Chapter 73

And when she really realized it, half a month later, she really thought that she had lost Chen Zihan, which meant that Chen Zihan would have nothing to do with her in the future. This thought was implanted deep in her heart and quickly took root germination.She belatedly started to go crazy, first she called Chen Zihan and argued with him tirelessly, and then he didn't want to answer her calls.She went to his apartment to guard him, and every time we met, he couldn't do without him loathing her now, he didn't care about her, and Chen Zihan didn't even want to go back to the apartment.

Wang Yibei didn't understand very much. He looked at her now as if he saw a ghost, and kept avoiding her.Thinking of all the past again, she couldn't help feeling unwilling.Just let it go?Why?If she lets go now, she is fulfilling Chen Zihan and Xiang Chen. She doesn't want to be so great, so she doesn't want to fulfill them.

As long as she has free time, she will call him and keep calling until he is so annoyed that he turns off the phone.As if in a daze, she called him and went to his apartment to block him.Obviously she didn't know what to say to him, and she had nothing to say, but she just couldn't help herself and wanted to call him.

She always fantasizes about whether she will wake up one day, she and Chen Zihan are still fine, everything is still the same as before, he will not avoid her like now, nor will he not answer her calls.The reality is that even if he occasionally answers her call, he will immediately quarrel. He despises her, she despises him, and he changes. Day after day, the cycle continues.

Sometimes even Wang Yibei herself feels that she is tired.But even so, she didn't want to give up. She blamed all of Chen Zihan's changes on Xiang Chen. If it wasn't for Xiang Chen, she must be on good terms with Chen Zihan now, and it must be Xiang Chen's appearance that changed Chen Zihan.She also asked a male classmate about this, and the classmate told her that after a long time, couples will naturally get tired, and if a beautiful woman appears at this time, the man will really easily empathize with others.This further deepened her guess that everything started because of Xiang Chen.

This day Wang Yibei got up very early, she hadn't seen Chen Zihan for a long time, even though she wanted to see him every day and called him every day, but he had no other emotions except being annoyed by her phone.She wanted to go to Chen Zihan's company to look for him today, but she didn't believe that she wouldn't see him.

But today was unlucky for her. She went to "Guangyu", and after spending a lot of time, she learned from one of Chen Zihan's colleagues that Chen Zihan had gone to "Huaguang" to discuss a cooperation project.She thanked the other party, and then left from "Guang Yu".She hesitated between going back to school directly and waiting for Chen Zihan to come back. She chose to wait for Chen Zihan.

She looked up the route to "Huanguang" on her mobile phone, and she thought that as long as she waited at a necessary intersection, she would be able to wait for him.I can't explain why I must see him, but I just want to see him, I really want to.

She waited at the intersection that she had to pass, imagining what she should say to Chen Zihan at that time, should she lower her tone and have a good talk with him, so as not to be as tense as before.Before her imagination was over, she had already seen Chen Zihan's figure. She immediately got up from the stone bench she was sitting on and ran towards him.

But only halfway through the run, her face was already ugly.Next to Chen Zihan, the person standing was Xiang Chen.They walked together, laughing and discussing something from time to time.

She saw Chen Zihan smiling. How long has it been since he smiled at her?But now he was smiling at another woman, and they seemed to be having a good time talking.

Her uncontrollable anger made her tremble all over, almost without thinking, she rushed over, ran at the fastest speed in her life, and grabbed Xiang Chen with her hands.

Xiang Chen and Chen Zihan didn't expect her to appear suddenly. When they realized it, Chen Zihan pulled Wang Yibei away. Xiang Chen's face was scratched by Wang Yibei's nails, and his hair was messed up.

Even though Wang Yibei was pulled away by Chen Zihan, he kept yelling, "There are so many men you didn't choose, but you just came to seduce my boyfriend. Are you that bad of a man?"

She scolded more and more vigorously, and Chen Zihan was furious, "Wang Yibei, you are going too far."

He pushed her, and she gritted her teeth and looked at him, "You actually helped her, and you actually pushed me?" She immediately felt aggrieved, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Xiang Chen was also impatient. When he came over, he stretched out his hand, wanting to return the slap Wang Yibei gave her just now, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, Chen Zihan squeezed her hand, and then looked at Wang Yibei, "I don't want to see You, you go!"

"If I don't go, I won't go."

Chen Zihan stared at her, "Do you know what you look like now?"

She suddenly burst into tears, she looks like a shrew, but should she care now, her boyfriend is holding another woman's hand in his hand, and he still looks at himself with such indifferent eyes.

She gritted her teeth and looked at him, "Chen Zihan, I hate you." After she finished speaking, she ran away in tears.

Seeing her leave, Chen Zihan let go of Xiang Chen's hand.Xiang Chen's face was still full of anger, and only she knew that if Chen Zihan didn't hold her hand, she would definitely rush to fight Wang Yibei. At this moment, this man was still helping that unreasonable woman.

"I apologize to you on her behalf. I'm sorry." Chen Zihan looked at Xiang Chen and sighed softly.

Xiang Chen didn't speak, but just arranged her hair.It took her a while to recover, but what she thought was, if she didn't accept his apology, would it mean that he would always owe herself and feel guilty to herself?

But she forgot that sometimes a man has no heart at all.

Chen Zihan and a colleague in the staff dormitory proposed to hang out together. When Chen Zihan heard it, he casually said, "Add me." As soon as his voice fell, several colleagues looked at each other suspiciously, and they proposed to go to bars and other places in the past , except for work, Chen Zihan absolutely refused, as if he was always busy with things, he never thought that he would go with him this time.

(End of this chapter)

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