old love back

Chapter 102 Searching the Tea Room

Chapter 102 Searching the Tea Room
Thinking of not going to work tomorrow, You Ge can sleep in and cancel the fixed alarm clock on the mobile phone.

"Boiling the Rain" tea room.

A seemingly small tea room, but it has been carefully decorated and arranged, highlighting the high-end taste label everywhere, all kinds of tea sets are available, each tea will use the corresponding tea set and water, in an orderly manner, and will never be confused .

Every employee hired must undergo strict training to ensure that every employee is quite professional when they officially start work.

The owner of the tea room is He Feng, and his business is not just to provide customers with a place to drink tea.Longqing City has four districts and two counties, with a total of 18 towns, of which 12 towns produce tea, and among these 12 towns, the He family monopolizes 10 towns!

The tea farmers in the town used to be retail investors, but since they were incorporated by the He family, the tea farmers have become affiliated to the He family, and the tea produced is purchased by the He family, and then sold to all parts of the country and even abroad.The He family is the spokesperson of the tea farmers and their gospel. It is tantamount to a savior-like existence. In the eyes of the tea farmers, the He family has a very high status and has not been shaken for many years.

He Feng came from an aristocratic family and was nurtured by his family since he was a child. He has a special liking for tea. After returning from studying abroad, he started to inherit the family business and bought more tea produced in Longqing City to farther places.

Just selling tea can't satisfy this guy's love for tea. He also takes care of opening teahouses and teahouses, and sometimes makes tea himself to greet friends when he is in the mood.

There are not only beauties but also handsome men in the Zhuyu tea room. They are all young and full of youthful vigor. Their appearance alone is quite seductive. In addition, the tea room is elegant in style and high in quality. Customers who come to consume are very concerned about it. The quality of life is high, especially the details are very high, and the boiled rain tea room is indeed a boutique among the boutiques, the details are almost perfect, there is nothing to be picky, and the natural wealth is endless.

It was so late, and it was almost time for the tea room to close. The employees were busy clearing away the tea sets. The store manager was a beautiful woman with long legs. When she saw the boss coming in, she rushed to greet her.

He Feng happened to be working nearby today, so he came over at such a late hour, and he is not usually there every day.

"Mr. He, seeing your radiant face, could it be some happy event?" The store manager, the beauty, observed her words and smiled all over her face.

He Feng's two slightly slender eyebrows moved, and frivolously scratched the beautiful store manager's chin with his fingers, showing a charming smile: "Seeing that the skirt you are wearing today is so sexy, of course it is a happy event , is a benefit to men."

The beautiful store manager's heart fluttered. Although she knew that He Feng's words were just a joke and he would not like her, she was still very happy. Being praised by the handsome guy, she felt naturally at ease.

The beautiful store manager stepped forward to take He Feng's arm, looked at him with charming eyes, and said affectionately: "Go in and have a seat."

He Feng seemed to enjoy the tenderness of the beauty, and walked inside with his arms around the beauty calmly.

This is a shrewd woman, she and He Feng are only occasionally intimate on the surface, but she will not be really stupid enough to put her heart on He Feng.It's just that if you flirt with a handsome guy, the atmosphere will be more harmonious.

Walking into the box, He Feng and the beautiful store manager sat on one side, the previous intimacy became a normal distance, and the expressions of the two were replaced by seriousness.

It turned out that the actions outside just now were all for outsiders to see.

"How about it, are there any suspicious people coming these two days?" He Feng's unsmiling expression was still so handsome that it made people scream, more like a boss-level figure.

"Mr. He, a couple came here today. Their accent sounds like a Cantonese accent. They changed three boxes in a row before they stopped. Every time they said that the box is not their favorite style, but I think they seem to be ignorant Alcohol, look at it too carefully."

As expected of the store manager chosen by He Feng, he has strong insight and is clever enough.

He Feng nodded slightly, showing approval: "Very good, bring me the images of those two people in the monitor." When He Feng said this, a look of coldness flashed across He Feng's eyes, someone was staring at his tea room ?He wants to find out whether it is against him or not.

The beautiful store manager went out to work, and He Feng stayed in the box thinking about it. He always felt that he was not at ease. He remembered that Rong Xiyuan once said that once a suspicious person appeared, if it was not for He Feng, then it would be very dangerous. It may be against him.

Why?Of course it was because of the secret studio.

He Feng and Rong Xiyuan took great pains to make this secret studio work well. All the equipment in it was secretly moved in several times. They didn't want the secret room to be invalidated unless it was absolutely necessary. But if something abnormal happened, Also had to make this move.

In the secret rivalry, it depends on who strikes quickly. Obviously, someone is very impatient and does not hesitate to make a big move.

The beautiful store manager hurried in and said in a little panic: "Mr. He, there are policemen outside who say they want to come in and search the tea room! The reason is that they received a report that some of us are engaged in pornographic activities!"

"Huh?" He Feng's expression froze, and he stood up abruptly, his whole person's aura changed instantly, exuding a chill.

All the business contents of the tea room are legal and formal, and it has been open for several years without incident, but I didn't expect it to be discredited tonight.

He Feng sneered: "Hehe, it seems that someone jumped the wall in a hurry, and even the police were invited... Let's go, I really want to see that jumping clown!"

There are not many people who can remain calm when encountering this kind of thing. He Feng's psychological quality can be called strong, and he walked out in a leisurely manner, humming a little song, and his leisurely appearance is very similar to that of a rich man in ancient times. walk the bird.

But before he reached the door, the police had already broken in and bumped into He Feng.The leader is a policeman in uniform, with a large black mole on the right corner of his mouth, followed by two young men, who can be seen as the grassroots of the police, only the man with the mole on his face is The leader is an old man in the police force. Although he is only about forty, he has been in this line of work for many years, and he seems very attractive.

He Feng pretended to be surprised, but said in Tao Kan's tone: "Hey, what wind brought Police Officer Tian here? It's very late at night, so energetic, it's pretty hard work."

The mole police officer was surnamed Tian, ​​and He Feng knew him, but he had only met him once, at a police station about one kilometer away from here.

"Someone reported that this place is engaged in pornographic activities again, you just need to cooperate." Officer Tian laughed dryly, pushed him, passed He Feng's side and rushed in, as if he was afraid of missing something.

But even if Police Officer Tian did this enough to play a role, He Feng could not escape He Feng's discerning eyes. He could sense that Officer Tian was not really in a hurry at all.Normally, if the police really received a report to search this place, they would go straight to Huanglong as soon as they stepped into the store. How would they give the boss a chance to breathe?
"Search!" Officer Tian gave the order, and the other two policemen immediately went to other boxes. The three of them split up and acted swiftly.

The employees in the store were frightened and shrank to the side not daring to make a sound. After all, they are girls and timid.But He Feng, the boss, seemed very calm and let the police enter the box. He watched leisurely, with a secretive smile on his face.

"Mr. He..." The beautiful store manager is also a little worried, what does the police mean?Clearly unusual.

Not only was He Feng not nervous, but he lit a cigarette slowly, put his arms around the shoulders of the beautiful store manager, and said with a light smile, "Don't panic, we're just watching an evening movie."


The police are searching his territory, and he can still act like a show. If this guy is not an idiot, he has amazing self-confidence.

There were no customers in the tea room at this time, and they were all gone, but the police said they had received a report... Isn't this obviously tricky?

The box with the secret room was quickly found, but He Feng was still very calm. People who didn't know it would never think that he was the boss. Anyone would be nervous about this matter, but He Feng is a different kind.

This is Rong Xiyuan's exclusive box, usually only He Feng can enter.

Officer Tian and his two subordinates gathered in this box, which was the last one. The three of them found nothing, but their expressions were arrogant.

He Feng sat down on the sofa and said casually: "Officer Tian, ​​as you can see, there is no pornographic activity here. Maybe the person who reported it made a mistake, or someone was playing a prank."

This was very level, it didn't directly expose the purpose of the police, but it hinted at the police that he, He Feng, was not a fool, and he knew that what happened tonight was not a coincidence.

Officer Tian refused to comment, and carefully looked at every corner, his sharp eyes never letting go of every place.

The beautiful store manager snuggled up to He Feng, and didn't forget to sneer...

"Haha, do the police officers think there is a secret passage here? It's not for making a movie... Hehehe..."

The police felt a little embarrassed to be ridiculed by such a beautiful woman. The purpose of their coming was not to receive a report, but to be entrusted to investigate here.

Officer Tian gave the beautiful store manager a hard look, and inadvertently put one hand on the wall.

"Huh? This is it?" Police Officer Tian immediately regained his energy and tapped on the wall. He could clearly hear the sound of hollow drums. That is to say, the wall probably has a partition!

Officer Tian smiled, as if he had discovered a new continent, and said triumphantly, "What's behind this wall? Open it and have a look."

Officer Tian stared at He Feng's expression, wanting to see the panicked look on the other side, he felt that he must have discovered something...

He Feng had a weird look on his face. He patted the beautiful store manager's back lightly, and said softly, "Go, open it and let the police officer take a look."

The beautiful store manager cast her winking eyes, walked over with a coquettish smile, and obediently followed He Feng's instructions.

Officer Tian looked at the wall excitedly, seeing the wall opening slowly, he thought he had found something gratifying, but...

"Why does it look so familiar?"

"Did we go in just now?"


The two police officers were discussing while looking at Officer Tian.

Police Officer Tian's face froze instantly, of course he recognized it, there was no secret behind the wall, it was a box that had been searched before!He, nothing to rejoice!
He Feng just made a narration: "Officer, this box used to be a room, but it was too big and I didn't think it was suitable, so I just made it a partition, but in case there are customers who need this kind of large box party What can I do, so I made this wall movable, which can be used according to the needs."

It turned out to be the case.

He Feng pretended to be very serious, but the beautiful store manager laughed unscrupulously, trembling, that laughter was really a great irony to the three policemen.

(End of this chapter)

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