Chapter 87

If one day we no longer love each other, please pretend that we have never met each other, even if we pass each other on the street, don't choose to look back.I am afraid, mentioning such innocuous greetings will increase the strangeness of each other, even strangers are not as good, and the real meeting is not as good as nostalgia.

Weddings go slowly and always end.After the meal, the guests were about to leave one after another, and the hosts watched the guests leave while talking politely.When Wang Yibei was still thinking of an excuse to leave, he was surrounded by people and came to a teahouse.This is a storefront that Du Weikai had rented before, so that his old classmates could sit and rest here after eating, and play mahjong by the way.Du Weikai was already flushed from drinking, and he was still pulling Chen Zihan, not to let anyone leave, otherwise Chen Zihan would be the only one to ask.

Standing among this group of people, Wang Yibei felt a little headache.She originally thought that, to see who would be the first to propose to leave first, she would find a suitable reason and slip away.Today coincides with the weekend, and the students who can come here are basically working in the city, and even a reason is like an excuse.What's more, after the groom said those words, these people all seemed to sigh a little.Although I have held several class reunions, the number of people who come every time is not complete. It is always this one who comes, and that one who has something to do and can't come.This time, taking advantage of Du Weikai's and Liang Yue's wedding, it was also a kind of fate to gather these students from Class [-] and Class [-] together.At this moment, it can be regarded as half of the class reunion.Everyone has gone their separate ways since high school. It is rare to see familiar people in the same university, and they all miss the youthful time in high school.

No one even said they wanted to leave first.

Wang Yibei's footsteps moved, showing a little sigh.In the past, she was always the leader, doing whatever she thought.Liang Yue once told her very seriously that with her personality, she could easily offend people. Since high school, many people have learned the word tactful.

No one mentioned it, so it was hard for her to open her mouth, not to mention that everyone still followed behind Chen Zihan, acting as if Chen Zihan was half the master.

The tea house is very chic, and it is also close to the restaurant for the wedding. After the large group entered, they began to sit down a few times and played mahjong directly.

Wang Yibei knows mahjong, but he can't play mahjong.She sat on the soft sofa on the other side, thinking about taking a break, when several classmates called her over, she smiled and waved her hand to indicate that she would not.

Just looking up, I found that the seat I was sitting in was exactly opposite to that of Chen Zihan, and subconsciously wanted to get up and leave.This kind of thought just came up, and I felt that why should I be so hypocritical, and others didn't do anything, she showed such concern, but it made people feel stingy.

It wasn't deliberate, just looking over, Xiang Chen was sitting beside Chen Zihan.He smiled gently, and Xiang Chen's smile blossomed.

A pleasing pair, even she thinks so.

After a while, the sofa sank, Liang Yue patted Wang Yibei's shoulder, and smiled kindly, "Why don't you go play together?"

"Isn't this waiting for you?"

Liang Yue has already changed out of her somewhat cumbersome wedding dress, but her hairstyle and makeup remain the same, she still looks as delicate as a beautiful woman walking out of an art photo.

"Then thank you!" Liang Yue's ending sound dragged on.

"Where's your family?"

"I drank too much, let him go to bed, and threatened to continue at night, that idiot, I don't want to talk about him." Liang Yue originally planned to let Du Weikai drink some water to make up for it, anyway, others couldn't tell whether it was wine or water. In the end, that guy thought that marriage was a lifetime thing, so he just drank it to the end. Liang Yue didn't know whether to praise him for being upright or stupid.

"That's good." Wang Yibei reached out and touched Liang Yue's face, "In case I want to kiss you and find that your face is covered in flour."

Liang Yue was so angry that she almost jumped up, "Are you so hurtful?"

"Don't doubt, it's you who I hurt."

Liang Yue laughed angrily, and looked at Wang Yibei helplessly.She originally thought that after Wang Yibei saw Chen Zihan, even if he didn't lose control, he would be unable to hide his sorrow, but now she felt that she had guessed wrong.Life is the best teacher, it can make people hide their emotions.It's just that it's hard for her to say anything. Firstly, Ruo Wang Yibei really doesn't have anything. She said that, but superfluous. Second, if Wang Yibei has something, the situation has become like this. What she said would only add to Wang Yibei's sadness.

It's just that Liang Yue really thinks that Chen Zihan is going too far. Knowing that there will be so many acquaintances on such an occasion, he dares to bring Xiang Chen here, which will embarrass Wang Yibei.Even if they haven't been in touch for a long time, in her heart, Wang Yibei will always be her best friend, even if the environment has changed now, the people around her have also changed.

Just as Liang Yue was about to say something, Wang Yibei's cell phone rang.

She glanced at her phone, and was about to go out to answer the phone in a place with few people, but Liang Yue grabbed her, "Whose phone is it? It's not shameful to go out and answer it."

Wang Yibei seemed a little helpless, so he continued to sit down and pressed the answer button.

"Today is the weekend, where are you? I found a restaurant with good taste, do you want to try it?" The other party's tone was normal, but a smile could still be heard.

"Hey, you know that I can't resist delicious food, and you still lure me like this. I really want to come, but today I came to attend a wedding that I couldn't refuse, and now I'm still held hostage by the bride, unable to move, I express very much The pain." She also chuckled, and immediately received a serious protest from Liang Yue, who pinched her so hard that she couldn't stop breathing, it really hurt.

"Then do I need to be a hero to save the beauty?"

"Actually, the bride is beautiful, generous, dignified and virtuous. Even if she doesn't hold me hostage, I will bow down under her pomegranate skirt."

At this time, Liang Yue showed a smile, but she was also thinking about the relationship between the person on the other end of the call and Wang Yibei.

"That means you were tricked by someone?"

"That's right, there are not only beauties here, but also handsome men."

"That's great. I also want to come and appreciate how beautiful the beauties are, and how handsome the handsome guys are."

"Don't come here to make up the money. Once you come, others will immediately lose their luster. You should be kinder."

Wang Yibei babbled a lot before hanging up the phone.But Liang Yue became interested, "Why don't you let that person come? Let us also see how outstanding he is, and let all the handsome men and beautiful women here lose their luster."

"The exaggerated sentences I used are good at Chinese, so I used them by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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