Chapter 90

"Don't do Tai Chi with me." Xiang Yuheng drove out the car and let Wang Yibei sit in, "If you don't tell me, I won't force you, but you should know that this will affect my life. It’s better to be more cautious.”

"Actually, Miss Lu and I really don't know each other well. You might as well know her better."

"That means we know each other?"

Wang Yibei smiled slightly, his eyes gliding over Xiang Yuheng's face, but the smile was more like floating on the surface of his face, "She is my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend."

Xiang Yuheng turned to look at her, and the smile on her face turned into a mocking gesture.

Lu Ying's appearance made her realize a fact.Chen Zihan was her ex-boyfriend, but she didn't even count as Chen Zihan's ex-girlfriend.According to the extent of her memories, did Chen Zihan also recall Lu Ying in this way?

Some thoughts, once they arise, slowly spread like poison.This world always uses more and more realistic evidence to remind myself that those thoughts are extravagant hopes, slowly crushing the little hope in my heart.

Chen Zihan not only broke up with her, but also dated another woman, and even almost got married.

Xiang Yuheng didn't ask any more about this matter, and even if she asked, she didn't intend to open her mouth.Just treat her as selfish, she is willing to mention her most glorious and beautiful moments, and she is absolutely unwilling to show her most embarrassing self in front of others, no matter who that person is.Even if she is in pain, she has to lick the wound by herself and not let anyone see it.

As long as she knows her embarrassment, others have no right to share it.

She was fortunate that she had developed her acting skills over the years. Even if she told the truth to Xiang Yuheng, she would never be able to detect the slightest bit from her expression.

Get out of Xiang Yuheng's car, "Thank you for taking me back."

He took a deep look at her, reversed the car, and drove away.

She stood where she was, watching the car gradually go away and disappeared from her field of vision.She never thought that she would meet Lu Ying, even from the moment she decided to return to Yanchuan, she knew that she would definitely face many people and things about the past.Either way, always come, if not today, it will be tomorrow.Just attack them all together, and you will be invulnerable to all poisons, it is best to throw them all at yourself together.She was cowardly in the past, but she is no longer cowardly today.

Only by really facing it can she live what she thought was an ordinary life.She never thought that in this life she would not marry anyone, nor did she think that she would live alone in this life. In the end, she still couldn't avoid the vulgarity and chose a man to live a normal life. able to let go.

Well, the experience these days is all good.She doesn't have to worry anymore, life occasionally gives out surprises.His former classmates had appeared, Chen Zihan had appeared, his once biggest love rival Xiang Chen had also appeared, and even Chen Zihan's past fiancée had appeared.

No one can make waves in her life anymore, and her life will eventually become a lake as calm as a mirror as she wishes.

She walked towards her apartment step by step, the shadow was slowly lengthened with her steps, and the shadow under the street lamp looked lonely and weak.

However, the next moment, beside her shadow, another shadow appeared.

"Wang Yibei."

She stood where she was, and didn't look back, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Do you mind chatting?" Lu Ying walked up to Wang Yibei.

Wang Yibei is no longer the naive and naive silly girl a few years ago, and Lu Ying is no longer the stubborn woman who was desperate for a man a few years ago. They both face each other with their changed selves.

Wang Yibei walked to the long chair in the community and sat down. Now she has become one of the women who work from dawn to dusk in the city. She has the dream of a little girl, and now she also has a hard heart.She already understood that the only person who can hurt her is herself.

Lu Ying walked to the bench opposite Wang Yibei and didn't sit with her at all.

Lu Ying lit a cigarette, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, "Do you want one?"

Two women who once loved the same man said that women should not make things difficult for women. When facing a common prey, even men will fight to the death, so what is it that makes women difficult?
Wang Yibei stretched out her hand, Lu Ying smiled, and then threw the cigarette and lighter together.Wang Yibei took it, put the cigarette in his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.What a familiar smell, the self-indulgence at the beginning is inseparable from the smoke and wine.She is always the stupidest type of person, when others don't want her, she still chooses to hurt herself, and uses the scars all over her body to prove her cheapness.

"Still alone?" Lu Ying squinted her eyes and said, but she didn't want to chat about family affairs. They were not friends, and it was not their turn to talk about what was in their hearts.

If so, it's just a trial.

"You want me to be alone?" Wang Yibei took out the cigarette from his mouth. He hadn't touched this thing for many years, but he was quite skilled in touching it here.

"It seems that even after leaving Chen Zihan, your charm is still not to be underestimated, so you hooked Xiang Yuheng again so soon?"

"Thank you for caring about my emotional life, but I have nothing to say."

Lu Ying snorted, "No comment? That's okay, anyway, no matter whether you have a relationship or not, it will become nothing in the end."

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm only getting scared now, isn't it a little late?"

Wang Yibei threw the cigarette butt on the ground casually, "I believe that Miss Lu would not do such an immoral thing."

"That can only be blamed, why you let me meet you. Since the gods let me meet you, I can't make you feel better, otherwise I will be sorry for God's painstaking efforts."

Wang Yibei just smiled, it turned out that after such a long time, she was not the only one who couldn't let go.It's great, even if it's painful, there are people accompanying me.It's just so ridiculous that two women are fighting against each other here, and the man who should be the hero in the incident can stay out of it and continue his smooth life. No matter whether it is love, marriage or childbirth, no one will blame him for his mistakes.

And these two women who failed to get him in the end, for unknown reasons, regarded each other as enemies.The world is always so unreasonable, as if it has been like this from the past to the present.

"So, I have no choice but to admit that I'm unlucky." Wang Yibei smiled softly. In fact, it didn't affect her too much. When she couldn't stand it, she could resign, but she just sacrificed a job she liked more.

(End of this chapter)

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