The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 450 The Vulnerable Japanese Bandit

Chapter 450 The Vulnerable Japanese Bandits
Accompanied by these musketeers attacking, there were also artillerymen carrying light mortars.

Although the number of these artillerymen is not large, it is definitely more than enough to deal with a group of Japanese pirates, and it even feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

The gunfire below the mountain quickly awakened the Japanese pirates living on the high ground.

Soon there were shouts on the mountain, and people could be vaguely seen rushing down from the mountain.

In addition, from the Japanese pirate barracks in the northeast, shouts of killing also began to be heard.

According to the prior deployment, the officers and soldiers of the Qin army attacked forward at a leisurely pace.

Anyway, the Japanese pirates on this island have been completely blocked from retreating, and all their ships have been controlled by the Qin Army navy, so the Japanese pirates basically have nowhere to escape.

Therefore, the Qin army was not in a hurry, but slowly attacked forward, making sure to minimize unnecessary battle damage.

Japanese pirates kept rushing down from the mountain, many of them held long Japanese swords in their hands, and shouted incomprehensible words in their mouths.

For the Japanese pirates who rushed down like a mob, the outpost commander of the Qin Army ordered the soldiers to shoot freely.

The new muskets are fully capable of free fire, because they have sufficient range and accuracy, and their power is quite good.

Although they had shot targets beforehand, they were all fixed targets. Now these Japanese pirates could just serve as moving targets for Qin Jun to practice marksmanship.

Baba gunshots rang out continuously. Although the marksmanship of these soldiers of the Qin Army was not accurate, they were better because of the large number of people. Japanese pirates were constantly knocked down while running.

The Japanese pirates were shot to death continuously, and the Japanese pirates who followed slowed down and began to hide behind trees or stones.

Heat, who was holding a musket in the hands of the Japanese pirates, also began to shoot at the Qin army who was attacking upwards, and the gunshots from both sides came and went.

However, the guns of these Japanese pirates are far inferior to the new muskets of the Qin army in terms of range and accuracy.

Often it was the Qin army's muskets that could hit them, but their shots could only be heard.So after playing ping-pong for a long time, the Qin army basically suffered no casualties.

However, the Qin army was attacking upwards, while the Japanese pirates were condescending and hiding behind stones or trees. It was not easy for the Qin army to hit them.

With a wave of his hand, the outpost commander ordered the accompanying mortar artillerymen to come up with a few cannons and shell the Japanese pirates hiding behind the bunker.

These artillery were also delivered this time along with the new weapons.

Because of the emergence of these new mortars in the system, it is natural that specialized mortar artillerymen also appeared in the barracks.

So Jiang Chuan also trained some mortar artillerymen to follow these new firearms and sent them to Weihaiwei together.

The artilleryman who received the order visually inspected the hiding place of the Japanese pirates on the mountain, first adjusted the shooting elevation angle, and then conducted the first round of test firing.

Although the first round of test firing did not achieve any results, the shells falling from the sky and the huge explosion still shocked the Japanese pirates who were secretly lucky after hiding behind the bunker.

They didn't know where the gunfire came from, because in their knowledge, they had never seen such a cannon that could shoot curvedly.

After the first round of test firing, the artillerymen calibrated the shooting angle of the guns, and soon fired the second round of shells.Several mortar shells roared out, drawing curves in the sky, and then fell behind the Japanese pirates' bunkers.

After several rounds of shelling, the muskets in the hands of the Japanese pirates were basically dumb.

The commander of the outpost was also surprised by the power of this small artillery when he saw the meritorious service of the mortar.

However, there was no time to think about these at this time, and he waved his hand to order the Musketeers to move on.

After advancing for a while, I met a brigade of Japanese pirates rushing down from the mountain.

These Japanese pirates are all trusted people around the leader of the Japanese pirates, Aoki Jiro.

These people live on the mountain with Aoki Erlang on weekdays to protect his safety, they can be regarded as the elite among Japanese pirates.

Most of the breech-loading rifles owned by Jiro Aoki are equipped in the hands of his cronies,

Moreover, these Japanese pirates were obviously stronger. Although they were shocked by the fierce artillery fire of the Qin army, they still began to occupy a favorable position and started shooting at the Qin army rushing up from the mountain.

Although the Japanese pirates occupying a favorable position are not as good as the Qin army, they have also begun to achieve some results.

Several musketeers of the Qin Army were shot, causing the Japanese pirates on the mountain to burst into cheers, screaming and continuing to shoot down indiscriminately, and it seemed that their morale had improved a bit.

However, this did not affect the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Qin army at all, and soon someone dragged the shot soldier down and handed it over to the nurses accompanying the army.

These army nurses quickly transported the wounded to the beach next to the pier.

On the beach, military doctors have opened up a simple operating room waiting to treat the wounded at any time.The wounded were quickly carried into tents.

However, these Japanese pirates were obviously happy too early. They met the regular army with such a large number of people, and their firepower was much sharper than them.

Qin Jun continued to charge upwards, and also began to hide behind the bunker, shooting freely with the Japanese pirates.

Because their Qin army's firepower was sharper and more precise, the pirates soon felt tremendous pressure and began to lose to the Qin army.

The speed of the Qin army's upward assault accelerated, and as the distance approached, some Qin army soldiers who rushed to the front began to throw out the wooden handle grenades in their belts.

Although this kind of wooden handle grenade has not yet reached the most mature stage during World War II, it has already begun to take shape.

There were more than a dozen prefabricated fragments, which fell into the dense group of Japanese pirates and exploded one after another, causing the Japanese pirates to fall on their backs and howl.

The Japanese pirates' obstruction was quickly defeated, and the Qin army successfully climbed to the top of the mountain and besieged towards Aoki Erlang's residence.

Another Qin army that attacked the Japanese pirate barracks in the northeast direction basically slaughtered all the way.

Those Japanese pirates who were extremely ferocious on weekdays rushed over one by one with sharp Japanese swords in their hands, screaming.

However, in the eyes of the musketeers of the Qin Army, their intensive charge was death. Rows of bullets were fired, and the Japanese pirates fell down like wheat harvesters.

Qin Jun's grenades continued to explode among the Japanese pirates.

The mortars following behind also joined in the fun, firing a few shells into the crowd behind the Japanese pirates from time to time.

The powerful and violent artillery fire created by the Qin army's various firearms blew up the Japanese pirates rushing over from the brigade in just a few minutes, and they were at a loss.

They had never seen such a sharp musket, such a fierce firepower, and suddenly they became headless chickens running around.

The commander of the Qin army also adjusted his order in time, and sent out a pair of soldiers to pursue the scattered Japanese pirates who fled, while the rest continued to attack the Japanese pirates' barracks.

It is said to be a Japanese pirate barracks, but it is actually a lot of houses built indiscriminately. After all, these Japanese pirates are just a group of mobs, a collection of pirates and robbers.

The so-called barracks did not have any cover or defensive measures at all, so the Qin army rushed in without any effort.

In the end, of the more than 1000 Japanese pirates living in the barracks, except for three or four hundred who were killed, the rest were all captured by the Qin army.

The Qin army who attacked the top of the mountain quickly surrounded the stubborn Aoki Erlang and a dozen of his cronies in a cave.

It's just that Aoki Erlang refused to surrender, screaming ghostly in the cave, and bullets were fired from time to time.

The Qin army surrounded the entrance of the cave, but because there was an order in advance to capture Erlang Aoki alive as much as possible, and use his head to commemorate the dead Weihaiwei people, so the soldiers of the Qin army had no choice for a while.

After looking at the direction of the wind and thinking for a while, the outpost commander quickly came up with a solution.

He ordered his men to find a lot of damp firewood, and then piled these firewood near the cave, and then set fire to it.

Because the firewood is damp, a lot of thick smoke will be emitted when it is ignited.

The sea breeze blowing from the sea blew the thick smoke into the cave. Sure enough, there were some violent coughing sounds from the cave, and no more bullets were fired.

After waiting for a while, no Japanese pirates came out.

The commander of the outpost thought that the pirates like Aoki Erlang were fainted by the smoke, so he asked people to enter the cave to check.

As a result, the soldiers who entered the cave to check it carefully found that there was no one in the cave.

After investigating the depths of the cave, it was found that there was another exit from the cave, which seemed to lead down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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