old love back

148 The Finale 1

148 The Finale 1
You Ge can capture the helplessness in Long Xiaoxiao's eyes... He is already 22 years old and has not yet fallen in love. Does this have something to do with Long Xiaoxiao's family background?You Ge couldn't help feeling sorry for Long Xiaoxiao.

"You, don't always just know about work and work. You can make money and fall in love at the same time. If you have a suitable goal, go after it bravely. I will support you."

"Hee hee... Fate hasn't arrived yet... Hee hee..."

"It's a pity that I'm not in Longqing City now, otherwise I might be able to introduce you to someone." A tall and tall man appeared in You Ge's mind instantly.

Long Xiaoxiao has a thin skin. Hearing what You Ge said, his face turned even redder, and his originally fair skin looked a little more delicate, but there was also a faint heartache: "You Ge, don't introduce me, I owe you money at home now." The debt has not been paid off, how can I have the heart to fall in love, and besides, if the man knows that my family is still in debt, he will not be willing, let's wait until later."

You Ge has a regretful expression on his face: "The man I want to introduce to you will definitely not dislike your family's debts. As long as you see each other right, he will not treat you badly, whether it is appearance, occupation or character. He is rare, you really don't want it?"

Long Xiaoxiao blinked her bright eyes, but still shook her head: "The person you mentioned has such good conditions, I think it's very difficult for him to take a fancy to me... Forget it, You Ge, thank you for your kindness."

You Ge understands that Long Xiaoxiao is a bit inferior, because she is just an ordinary person, and she never thought of finding an extraordinary boyfriend.

At this moment, the baby made some unusual movements, and You Ge hurriedly picked it up to have a look... The other one also became restless. Just as Long Xiaoxiao was about to reach out to hug her, someone was one step ahead of her...

"Let me see if this little rascal peed." Xu Yan skillfully picked up the hug and put it on the table while talking.

Really, the two little ones actually peed at the same time, and looked at the adults with innocent smiles...

"You guys really deserve to be twins. Why are you always like this? If I'm not here, wouldn't it be too busy for your mother?" Xu Yan's tone was clearly full of doting. . .

Long Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, what exactly does this man do?I remember seeing it once at the Baorui counter, and now I saw it again... The key is, why is he so proficient at changing diapers for children?Those who didn't know thought this was the child's real father!

This scene was watched by the man hiding in the tree on the opposite side of the road through the window... He hasn't left yet, he wants to make sure whether Xu Yan is really living with You Ge.But what he saw was enough to break his heart.That was his child, but now it was being hugged by Xu Yan!

Rong Xiyuan's line of sight was blocked by a layer of tulle on the window, so he couldn't see clearly that it was two hugs, but he only noticed that Xu Yan was holding a child... For a person who is a father, this is a big deal. What a sting!

At this moment, no amount of words can express the pain in Rong Xiyuan's heart. His heart was like a knife, and he almost fell from the tree in a trance.

Looking at the room from a distance, I felt that it was another world, a world so warm that he could envy him, he couldn't go in, he was isolated, and he was only accompanied by heartache.

Originally, this happiness should belong to him, but in the end it slipped through his fingers and became someone else's scenery, and every time he looked at it, he had the illusion that he was about to die.

Rong Xiyuan waited until all the lights in You Ge's residence were turned off before he was willing to admit the fact...Xu Yan really lives here, and being with You Ge is like a family, or, he has become a family at all. A family?

This cruel "fact" made Rong Xiyuan's little extravagant hope come to naught, he got down from the tree, got into the car, and never said a word again.

He could rush in now and snatch away his child, the reason...he is the child's father.But he didn't do that, because he knew that You Ge couldn't stand any harm. If he really did that kind of behavior, it's very likely that You Ge would fight him desperately or even go crazy.

This woman has experienced so much suffering at only 23 years old, how could he hurt her again?
In order to control his emotions that were about to collapse, Rong Xiyuan ordered the driver to leave immediately, otherwise he really couldn't guarantee that he would do something...

The pain and despair will be borne by him alone from now on, as long as it is chosen by You Ge himself, as long as she is happy.

Xu Yan could live here, but he was driven away by You Ge, ignoring his sincerity... Rong Xiyuan repeatedly shouted in his heart: "I would rather be hated by you than to be ignored by you... you say No love, no hate, this is the harshest punishment for me..."

It's just that You Ge couldn't hear these words...

If it were Rong Xiyuan before, he wouldn't have such a heart and forbearance, but now he knows how to think more about the other party, understands what respect is rather than blindly relying on domineering means to force.

In order to fulfill You Ge, Rong Xiyuan was sad and went back by plane without stopping, but he didn't go back to Longqing City, but to Hong Kong...the old man, he wanted to visit.

Xu Yan does live here with You Ge, in order to help You Ge take care of the child conveniently, and at the same time this is also his heartfelt voice, since he can meet You Ge in this foreign country, he feels that it is God's hint that gave him a turning point Opportunity.

Xu Yan was originally a doctor, and he was more careful than women in taking care of children. It is not wrong to say that he is a "baby daddy".

Reuniting with Xu Yan here is You Ge's biggest surprise and her luck. She hasn't seen this old friend for a long time, and now she knows that he went to California to work as a doctor.

Xu Yan lived next door to the baby room, and would get up every night to look around, while You Ge slept in the baby room so that he could take care of the baby at any time.

Lawyer Huo asked an acquaintance to invite the nanny for You Ge. He even paid the salary in advance and bought a lot of baby products, including diapers and milk powder.Therefore, You Ge has no financial burden here. Attorney Huo completely treats this as his grandson, and prepares everything for the baby, eliminating You Ge's worries.

Getting help from others in a difficult situation is the love of giving charcoal in the snow. You Ge remembers it in his heart and is grateful. Sometimes he feels that this is the spirit of his parents in heaven blessing her to receive such family-like care from Lawyer Huo.

You Ge is not really that stupid, she finally felt Xu Yan's strangeness towards her, and she has been experienced emotionally. Now facing Xu Yan, You Ge's mentality has not changed much, she calmly Have you thought about what will happen to Xu Yan in the future?

Let nature take its course.This is the answer You Ge gave himself.

Frankly speaking, Xu Yan is a good man worthy of a woman's entrustment for life, but You Ge has not yet fully come out of the shadow of the past, and it is impossible to accept a new relationship so soon, but she believes that in the future, there will be unlimited possibilities Probably, because she will actively create a good environment for her children to grow up.

The lights in the house were turned off, but You Ge didn't fall asleep. She looked at the starry sky outside the window, and her mind was full of pictures about Rong Xiyuan... I have to say, his appearance today gave her a huge shock .

You Ge couldn't calm down for a long time, feeling sore, thinking of what kind of mood he was in when he first came here?The pain at that time, the feeling that life is worse than death, seems to be just yesterday.

It's too painful and terrible, she really doesn't have the courage to repeat it again, she can only hope to heal the wound slowly in time and distance, so that she can face certain things one day At that time, maybe she will return to Longqing City with her children...

You Ge held the mobile phone and flipped through Rong Xiyuan's photos, unknowingly, tears fell from the corner of his eyes, salty, dripping into his mouth...

"I'm sorry, forgive my selfishness, I don't hate you anymore, I really don't hate... I just blame the unfairness of fate, why did we meet and have so many twists and turns? Did I owe you in my previous life, or did you owe it to me in your previous life? Owe me? From the first time I saw you, did we fall into the trap of fate? Thank you for not forcing me to go back with you, do you know, watching your back leave, how much I feel Want to rush up and hug you? Do you know that even though you and I have come this far, my love for you has never disappeared... But now I understand that marriage can go on not just loving each other, but also needs a lot of other things Uncle... No matter which woman you will be with, the best blessing I can give you is to forget... So I will delete your photos in the phone, otherwise I will look at it every day, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it and go back again and again... Uncle, we'll see each other for a while, uncle, you have to take care..." You Ge murmured choked up, tears choked.

At this moment, her fingers seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and she finally pressed "delete" tremblingly. At this second, she couldn't hold it anymore, her heart was crushed, and she was suffocating in pain...

No more, all the photos about Rong Xiyuan in her phone will be deleted, it's like cutting off pieces of flesh and blood on her chest...

You Ge still didn't know that He Weitong had been sent to prison by Rong Xiyuan himself... He thought that Rong Xiyuan would be with He Weitong after he returned.

the next day.

You Ge has been breastfeeding her child for a long time. When Long Xiaoxiao saw her, she noticed that You Ge's eyes were red and swollen. No need to ask, she must have cried badly last night.

Long Xiaoxiao already learned some things from You Ge yesterday. About her and Rong Xiyuan, of course, You Ge didn't say anything about the enmity between her parents.

Long Xiaoxiao supports You Ge's decision, but she is a little regretful. You Ge will stay in California temporarily and will not return to China so soon, and she will go back in two days. I don't know when I will see you next time.

The picture of a woman breastfeeding her child is always beautiful and full of maternal love, which can arouse the most sacred yearning in people's hearts.

Long Xiaoxiao walked over lightly, looked at You Ge with soft eyes, and felt a lot of emotion in her heart... You Ge's experience was too rough, but she was not defeated. This must have something to do with her two children, For the sake of the child, the mother can endure no matter how hard it is. This kind of great feeling makes Long Xiaoxiao's eyes sour.

"You Ge, I really hope that the company also has a counter in California, so that I can have a glimmer of hope to transfer here to work and get together often, hey..." Long Xiaoxiao's clear eyes were full of helplessness.

When You Ge heard this, his heart tightened, and a faint smile appeared on his rosy cheeks: "Don't sigh, I won't live here long, maybe I will return to China next year. After all, it is my hometown, and I am reluctant to say goodbye to it... ..."

Long Xiaoxiao really came alive, with crystal eyes showing joy: "Great, I was afraid you would settle here."

"No... what I need is time to dilute something so I can go back."

(End of this chapter)

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