Chapter 92

The reason why she didn't explain her relationship with Xiang Yuheng to Lu Ying was because she thought it was unnecessary. The other party was just looking for excuses to find her unhappy, so why should she explain so much, it was useless.What's more, Xiang Yuheng's appearance is obviously unwilling to have any relationship with Lu Ying, so at least Xiang Yuheng's parents will stop persecuting him.

But Xiang Yuheng's thinking is very simple. Since others are doing it sincerely, why should he follow others' wishes? If the company is in crisis, it can only prove that he is not capable enough, not relying on another woman.

Wang Yibei looked at some of the people the company had contacted recently, and he couldn't say that he was unreasonable about the breach of contract by other companies. "Huasheng" originally cooperated with some small companies, and these small companies naturally didn't want to offend "Guangyu" because of "Huasheng", a company with little reputation. Although the development of "Guangyu" in these years is not in full swing, it can be regarded as steady progress. It is not as good as those big companies, but it is more than enough than such a small company, especially when Xiang Yuheng never moved his father. The "Huasheng" that came out is indeed incomparable.

The work situation has always been like this, and the social relationship is actually like this. Everyone wants to find a backer.Men hope to use their careers as a backer, while women hope to find a strong man as a backer.

These are all... boring thoughts, continue to analyze those cases.

backing?If "Huasheng" can cooperate with a large company, it is natural not to negotiate with these companies in a low voice, but to sit in the office directly, and countless calls come in asking for cooperation.

The ideal is of course good, and everyone hopes for smooth sailing.She opened the folder, and there was a case in which Xiang Yuheng wanted to cooperate with "Huaguang" last time, but it was stranded before it was opened. It was a plan designed for a certain resort in "Huaguang". The "ring light" has slowly turned to the development of resorts.Men and women in the city are more and more looking for a quiet place to relax during their holidays, and Lu Yanyan has already set his sights on the construction of the resort, and the "Huaguang" will definitely attract more attention in a few years.

The design of that case took her and Xiang Yuheng a lot of effort, but the other party never even had the interest to listen.She looked at the plan again, modified some parts, and then sorted it out.

For a long time, she denied her past childishness and labeled it "stupid", and it is only now that this thinking has changed.Each stage has irreplaceable moods and behaviors, even if it seems so unbelievable later, the truth at that moment may only be revealed by that "stupid".

Just like her in the past, she would definitely not be willing to do such a thing.

Everyone should be responsible for what they have done. "Hua Sheng" has her reasons for her current predicament. She should be responsible for it. She wanted to prove that she is no longer cowardly. When the reality forced her to fight back, Naturally, they will choose to resist.

When Wang Yibei came to "Huaguang", as expected, he was directly blocked by the secretary.She just smiled gently, "Please tell Mr. Lu that I really have something very important."

The other party called, smiled apologetically at Wang Yibei, and fully hinted that Lu Yanyan didn't want to see her, implying that she didn't have to wait any longer.

"It doesn't matter, I can wait until Mr. Lu is not so busy." She sat on the sofa beside her, ignoring the gazes of others.

She carefully read the proposal book she brought, thinking about what else was wrong.In the past, she didn't like to see repeated things the most, especially things that she also participated in formulating. Now her dislike has evolved into a habit.

She sat for a long time, and even the secretary looked at her several times and couldn't help serving her coffee.

She thanked him politely and didn't embarrass him.

Chen Zihan was holding a document and was about to enter Lu Yanyan's office, but he suddenly stopped and looked at Wang Yibei who was still flipping through the documents.Walking to the secretary's desk, he lifted his chin in the direction of Wang Yibei, and the secretary naturally stated one by one.

Chen Zihan's hand holding the document tightened slightly. When did she become a patient person?That woman who thinks of something delicious will immediately eat it; think of something and immediately want it, that woman will one day become a patient sitting on the sofa, knowing that the other party refuses, and still sitting still.

His lips were drawn into a line, he let out a long breath, and came into Lu Yanyan's office with the documents.

He briefly stated his views on the case with Lu Yanyan, and let Lu Yanyan decide for himself.After he finished speaking, he still stood still.

Lu Yanyan felt a little strange, "Is there anything else?"

"Lanshan's cooperation case..." Chen Zihan only spoke halfway, but his eyes were fixed on Lu Jianyan.

"Isn't Mr. Li in charge? We've already discussed the details with 'Guangyu'." Lu Yanyan looked at Chen Zihan's expression, he didn't seem to care about the case, and then smiled, "When did you feel pity? Are you worried? Do you think I will fall in love with that crappy company 'Huasheng'?"

Seeing that Chen Zihan didn't speak, he opened his mouth again, "Could it be that kid Xiang Yuheng used beauty tricks, and you became lustful?"

Knowing that Lu Yanyan was joking on purpose and told himself not to ask about it, he still couldn't help but said, "Yes, do you want to go out and have a look? By the way, let's see how it is different from Mrs. Zun." He walked out the door, but turned back, "Lu Yanyan, your own woman, it's better not to bother me to pick her up."

Lu Yanyan looked at Chen Zihan's figure with a smile, it was rare to see this side of him.

(End of this chapter)

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