Chapter 349

The Guan Ning army under Zu Dashou is considered a fairly powerful army in the ranks of the Ming army.Of course, this kind of combat power is good compared to other armies.

If the Guan Ning Army is regarded as the elite of the Ming Army, then the Guangning Iron Cavalry is considered the elite of the Ming Army.Of course, the scope of the Ming army definitely does not include the Jiang family army.

The Dashun army led by Zhu Dakui soon collided with this thousand-man Guanning cavalry team.

As soon as they fought, both sides, who were full of confidence in themselves, felt that the other party was not as weak as imagined. After a face-to-face meeting, both sides suffered a lot of damage.

Zhu Dakui also fought with Li Zicheng from Shanzhou. Seeing that the Ming army was tough, he also became ruthless.

As a result, the thousand-man team of the Ming army was overwhelmed and began to show signs of collapse.

Hao Yaoqi, who was behind, saw that this small army of the Ming army did not collapse at the first touch, and felt that he could not bear the face, so he rushed over with the main force screaming.

The commander-in-chief of the Ming army who led the team saw that 5 people were fighting against 1000 people.

As soon as he ran, the rest of the cavalry also ran back.

As soon as the main general ran away, the morale of the entire team collapsed instantly, and there was no fighting spirit.Those who ran slowly behind were immediately overwhelmed by the Dashun army.

By the time they ran back, there were less than 1000 people left out of 300.

Looking at the distressed cavalry commander, Qi Wentai's face twitched. He was defeated immediately after taking over the Guan Ning army, and he was still so embarrassed that he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Shanjia next to him.

Shanjia's expression was calm, and he didn't say a word of blame. He stood on the top of the city and looked into the distance with binoculars for a while, and praised the commander in a pleasant manner for his job well done, and asked him to go down to rest.

The commander-in-chief looked stunned. Not only was he not punished when he lost the battle, but he was also praised. This style of painting is wrong.Thinking of the rumors that even Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui's uncle and nephew were killed by the King of Qin, there is no reason why such a defeated general as myself should not be convicted!
He stared blankly at the Shanjia for a long time, but he didn't dare to back down, so he continued to kneel and beg for mercy: "The last general is unfavorable in the first battle. He lost his troops and lost his general. Please punish the general."

Not only did the commander look stunned, but even Qi Wentai next to him was a little puzzled.But he looked at Shanjia, and he vaguely understood Shanjia's meaning in his heart.

"The general said that you are not only innocent, but also meritorious. Go down and rest." Shanjia laughed loudly, ignored him, and turned to give instructions to the orderly behind him.

After the messengers waved the banner a few times towards the pass, the entire Shanhaiguan Pass suddenly resounded with desolate horn horns.

Accompanied by the sound of horns, groups of black armored cavalry galloped out of the city gate and began to line up in the open space outside the pass.

Here, after Zhu Dakui led his men to kill the cavalry of the Guanning Army who were lagging behind, he led his men to continue chasing after the fleeing Guan Ning Army towards Shanhaiguan.

This guy wanted to do his best, so he slapped the horse under his crotch fiercely, and shouted loudly for his subordinates to follow up, and quickly left Hao Yaoqi's main force behind.

Hao Yaoqi saw that Zhu Dakui was chasing too fast, and hurriedly followed with the cavalry.

Although he was arrogant, he also knew that Zhu Dakui's thousand men would not be able to win Shanhaiguan.

In particular, the performance of the soldiers of the Ming army just now still had some combat effectiveness, which made Hao Yaoqi a little more cautious.

In this way, Hao Yaoqi's 5 horses were sparsely divided into three parts.

Zhu Dakui ran in front with a thousand men, while Hao Yaoqi chased in the middle with thousands of cavalry.The infantry and those recruits in the back ran forward on two legs, and those with two legs could not run with four legs, so they were quickly left behind.

After chasing and chasing, Hao Yaoqi also had a thought in his mind: Did the Ming army cavalry just come to lure the enemy?

But he changed his mind and denied his own idea.Because judging from the performance of those people, it doesn't look like a fake at all.

Whether it is to lure the enemy or really retreat, Hao Yaoqi is confident that he still has a good idea after fighting for so many years.

Putting this thought behind him, Hao Yaoqi continued to chase Zhu Dakui while ordering the people behind to follow.

He wasn't worried about the infantry behind him, he was only worried that Zhu Dakui would suffer a loss if he rushed too fast.Before he came out, he swore in front of Li Zicheng that he would be able to take Shanhaiguan smoothly.If there are too many casualties, it will be difficult to explain when we go back.

Although Li Zicheng now claims to have a million troops under his command, anyone with a discerning eye knows what's going on.Li Zicheng's real core fighters are tens of thousands of old battalion soldiers and horses, and the rest are coerced refugees or surrendered troops from the Ming army.

No matter how many of these refugees and surrendered soldiers died, Li Zicheng would not feel distressed.But if the brothers in the old camp suffered too many casualties, then Li Zicheng would definitely punish him.

So he must not let Zhu Dakui's men suffer.

But Zhu Dakui ran so fast that he was several miles away in a blink of an eye, and he was out of sight after turning a corner on the official road.

"This two-ball guy, he ran so fast to eat his mother-in-law's milk. I'll take care of him when I come back to see me." Hao Yaoqi cursed, and ordered to speed up and continue chasing.

But at this time, he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes rushing towards him in front of him, and he felt vigilant in his heart, and ordered to rein in his horse to be on guard.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and soon a group of cavalry rushed out from the corner, and rushed towards them one by one in a state of embarrassment.

Hao Yaoqi took a closer look and saw that these people looked familiar. Aren't they the old camp brothers who followed Zhu Dakui to hunt down the remnants of the Ming army just now?But looking at their current appearance, it doesn't look like they are chasing and killing others, but rather like being chased and killed behind them.

Did the Ming army fight back?Zu Dashou actually has such courage?
While Hao Yaoqi was wondering, those rebels had already rushed in front of him, and when they saw Hao Yaoqi, they all cried out.

"General, it's bad, Boss Zhu is dead, the enemy is chasing him, let's run!"

The one who spoke was a confidant of Zhu Dakui, who rushed to Hao Yaoqi, rolled off his horse, stumbled, with a panicked expression, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's going on? Tell me clearly, if you talk nonsense again, I will kill you, this porcelain hammer!" Hao Yaoqi was furious, grabbed the man by the collar and asked loudly.

"I, when we were chasing, we met another army, all in black clothes and black armor, just like the soldiers of Lord Hades with the black face. Boss Zhu rushed over with his men, but as soon as they saw each other, they chopped off their heads , Many brothers also ended up in the same way. The rest of us ran fast to save our lives. General, run quickly, these people are too powerful, we are no match at all..."

The man talked about what happened to them in a panic, Hao Yaoqi's face became darker and darker, he raised his hand, and chopped off the man's head with a knife.

The man's head flew out, but the expression on his face was frozen, with both panic and disbelief, as if he didn't believe that Hao Yaoqi would kill him.

Hao Yaoqi kicked the man's body away, raised the bloody long knife high, and shouted sharply: "Brothers, kill me!"

The group of old camp brothers behind him also yelled loudly, and the discussion was turbulent.

At this time, more dense and rapid sound of horseshoes sounded, getting closer and running towards them.

Soon, a cavalryman in black clothes and armor ran out from the corner, and even the horse under his crotch was also black.

After this cavalryman appeared, more cavalrymen in the same attire jumped out one after another behind him.

Almost instantly, Hao Yaoqi's vision was filled with black.

black horse.For black people, only the long knives in their hands are sharp.

They were like a group of ghost knights from hell. After they appeared, they looked at Hao Yaoqi and others with the kind of eyes that looked at the dead.

 The second one arrives.good night everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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