman.She will not say, nor will she tell others that her former lover is the real hero in that movie.He is staging an unusual love affair with others, and he can only become a spectator of that movie in the end.

Wang Yibei looked at her, stretched out his hand, and squeezed Wang Qianyu's hand tightly.

"I have never regretted it. Even in this relationship, I was the only one who fell in the end." Wang Qianyu still smiled kindly, without any resentment. The path I chose was not to be blamed. "I wish him happiness, and at the same time believe that , I will choose the best way of life to make myself happy. After all, life must continue, and he has become the past."

Wang Qianyu patted her hand, which contained comfort and...

She regards Wang Qianyu as her best friend. The important point is that she will never look at herself with distrust or puzzlement like others. She will always be by her side, and when she calms down , slowly enlightening without a trace, like my own sister.

Now Wang Qianyu tells her own story in this way, making herself an audience.In fact, when she was telling her herself, she was also telling her Wang Yibei that Chen Zihan had also become the past, life must continue, and it was impossible to stay for anyone.

It was so obscure that Chen Zihan's name was not even mentioned.For her now, those three words are always taboo, but Wang Qianyu never mentioned them.

Even Wang Qianyu told her so cryptically that she was much better than Wang Qianyu.The man Wang Qianyu loved never even knew that such a woman loved her, and she still had no complaints or regrets.

But what about myself?I have been in love with Chen Zihan for so many years, high school, college...but after breaking up, I have always held resentment in my heart, even if I don't know what the resentment is.In comparison, it was her, Wang Yibei, who had become a child. Since their love had come to an end, it was inevitable to choose to break up.

She should treat that relationship with an indifferent attitude, and use her most ordinary heart. That man has never betrayed her, and she has never betrayed her. They just found out in the end that it was not suitable at all.

The pain in her heart was originally because she didn't let herself go.Those years were too sweet, I actually wanted to keep them with my own efforts, I completely trapped myself in the trap of memories, and I couldn't extricate myself.

She smiled slightly, "I believe that we will all be happy."

Even the men we have loved don't love themselves.

Liang Yue was Wang Yibei's best friend in high school, not even one of them.In the past, Wang Yibei had countless naive ideas that were amazing, one of which was that she only asked for a good friend to accompany her for the rest of her life.The first person who made her have this idea was Liang Yue.It's just that later, even she couldn't do it herself.

Wang Yibei went to the best high school in the city to repeat his studies, while Liang Yue went to other provinces to study in university. The two had different circles of friends in different environments.For a long time, Wang Yibei had doubted her friendship with Liang Yue.When she faced classmates who were one level lower than herself in the re-examination, and was troubled with countless subjects every day, Liang Yue and her calls mentioned more about all the good things in the university. When I met someone, I would even hang up my phone in two sentences just because I went out for dinner.

It wasn't until later that she realized that it was actually herself who had the problem.Everyone has their own way of life, and you shouldn't demand too much from others. When all your emotions are added to one person, you have to face the possibility of collapse.She is not a good student, not only in friendship, but also in love.

But the touch Liang Yue gave her is also real.

When she told Liang Yue on the phone that she had a good friend Wang Qianyu, Liang Yue told her: I am very happy, I hope she can replace me by your side and share your joys and sorrows.

Just that one sentence made Wang Yibei completely relieved of everything in the past, and today Liang Yue is going to get married, she promised to go later, then she will definitely go.

Liang Yue's wedding venue was a very luxurious hotel in this city. The outside of the hotel was magnificent, but the inside was extremely exquisite.

At the beginning, she and Liang Yue agreed that whoever gets married first will be her bridesmaid.At that time, Liang Yue thought that Wang Yibei must be the first to get married, but she didn't know that fate would arrange this for her many years later.

Wang Yibei came earlier and called Liang Yuexian, who came out to meet her in person.Liang Yue's makeup and hair have already been done, but she hasn't changed her clothes yet.As soon as Liang Yue saw her, she gave her a big hug, then pinched Wang Yibei's face and refused to let it go, "Why haven't you changed much? Your skin is still so good, tsk tsk tsk, what kind of cosmetics do you use?"

"I'm naturally beautiful." Wang Yibei covered his mouth and smiled. The first time he saw Liang Yue, the indelible sense of familiarity immediately rose, and he looked at the delicate makeup on Liang Yue's face. Scared the groom away?"

(End of this chapter)

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