old love back

Chapter 116 The News From Police Officer Huo

Chapter 116 The News From Police Officer Huo
This is a refreshing morning. You Ge and Rong Xiyuan have let go of their previous suspicions. It is something worth celebrating. Their laughter and laughter echoed all around. Whether it is the puppies or the people in the villa, they can all feel that special feeling. joy and excitement.

Rong Xiyuan went to work, You Ge rested at home, and Tong Jin stayed in his room tinkering with his computer, accompanied by that fluffy puppy, greedy.

After being with Tong Jin for a long time, Chan Chan became more and more clingy, and liked to rely on him, and loved to curl up on his lap to sleep when he had nothing to do, and sometimes even liked to sleep on his shoes.

Tong Jin was facing the computer, typing on the keyboard quickly, with excitement in his eyes.He designed a game himself and is testing it. He himself is the first tester and has just passed the level. No wonder this guy is so happy.

Concentrating on the computer, it took him a long time to hear the knock on the door. It was Sister Ling.

Tong Jin hurried to open the door, and Sister Ling was standing in front of him with a bowl, her gentle smile was very kind.

"Tong Jin, this is tremella soup."

Tong Jin said thank you, and drank it up in a few sips.

Sitting on the chair, Sister Ling looked at Tong Jin with the gentleness of a relative.

"You, you are in the house all day, you should go out more, such as running around. Men not only need to be in good health, but also healthy. If you seldom exercise, then your body is likely to It's in a sub-healthy state." Sister Ling's words were full of family affection, like an elder.

Tong Jin's heart was warm, and she nodded like a good baby: "Hey, sister Ling, you have already spoken, how can I not obey? Okay, I will start running in the morning tomorrow... Actually, I am in good health , but I really don’t exercise much recently, I have to work harder to keep fit, haha.”

Sister Ling was also amused by Tong Jin: "You kid, you have always been narcissistic, and you are still the same now."

"Of course, what I was like in the orphanage will be the same now and in the future. In front of you and Brother Yuan, I will never change." On Tong Jin's white and tender cheeks, her bright black eyes were full of determination.

Sister Ling has always known Tong Jin's kindness and innocence. Seeing that her former partner in the orphanage is now so promising but still maintains her innocence, Sister Ling feels very relieved and said with emotion: "Back then you He was still a crybaby, and he grew up in a blink of an eye... Seven years, time really flies by."

Hearing Sister Ling's tone, Tong Jin was a little melancholy, rolled his eyes, and changed the subject in a timely manner: "Sister Ling, I seem to remember that you loved singing the most when you were in the orphanage, and sometimes I couldn't sleep, and you would sing Listen to the lullaby, I still miss it very much... Sister Ling, can you sing a song to listen to it now? Hehe, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

Tong Jin is now more like a kid asking for candies. He has a deep nostalgia for the past, because when he was in the orphanage, although they were all a group of people who were not relatives, but to him, they were all relatives. It is a time worth remembering, and a fragment of memory worth cherishing.

That's why Tong Jin wants to revisit it now and ask Sister Ling to sing a song.

The smile on Sister Ling's face froze slightly, and then she raised her hand to touch her bald head, in order to conceal the imperceptible complexity in her eyes, and sighed softly, "Let's sing it another day, I fainted last night, Maybe you don't know it yet... plus I haven't had a good night's rest, my throat is uncomfortable now, like it's smoking."

"Ah?" Tong Jin immediately showed a nervous expression: "What? You fainted last night? I really don't know... Oh, maybe I slept too deeply. Then... Sister Ling, you are now suffering from a bad throat , what else is uncomfortable?"

Sister Ling shook her head: "I'm fine. I fainted last night because the side effects of the medicine were too strong. My body was too thin. Some medicines were too irritating to me and I couldn't bear it, but at that time it was necessary I took it...but the doctor said that after half a month, the side effects should disappear."

Tong Jin breathed a sigh of relief, but she still felt uneasy... At this time, Tong Jin had forgotten about asking Sister Ling to sing just now, and was only worried about Sister Ling's body.

"I'm going to ask my sister-in-law. There should be some kind of ointment at home. Eat a little, and your throat will heal faster." Tong Jin stood up and ran downstairs in a hurry.

Tong Jin's concern for Sister Ling was very simple, he didn't think too much, it was simple and direct, he regarded Sister Ling as a relative, and when he heard that she was uncomfortable, he would get nervous and ran to find You Ge.

As for Sister Ling, after Tong Jin went out, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by a heavy one.

Sing?What song are you singing?And a lullaby?
There was a gleam of disdain in the corner of Sister Ling's mouth, as if she was not interested in such things at all.

This is so strange, Sister Ling and Tong Jin are like brothers and sisters, she also shows her care and affection for Tong Jin, but why does Sister Ling have a strange expression at this moment.

Besides, Tong Jin overlooked a very important thing - Sister Ling's voice is very normal, if it is really uncomfortable as she said, her voice is not abnormal at all and it will not be affected Woolen cloth?
It's not that Tong Jin is too stupid, but because the other party is Sister Ling, so Tong Jin naturally doesn't think about some details. He believes what Sister Ling says, unconditional trust, just like Xinrong Xiyuan.

Taking advantage of this time, Sister Ling took out her mobile phone, searched for a lullaby, and was listening to it.

This behavior is even more strange.Since she doesn't bother to sing, why should she listen?While listening to it, she kept an eye on the movement of the door. As long as she heard footsteps, she would immediately turn off the song to prevent others from knowing that she was listening.

What kind of secrets does this woman hide in the strange behavior she occasionally reveals?

When Tong Jin came in with the loquat paste, Sister Ling had already turned off the lullaby.

"Sister Ling, drink this!" Tong Jin looked at Sister Ling with warm eyes, and poured the loquat paste into the spoon.

Sister Ling nodded with a smile, and drank it...

"Hey, this is a good thing. It's the most comfortable thing to moisten your throat. How is it? Do you feel your throat is better?"

Sister Ling cleared her throat and sang a lullaby without saying a word...

Earlier, she said that her voice was uncomfortable and she didn't sing, but she just listened to it when no one was around, and now she started singing. What was she thinking?And why is this happening?No matter how shrewd people are, they will have flaws, it just depends on whether the people around them can find out...

Tong Jin actually fell asleep after listening to a lullaby. This guy is really heartless.

In fact, the lullaby sung by Sister Ling is not the one that Tong Jin heard when she was in the orphanage, but the lullabies all have one thing in common. It becomes easier to follow the melody.

Tong Jin fell asleep, and Chan Chan huddled next to him, obediently guarding him. The picture of one person and one dog was so cute, and the furry Chan Chan could really make people bleed.

Sister Ling quietly stared at Tong Jin's sleeping face, she didn't know what she was thinking, and she left the room after a while, and before leaving, she glanced at the bottle of loquat ointment...it's really bad.

As soon as Sister Ling came downstairs, she saw You Ge playing in the living room with Xiang Xiang in her arms. Xiang Xiang put a doll in her mouth and put it on the sofa, and then put a golden bone in her mouth to imitate it, and then jumped onto the sofa She huddled in the corner happily, stretched her legs, and leaned contentedly.

The tuft of hair on Xiangxiang's forehead is tied with a beautiful bow, which makes Xiangxiang look more ladylike.But when she saw Sister Ling appearing, Xiangxiang started to scream uneasy, it didn't seem to like Sister Ling very much.

You Ge said hello to Sister Ling, bowed his head to comfort Xiangxiang: "What's the matter, baby, be good and don't make noise."

Xiangxiang kept barking at Sister Ling's bark, changed from her usual docile and obedient, like a little shrew.

Sister Ling smiled awkwardly: "Maybe it's because Xiangxiang is not familiar with me, so...hehe, it doesn't matter, it will be fine after today, isn't it, Ms. Xiangxiang?"

You Ge is also helpless, Xiangxiang is not like this usually, what happened today?
You Ge picked up Xiangxiang, turned around and walked outside, but suddenly thought of another thing...

"Sister Ling, are you okay? Earlier, Tong Jin ordered a bottle of loquat cream, saying that your throat was uncomfortable?" You Ge looked at Sister Ling inquiringly.

"It's nothing. Tong Jin was too nervous. I drank some loquat cream and my throat felt better. Maybe it's because I didn't rest last night."

"Is that so..." You Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, the doubts in his eyes were fleeting: "There are commonly used medicines at home, just tell me if you need anything."

"Thank you."

Both women seem very polite, but it always feels that this is not really close and kind, more like maintaining a superficial thing.

You Ge's treatment of Sister Ling is only because of Rong Xiyuan's face at present. Since Sister Ling is kind to Rong Xiyuan, it should be done to let her live here temporarily to recuperate her body.But You Ge couldn't tell why, she didn't want to get too close to Sister Ling, and always kept a slight distance intentionally or unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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