old love back

Chapter 13 Should I show up or go away?

Chapter 13 Should I show up or go away?

In the open-air teahouse, You Ge was still holding Xiangxiang and waiting for her handsome uncle to appear, but he was so hungry that he didn't see anyone.

Not far ahead, two children came over, attracted by You Ge's dog.

The pure white Bichon Frize looks particularly eye-catching in the faint sunlight, wagging its tail jubilantly, standing on the table to make You Ge happy, it is the most loyal partner of You Ge, although it cannot speak, it seems to understand You Ge's mood, knowing that she is unhappy, it will try to be cute and funny, as long as the owner can show a smile, it will be very happy.

You Ge looked nervously at the two children in front of her, her pink cheeks flushed, she was actually shy... You Ge hasn't made friends with anyone for a long time, all her classmates and friends in elementary school have become strangers, It's been a long time since I've met her, but she longs to have friends of her own age.

You Ge's thinking was still stuck at the time when she was 10 years old. She didn't realize that she was an adult, so when she saw children, she thought they were her peers.

A little girl in a yellow hat pointed to Xiangxiang and said, "It's so cute, can you pet it?"

The little boy next to her, who was eating a lollipop, also said, "I want to play with this dog, can I?"

Two children came at once, and You Ge smiled sweetly on his originally quiet face: "It's called Xiangxiang, you can hug it."

It is difficult for adults to hug Xiangxiang, but for children, You Ge will agree.

Two children about eight or nine years old, when they heard Youge agreed, they immediately smiled, surrounded Xiangxiang, and reached out to touch its fur...

"Wow... woof..." Xiangxiang is very affectionate to children.

You Ge chatted and laughed with these two children, and forgot a lot of troubles for a while. It feels so good to have companions of the same age.

Although Xiangxiang is You Ge's little friend, it can't speak after all. What You Ge needs is friends, peers who can play and play together.

People without friends are very sad. You Ge's situation is quite special. It is too difficult to have friends.

But the good times didn't last long. Just when You Ge's emotions were aroused, and when she was happy that she had two playmates, the boy eating lollipop suddenly burst into tears...it turned out that Xiangxiang was mischievous for a while , snatched the lollipop from his hand, but the candy dropped, which startled the boy.

This crying made You Ge panic, and quickly comforted him: "Don't cry, Xiangxiang just wants to tease you, and won't bite you."

Not only did the boy not stop, he cried even more successfully.

"Woooooo...it just wants to bite me..."

"That's not true, Xiangxiang doesn't bite people." You Ge whispered.


The girl became anxious and called out to her aunt, and immediately a luxuriously dressed woman came over with a gloomy expression.

"What's going on? Whose dog scared my son?" The woman picked up her son and glared at You Ge angrily.

You Ge's heart trembled, and he was about to say something, but the woman had already scolded and cursed, and took the boy away, and the girl followed.

You Ge felt very disappointed. She had played well just now, but in a blink of an eye, she was left alone... Why does it feel so uncomfortable to be alone?Still looking at the direction where the two children disappeared, she murmured, "I'm sorry...my Xiangxiang didn't mean to scare you, it really doesn't bite."

Her red eyes were full of grievances, she thought she had friends, but she only had a few minutes of happy time.

She can't wait for others, and has no chance to make friends. Is she really destined to only play alone?

Poor You Ge, lonely, has always been with her, but she doesn't understand that this is what human beings fear most.

Behind the rockery in the corner, two cold eyes looked at this side, with a trace of imperceptible pity hidden deep in his eyes, he didn't know whether to show up or go away, he suddenly felt that You Ge and him were actually the same kind of people... …No friends, no companions, even if there are bodyguards around, even if it looks glamorous, but in fact, that terrible loneliness has never left.

(End of this chapter)

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