Chapter 83

She couldn't control anything and rushed straight into the rain. She couldn't hear what the old man was yelling behind her, so she could only keep running forward.No matter how rainy or windy it was, she just wanted to find Chen Zihan along the way.

The mud puddles on the road were filled with water. She walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and her clothes and trousers were covered with muddy water, but she couldn't feel how cold she was, but her tears kept flowing. She didn't want Chen Zihan to have an accident, and he wouldn't No accidents are allowed.

Walking along the road, but the ground is full of water, she can't see where there are traces of cars.She could only keep calling the name "Chen Zihan" until her voice was almost hoarse.

She didn't know how far she had gone, and somewhere she saw a big piece of the side of the road collapse, like something rolling down.If it wasn't for the fact that the flaws were too great, she certainly wouldn't have been able to find them.She stood there and looked down, but she couldn't see anything below, the rain was misty like thick smoke.

She wiped the water off her face, didn't think about anything, went straight down, the ground was too slippery, she rolled for a long distance, finally got up, and didn't know if she was injured, she saw Not far from me, there was a car overturned there, and the car fell apart, like broken copper and iron.

She got up desperately and rushed over.She knew this car, Chen Zihan drove it out this morning.

But there was no one in the car, she kept shouting, and finally saw Chen Zihan under a tree.She ran over and hugged him fiercely, she was so worried about him, afraid that something would happen to him, the loss and recovery of this moment made her want to cry even more.

Chen Zihan's face was pale, his lips turned purple, and he couldn't even say words to comfort her, "Go back and find someone..."

Lu Ying kept shaking her head.

It was very difficult for Chen Zihan to speak. He didn't expect the wind and rain to be so heavy. When the car drove back, he was also frightened. The wind blew the car so that the direction of the car was not stable at all. , It's useless to step on the brakes, he rolled down with the car...

Because he was afraid of the danger of staying in the car, he tried his best to climb out, but his leg had no strength at all, and he didn't know where he was hurt...

Lu Ying didn't hold her and continue crying, but just wiped away her tears, "I won't leave you, absolutely not."

He felt that she was desperately carrying himself up, and he wanted to tell her not to make such an effort, but she wouldn't listen, and she must carry him back.He has been in a haze, and he also knows that he has a high fever and his brain is not clear.But he really wanted to cry, and he didn't have the urge to cry for so long.The last thing he thought of was that if it was Wang Yibei, at this moment he would probably just hold his hand and ask: What should we do, what should we do, what should we do...

He felt that he was still greedy. He had been Wang Yibei's safe haven for so many years, and he was still very tired in his heart. He still longed for someone to be his safe haven one day.

Lu Ying went back with Chen Zihan on her back, and everyone looked at them in surprise, because they were completely two clay figurines, covered in mud from top to bottom.Lu Ying also passed out because of collapse.

When Chen Zihan woke up, he was already in the hospital.Several colleagues here told him what happened that day, and even looked at him enviously, "If there is a woman who treats me like this, I will definitely not marry her in my life." It takes so much perseverance to recite it back, even a man can't do it.

After Lu Ying woke up, the first thing she did was to ask about Chen Zihan's situation. After knowing that he was fine, she finally felt relieved.

Chen Zihan was hospitalized, and Lu Ying took care of him in the hospital. She worked tirelessly to accompany Chen Zihan, fearing that he would be bored, so she talked with him.She didn't mention how to carry him back step by step, and she didn't want to make him feel owed.

Just because she didn't say anything, it doesn't mean Chen Zihan didn't know.

"Why do you treat me so well?" It's not that Chen Zihan really doesn't understand her thoughts. After she joined the company, she expressed a strong affection for him. He didn't take it seriously, and only thought that a young lady like her was just She has never been deflated, as long as he keeps his face, she will retreat in spite of the difficulties, and she will lose interest in him after a few days.Afterwards, when she designed him, he felt angry, but he also felt that it was justifiable, so he didn't care much...

But now, he felt as if he had underestimated her feelings.

"You know." Lu Ying looked at him firmly, "I want to be your girlfriend."

It may be easy for a man to reject other people's love, and it is okay to try to ignore it, but it is impossible not to care about such a debt.And he doesn't hate her. The most important thing is that he really doesn't want to entangle with Wang Yibei again and again. It will be really tiring, so it's better to give each other a new chance.

He looked at Lu Ying with a smile, "OK."

A month later, Chen Zihan's injury improved a lot, and Lu Ying and Chen Zihan returned to Yanchuan City together.When she was not with Chen Zihan before, Lu Ying spent all day thinking about how to get close to him, what kind of girl he would like, and whether he might like her too.But when this day came, she felt that everything was so unreal. Holding Chen Zihan's hand, she had to work hard to feel it for a long time before she could be sure that he really belonged to her.

Lu Ying would often giggle alone, this moment was so wonderful, she felt like she would wake up laughing from a dream.

After Lu Ying returned to Yanchuan, she learned from her colleagues that Wang Yibei had visited Chen Zihan many times in the past month.When Lu Ying heard the news, she immediately got upset. Chen Zihan had broken up with that woman for so long, and she was still relying on Chen Zihan.What she didn't want to admit was that she was still not sure about Chen Zihan. Even though she had become Chen Zihan's real girlfriend, she was still anxious all day long.

So Lu Ying decided to talk to Wang Yibei, and to talk to Wang Yibei as Chen Zihan's girlfriend.

When receiving a call from Lu Ying, Wang Yibei had just finished a subject, and she felt puzzled when she knew that the other party wanted to talk to her, but she didn't refuse, because Lu Ying said that it was related to Chen Zihan.

Wang Yibei was a little uneasy, so he asked Wang Qianyu to accompany him.

Wang Yibei asked Wang Qianyu to sit at her back-to-back position to make her feel at ease, and at the same time, it would not let Lu Ying realize that she had brought a friend here, and Wang Qianyu was sitting at that table, pretending to be waiting for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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