The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 685 The Reason for Abolishing the Emperor

Chapter 685 The Reason for Abolishing the Emperor

"Tokugawa Hidetada has just unified the Fusang country, and he started coveting North Korea. Even Da Ming wanted to swallow it. This guy is really a little swollen, and he is not afraid of pushing himself to death."

Xia Junze scolded after listening.

"Master Shoufu is right. The people of Fusang Kingdom are not strong enough to swallow like snakes. It is really unreasonable to think that a small country wants to annex a big country. Besides, Fusang Kingdom seems to be unified on the surface, but the power in the hands of the daimyos of the land is still not enough. Little, although they are surrendering for the time being, once the battle goes wrong, they will immediately have internal strife."

Su Qin nodded in agreement.

Liu Ji also said: "Eastern Liaodong is the place where His Royal Highness made his fortune, and with General Ran Wu in charge, the Fusang Kingdom will not be successful. But what needs to be guarded is that the remnants of the Qing Dynasty and the Mongolian ministries will take the opportunity to cause chaos."

After listening to the words of the three courtiers, Jiang Chuan pondered for a moment and then said: "The king on Ran Wu's side has already told him to take precautions against Fusang. Su Qing, you need to exchange information with Ran Wu's side in time. The king will give Ran Wu a will to act cheaply, let him lead the army into the Korean peninsula when he thinks it is appropriate, and the three kingdoms of Korea will be under his control. On the navy side, let Deng Shichang also send a fleet to be on guard at sea Fuso invaded.

Once the Fusang Kingdom dares to enter the territorial waters of North Korea, Di Qing and Deng Shichang can launch an attack at any time.In addition, since the Fusang country sent people to North Korea to spy, we also have to reciprocate, and select some people to enter the Fusang country for intelligence investigation, infiltration, kidnapping, assassination, and even bribe the local daimyo of the Fusang country, so that Tokugawa Hidetada can taste the fire in the backyard a feeling of.This matter, Su Qing, go down and discuss it with Hu Ruzhen, and come up with a charter. "

Hu Zongxian is now the chief governor of the General Staff. In fact, it is most appropriate for him to take the lead in these matters.

However, Hu Zongxian is not in Beijing now, but went to the troops below to inspect the training situation.

Su Qin nodded.

After the three resigned, Jiang Chuan sent someone to call over Chen Zhaojun, the chief executive of the Black Ice Terrace.

Although the Black Ice Platform has now been merged into the General Staff Intelligence Bureau, it still appears alone when doing things.

Chen Zhaojun will be here soon.

Jiang Chuan first asked about the Notre Dame saint Nanzao Yunzi he captured in Jining City, and the follow-up of the interrogation of Qin Mu's rebellion.

Chen Zhaojun reported: "Your Highness, Nan Zao Yunzi has confessed all of her confessions, and all the details of her confidants brought from Fusang Kingdom have been cleared up. She entered our country this time, and was arrested by His Highness before she had time to develop a few believers. Stopped, and kept saying during the interrogation..."

Speaking of this, Chen Zhaojun was a little embarrassed to continue.

Jiang Chuan asked curiously, "What did you say?"

Only then did Chen Zhaojun hesitantly say: "She kept saying that His Highness won't win by force, and even clamored to fight His Highness again."

Looking at Chen Zhaojun's appearance, Jiang Chuan knew that the Fusang woman had absolutely no good words in her mouth. Chen Zhaojun obviously had a second processing to make it sound better.

"I don't know what to say. It's not about being in the ring, but also paying attention to the rules. Tokugawa Hidetada sent such a person here, it's simply brain-dead," Jiang Chuan said disapprovingly.

"Is this woman still alive?" Jiang Chuan asked again.

Chen Zhaojun hesitated for a moment: "To be alive is to be alive, but it's almost the same as being dead."

This woman was originally broken by the regent with a musket, and she was tortured a lot after being sent to the Black Ice Terrace. The reason why she is alive today is because the Black Ice Terrace tortured her and invited a doctor to treat her. Don't die too soon.

When Jiang Chuan saw Chen Zhaojun's appearance, he knew that the woman was probably dying. He shook his head and sighed: "At first, I wanted to see if you could instigate this Nan Zao Yunzi and let her be used by us. Now It seems that I acted too harshly at the beginning. Forget it, if you die, you will die. What about Qin Mu?"

Chen Zhaojun heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "Qin Mu was tortured, and he basically said everything he could say. According to the news recently received, the remnants of Qin Mu's subordinates have also been wiped out. His subordinates have sent people to Let’s go investigate and arrest the remnants left behind by Qin Mu’s father.”

Jiang Chuan nodded, thought for a while, and expressed an idea that he had been brewing for a long time on the way back to Beijing.

"This Qin Mu still has something to say. He still has the biggest behind-the-scenes instigator. Don't forget his true identity." Jiang Chuan looked at Chen Zhaojun and said in a deep voice.

Chen Zhaojun was a little dazed, for a moment he didn't understand what the regent meant.

Then Qin Mu has obviously recruited everything, does His Royal Highness the Regent have other sources of news?

Thinking of such a big flaw in his work, Chen Zhaojun was shocked, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty is stupid, please punish me!"

Jiang Chuan waved him to get up, and said softly, "Think about it, you will definitely remember."

Chen Zhaojun calmed himself down, carefully considered Jiang Chuan's words just now, and suddenly he was blessed to understand the intention of the regent.

"It's because I'm stupid. Thankfully, Your Highness reminded me. I'm going back to interrogate Qin Mu right now. I will definitely let him explain everything and the real mastermind behind the scenes. I will definitely not disappoint Your Highness."

Jiang Chuan laughed: "Get up, I believe you can do a good job. But this matter is kept secret for the time being, except for you and me, understand?"

Chen Zhaojun hastily kowtowed and said in a deep voice, "I understand."

Jiang Chuan nodded, and briefly said what he had just said to Su Qin, and asked Chen Zhaojun to go to the current selection of talents.

Su Qin and Hu Zongxian will be responsible for the major regulations, and Chen Zhaojun will be responsible for the specific matters.

Chen Zhaojun led Nuonuo away.

After Chen Zhaojun left, Jiang Chuan went to the window, looked at the tall ginkgo tree in the yard, and fell into deep thought.

When I first entered Beijing, I kept the emperor because I had just entered Beijing and my heart was not stable, so I could keep the emperor as a front.

After all, I was playing under the banner of Jin Jingqin King.

But now a year has passed, the world has initially settled down, Li Zicheng is dead, Zheng Zhilong has surrendered, and Zhang Xianzhong will not be left for long.

The situation is stable, people's hearts are gradually calming down, and his prestige among the government and the public is getting higher and higher. Many people, both in the civil society and in the court, have begun to call on the regent to abolish the Ji family's royal family as soon as possible and become the emperor.

Although some people objected, such voices were extremely weak, and were soon drowned out among the voices in favor of proclaiming the emperor.

In this case, the meaning of the emperor's existence has become less and less.

It's just that the reason why Jiang Chuan didn't take action to abolish him was mainly because there was no suitable reason, and if he forcibly abolished him, he would bring a lot of infamy.

Although Jiang Chuan didn't care too much, he certainly didn't mind if he could do better.

Unexpectedly, this trip to the south of the Yangtze River actually encountered something like Qin Mu's rebellion, which immediately gave Jiang Chuan a good excuse and reason.

(End of this chapter)

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