old love back

Chapter 146 Finally Seeing You

Chapter 146 Finally Seeing You
Long Xiaoxiao was so frightened that her face turned pale, and her tense nerves were on the verge of collapse. Regardless of the stranger sitting next to her, Long Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand and grabbed the arm of the man next to her. Xiaoxiao's claws destroyed...

"Hiss..." The man frowned in pain, turned his head to look at Long Xiaoxiao, only to see her staring in horror, her lips trembling...

"It's terrible, the plane... the plane will be fine... the airflow... the airflow..." Long Xiaoxiao had a bitter face, and his eyes almost popped out.

The man expressed his helplessness, this little turbulence was nothing, it was normal, he was not worried, but the young girl in front of him was so frightened that she almost lost her mind.

Out of politeness, the man said in a low voice: "Seeing that everyone around you is not nervous, you should know that everything is fine. Is this your first time flying?"

"Yeah... yeah, how do you know?" Long Xiaoxiao's attention was slightly distracted, but his hands still held onto his arm tightly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the panic in her eyes was so real, he really would have wondered if she deliberately took this opportunity to take advantage of it?
"You can see it from your reaction... Flying on a plane for the first time will make you uncomfortable. Take it easy and don't look out the window. The airflow will pass quickly."

As soon as the man's voice fell, who knew there was another gust of airflow, stronger than before. This time, there were several exclamations in the plane, and some children were frightened and cried.

Long Xiaoxiao was not so scared after being comforted by this person, but now she was so frightened that she looked at him with horror, her eyes were red: "What should we do... We... Will we ...will it..."

The man's handsome face was stained with a touch of seriousness: "Don't talk nonsense, that kind of thing won't happen, and everyone will be safe."

"But... but... I'm still afraid..." Long Xiaoxiao's thick nasal voice sounded very pitiful. It's the first time for this little girl to fly, and she has a little fear of heights.

"Fear, that's just your psychology."

"……Is it?"

At this moment, the flight attendant's gentle voice sounded again, telling everyone that the airflow had passed, everything was normal, and the restroom could be used again.

Long Xiaoxiao stared blankly at the front, and after a while she smiled with relief, her eyes were wet, remembering how scared she was just now, thanks to the comfort of the stranger beside her...

The man looked down at his arm, with some impatience in his frowning... It's all right now, why is she still holding on?Don't you know it hurts?

"Miss, can you let go of my arm? This is also made of meat, not iron." The man's tone returned to indifference, and he looked at Long Xiaoxiao coldly.

"Ah?" Long Xiaoxiao withdrew his hand subconsciously, only then did he realize that he had been holding on to his arm, which was really embarrassing and rude!

Long Xiaoxiao's cheeks became hot, and her fair skin was stained with two blushes: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..."

The man didn't say anything more, looked away, and leaned back in the chair to rest.

Long Xiaoxiao was overly panicked before, didn't notice that the man beside her turned out to be a handsome guy?

Taking a peek at the man's handsome facial features, he has a sunny temperament, his eyebrows are thick and black, his nose is as straight as a knife carved, and how can his eyelashes be so long?The chin is so pretty too...

Long Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva unconsciously, licked her lips, and her heart beat faster... It's a little unbelievable, can such a good thing happen by flying?

Maybe it's because her eyes are so hot that a man can feel that the air around him seems a little strange even if he closes his eyes and rests his mind. He lazily opens his eyes and meets Long Xiaoxiao's almost demented eyes in an instant... …

"Cough cough...cough cough...cough cough cough..." Long Xiaoxiao hurriedly looked away, so embarrassed, peeping at the handsome guy was actually discovered.

Seeing him close his eyes again, Long Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and was still muttering in his heart... He thought this man was quite warm before, but he was so indifferent once the air flow passed. It seems that the "Aventure" on the plane "It's not that easy. I'm afraid the posts on the Internet that I usually read are fooling people, right?
Although Long Xiaoxiao's appearance is not stunning, but he has a rare simplicity and clean atmosphere, but the handsome guy in front of him is rather arrogant, ignoring that there is a beautiful woman beside him.

The time of more than ten hours on the plane was very boring. Long Xiaoxiao wanted to talk to the handsome guy around him several times, but in the end he couldn't speak. He felt embarrassed and didn't know where to start?

Thinking of how frightened she was before, but fortunately there were a few words of comfort from this handsome guy, Long Xiaoxiao was quite grateful, and always felt that she should express something.

Finally, when the plane started to descend, Long Xiaoxiao plucked up her courage, looked at the man beside her with big clear eyes, and said a little shyly: "I...I should thank you...To express my gratitude, after returning to Longqing, I Can you please have a meal? Leave a contact information?"

God knows how nervous Long Xiaoxiao is, her heart is pounding in her throat... It's the first time she's grown up to ask a man for his contact information. She can't tell why, but there is a weak voice in her heart Reminding her not to miss a person who makes her feel good.

But Long Xiaoxiao's short-lived courage was pierced by the man's indifference.

"It's a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning, so you don't need to eat."

"..." Long Xiaoxiao felt embarrassed, his ears were hot, he smiled embarrassingly, and lowered his head.

Hey...are you really that bad?The first time I asked for contact information with a man, I was rejected. It was too shocking.

Long Xiaoxiao couldn't help being a little frustrated, and didn't speak until he got off the plane and walked out of the airport.

There is a vast sea of ​​people, and meeting each other is also a kind of fate, but there is no contact information, maybe we will never meet again in the future.Long Xiaoxiao's mood was a little depressed. She thought that there would really be a beautiful encounter in the legend, but it seemed that she was too naive...

After a brief episode, Long Xiaoxiao started three days of training, and then went to California to meet You Ge.

Thinking of the long-lost friends who will be reunited soon, and the cute baby... Long Xiaoxiao's emotions have recovered, and she is excitedly looking forward to the moment of meeting.

She would not know that she has been followed since the day she left Longqing City. When she appeared at Yuge's residence in California, a man who was almost crazy to find Yuge also came quietly... …

According to the address You Ge gave her, Long Xiaoxiao took a taxi to the door of You Ge's house. Seeing the surrounding environment, Long Xiaoxiao could only sigh.

There are no dense high-rise buildings, no crowded traffic, the blue sky is like white clouds, the green area reaches more than 50%, the air is clean and fresh, and there is almost no garbage on the road...

The rows of houses in front of me are mostly three-story buildings, single-family, and the white fancy fence is set off by the green trees on both sides, which looks extraordinarily elegant and romantic.

Look at this house number, it's You Ge's home!
Excited and nervous, Long Xiaoxiao stood at the door and rang the doorbell...

Soon, there were figures swaying by the window inside, and the woman who came out to open the door was wearing a light emerald flower skirt, with a chubby figure and a fleshy face, bright eyes shining brightly, and a smile as bright as the sun in the sky at the moment.

"You Ge!" Long Xiaoxiao shouted excitedly, his throat was congested, and he couldn't help choking.

You Ge was equally happy, and hurried forward to open the door. The two good sisters met in a foreign country, and the feelings in their hearts were surging like a tide. They hugged each other and were as happy as two children.

"It's great to finally see it!" Long Xiaoxiao's vision was blurred, and his eyes almost fell off.

You Ge's flushed round face showed long-lost joy, and he said with emotion: "I thought I didn't know when we would see each other, but the company would arrange people to come to M country for training. We are so lucky, otherwise we would like to meet It’s going to be difficult, it’s very difficult for you to pass the visa alone.”

"Yeah, that's right, I was still worrying about this, but suddenly a pie fell from the sky, hahaha, no matter what, it's good that we can see each other!"

"Xiaoxiao, forgive me for leaving without telling you, I didn't have time to say..."

"It's okay, I understand... Hahaha, but since you're so sorry, then you have to make it up to me. I'm going to kiss my baby later, so you can't be stingy."

"Okay...you are the child's aunt, kiss casually, you are welcome, hahaha..."

The two good sisters have tears in each other's eyes, but these are tears of joy, embodying the preciousness of reunion and their pure friendship.

This touching scene was suddenly interrupted by a discordant voice...

"Why do you really think that there will be pie in the sky? If it wasn't for my arrangement, Long Xiaoxiao wouldn't be in country M at this time." The slightly trembling male voice obviously suppressed a strong emotion.

You Ge and Long Xiaoxiao looked at the person behind them in amazement at the same time, a slender and fit man wearing sunglasses, so cool and handsome that both people and gods are angry, isn't it Rong Xiyuan?

The complicated expression in Rong Xiyuan's eyes was rolling, and he took off his sunglasses, so he could finally have a close look at the woman he had been thinking about day and night.

You Ge was shocked, and stared at him with rounded eyes, with unspeakable emotions mixed in the shock, but in the next second, she had turned around and ran inside, rushed to the door, and closed the door like crazy, Stand in front and prevent the analysis element from entering.

"Don't come here!" You Ge yelled, eyes full of horror.

Yes, she was afraid that this man who suddenly appeared would snatch her child away!
Long Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, not sure what's going on?This man looks familiar, doesn't he?Who is it?Why do you talk like that?Why is Yu Ge so frightened?

Long Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of something, pointing blankly at Rong Xiyuan, speechless... She remembered, isn't this face the boss of the company?She saw it once from a distance!
Oh my god... Long Xiaoxiao was dizzy and her mind went blank, but she wasn't that confused yet. It was obvious that You Ge didn't want the "Boss" to go in, and she wanted to help You Ge!
Long Xiaoxiao rushed up and stood with You Ge, angrily looking at the man who was getting closer. The two women seemed to have seen a beast.

"Didn't you hear what You Ge said? Don't come here!" Long Xiaoxiao yelled at Rong Xiyuan, she didn't care about losing her job because of it at the moment, she just wanted to protect You Ge.

You Ge's attitude deeply hurt Rong Xiyuan's heart. He finally found out where she was, and she came all the way, but she was so afraid of him, and she didn't want him to come in. This was worse than killing him. uncomfortable.

"Listen to me..." Rong Xiyuan made a low voice in his throat.

"No, I won't listen! Don't try to confuse me again. Do you want to take my child away? Why are you so vicious and force me? I'm divorced from you, and the child is mine. Don't you think about it Take it away, get out, I don't want to see you!" You Ge's eyes were about to burst into flames, and her sharp voice revealed the fear and panic in her heart, which shows how much damage Rong Xiyuan left her.

(End of this chapter)

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