Chapter 394
With the imperial decree of all Beijing officials donating money to help pay, the whole capital exploded.

It is not accurate to say that all Beijing officials donated. The first is that the imperial decree requires all Beijing officials above the seventh rank and all noble clans in the capital to donate to help pay.

The second so-called donation is actually forced apportionment.The imperial court gave a total of 500 million taels of silver, and then the supervisor of rituals and the cabinet, in fact, Wei Zhongxian and Xia Junze, discussed and apportioned it to the heads of various yamen in the capital.

Then each yamen will distribute it according to the tasks on their heads.

As for the clan of the Ming Dynasty, the clan mansion that manages the clan will apportion according to the height of the title.These clans are mainly some idle princes who lived in the capital because the land was occupied by the Dashun Army, some from the previous generation and some from this dynasty.There are also various princesses, consorts, captains, and county kings.

Nobility refers to all the meritorious officials who have been conferred titles from the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present, such as Duke, Marquis, Earl, and Viscount.Daming did not have a baron.The titles at all levels are divided into one to three grades.

These titles are mainly used to reward ministers with foreign surnames who have made military exploits.The foreign minister with the highest title in the history of the Ming Dynasty was also at the level of the Duke of the State. For example, Liu Kui, the Duke of Wei, who followed the Taizu in the South and North Wars and made great contributions.

Because of his military achievements, he was crowned king, and Jiang Chuan was the only foreign minister who was a one-word king, which can be said to be the first in history.

With so many yamen, so many masters, and so many nobles, it is said that 500 taels of silver will be shared by so many people, and it is not a heavy burden, and it can be collected casually.

Moreover, the reality is that because the Dashun Army's progress is too fast, the Jiangnan area, which has always been the main grain production area and taxation area of ​​the imperial court, has fallen too quickly, and the Grand Canal, the main artery of the imperial court, has also been cut off. Both the national treasury and the emperor's internal funds are close to exhaustion.

Beijing officials have not paid their salaries for nearly half a year.

Speaking of which, the salaries given to officials by the Ming Dynasty are quite generous, which is simply too kind compared to the Ming Dynasty that Jiang Chuan was familiar with.

However, people's hearts are always insufficient, no matter how much salary is given, it will still feel insufficient.

As for the clans, the emperor was rather mean, and would not give too many rewards, and would not allow clans to be officials.

But the clan is allowed to do business.Except for the strategic materials belonging to the country such as salt and iron horses, other industries and fields allow the clan to intervene.

Therefore, many wealthy businessmen and wealthy merchants in the Ming Dynasty either had the shadow of the clan behind them, or were themselves clansmen.

Besides, nobles, according to the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, they can hold official positions.As a nobleman, he already has a normal supply income, plus the salary of an official, this is considered two incomes.

Therefore, from this perspective, the ruling class of Ming Dynasty is not short of money, and it can be said that apart from the emperor, many people are very rich.

But no matter how rich they are, these people will not take the initiative to give the money to the court as military pay.These people can eat it, but if you want them to spit it out, it's really harder than killing them.

And now it is the end of the dynasty, the emperor is still a baby, the world is in turmoil, and the royal family has long lost much prestige.

If it was put in the period of Taizu Chengzu, the imperial decree, whoever dares to say half a word of nonsense, guarantees that your whole family will not see the sun tomorrow.

But now it really can't work. These people usually don't have much fear of the emperor. At most, they call him Long Live, and treat him like a child who doesn't understand anything.

This is especially true for those honorable clan members.

And many people plan to save money, in case the government changes, they can use the money to continue to live a good life, or to find a future for themselves, of course, it is impossible to hand it over quickly.

When the emperor had just ascended the throne and killed Yuan Chonghuan, no one dared to speak, because it was none of his business, and Lao Yuan had offended too many people, so no one was willing to talk to him, for fear of hurting himself.

But it's different now, what they want is their money, so they are naturally not happy.

The wave of opposition began with the civil servants’ letter of opposition, especially the fierce opposition from the procuratorate and the Hanlin Academy, who were good at talking and writing, and said frankly that the emperor was an act of subjugation. Eloquent and eloquent, scolding the emperor bloody.

All the memorials of the officials were kept by the emperor, and no action was taken.

Seeing this, the officials behind who were waiting to hear the news came to the table one after another, and they all said in tears, as if this matter was too big to be tolerated.

The emperor remained silent.

By the next day, those clans also started to move.They didn't show up either, and all of them wore court uniforms. They gathered a large number of people and went to the Taimiao where the emperors of the Ming Dynasty were worshipped, crying, saying how pitiful they were, how cold the current emperor was, and so on.

The emperor still endured no movement.

The nobles were not to be outdone, and once the gate was closed, they all said they were sick.All the people sent by the palace to proclaim the decree were all rejected.

These are considered cold violence, the most out of the ordinary is Liu Yao, the son of Wei Guogong, who directly led his servants to beat out the people sent by the palace.

Later, Jin Yiwei sent a team, and the servants of Duke Wei's mansion, who were also heavily armed, were shot. Even Qian Hu of Jin Yiwei, who led the team, had a leg broken.

It seemed that the entire imperial court turned against the emperor overnight.

When the young emperor Ji Siyuan first saw those playing the watch scolding him, he was trembling with anger, blood poured to the top of his head, the hand holding the playing watch was shaking non-stop, his face was flushed and distorted because of anger, and finally jumped. Tear up all those melodies with your feet.

The imperial court is on the verge of collapse, and you, who eat the king's salary, are so disobedient.

At that time, he was about to order Jin Yiwei to arrest people, and he wanted to stuff all these bold and reckless people into Jin Yiwei's prison.

Wei Zhongxian and Xia Junze persuaded him for a long time, and finally let him endure it.The reason they persuaded him was to see who else and what tricks jumped out.

If it is said that the letters written by the civil servants made the emperor's anger blaze, then the clans went to the Taimiao to cry collectively, and complained to their ancestors about their behavior, which is like pouring another barrel of oil on the raging flames, and suddenly let the flames burn. out of control.

At this time, news came that the nobles were staying behind closed doors, and the son of Wei Guogong, Liu Yao, brought his servants to beat Jin Yiwei violently. The anger in the young emperor's heart finally erupted like a crater that had been brewing for a long time.

When he was the prince, he was suppressed by his father. Even if he said a word, he would be scolded by the emperor and grounded.

Now that he is the emperor, he thinks that these ministers should respect him.

But he finally realized that he was wrong, these people did not have him as an emperor in their hearts.

He is a stubborn young man with the most obvious characteristics of young people - the more you refuse to do anything, the more I will dare to do anything, referred to as rebellion.

And another notable characteristic of young people is impulsiveness, and they prefer simple and rude things.

After killing Yuan Chonghuan a few months ago, the whole court was silent and speechless. Don't mention how happy he was at that time, he had a feeling at that time-killing decisively, this is the real emperor.

Now, this rebellious and impulsive emperor will once again show his simplicity and rudeness, and will use a larger scale of decisive killings to maintain his monarchy.

 Continue coding.

(End of this chapter)

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