old love back

Chapter 153

Chapter 153
Huo Junyan's reaction was fast enough, and he immediately began to check the entry records... Mr. Rong was originally staying in Hong Kong, so let's see where he is now, is it Hong Kong or other places?
The result came out very quickly. Surprisingly, the entry and exit records showed that Mr. Rong was in... Macau at the moment.

"Macao?" You Ge frowned deeply, why is it related to this place again?
Macau, a villa in the suburbs, hidden among green trees, has only three floors, covers an area of ​​only [-] square meters, and the appearance is also ordinary and simple European. It does not look particularly eye-catching, but no one would think that it is In this house, in a bedroom about [-] square meters, the man lying down is the missing Rong Xiyuan!

The owner of the villa must be a person with great powers, otherwise, how could he bring a vegetative person into the country without being checked by the police.Its ability to "smuggle immigrants" can be called a must.

Rong Xiyuan had a tube inserted into the back of his hand, and he was infusion. He needed nutrients to maintain his life.

There were oxygen cylinders and monitors hanging beside the bed. It can be seen that Rong Xiyuan's current condition is quite stable. Although he didn't wake up, he is not in danger for the time being.

A middle-aged man in a suit had just finished inspecting Rong Xiyuan and was explaining to a woman.

The woman was wearing a retro Chinese cheongsam, her black hair was neatly coiled behind her head, and she was wearing a set of priceless jade jewelry. There was a phoenix pattern on the jade plate on her chest.She seems to love jadeite very much, even wearing emerald eye frames, she is not afraid of being heavy...

This is a graceful and luxurious woman with a rosy complexion and a rich face, which gives people the impression of a noble temperament cultivated in a wealthy family for a long time.

After hearing the doctor's words, the woman's face was very calm, and she said lightly: "From now on, you will come here to check him once a week... However, I'm ugly to say, this matter must be kept secret, otherwise don't blame me for not being old Affection."

Hearing this, the doctor's eyes were flustered. Of course he knew that this woman had the ability to say such things. If he leaked the secret, he might not be able to leave Macau alive...

Ruilin Villa.

In the floating fragrance of flowers, there are two identically dressed babies sitting under the wintersweet tree, bathing in the warm sunshine, like two peerless little elves, their playful and lovely appearance can melt all the coldness.

It is rare to have such a sunny day in winter. If parents with children take them out to play, it will be a very loving scene. It is a pity that the father of the two babies not only became a vegetable, but also disappeared.As a mother, it's not that You Ge doesn't want to take her child out to play, but the most important thing for her now is to wait for the news at home, fidgeting, and naturally she has no interest in going out, so she has to take the child to bask in the sun in the garden.

Fortunately, there are nanny, Shen Zhao and Tong Jin at home, all of whom are helping to take care of the children, otherwise You Ge must be difficult to handle alone.

Children are ignorant and ignorant, seeing their pure and innocent smiles is the only comfort for You Ge.If it weren't for the presence of children, You Ge might be even more panicked at this moment.

No matter how strong a person's heart is, there is a bottom line. Rong Xiyuan is You Ge's bottom line. Now that his whereabouts are unknown, how could she not panic?

Who is with him?Who is taking care of him?Is his physical condition stable?Every day, who turns him over, who wipes his body, who changes his clothes?

You Ge has a strong feeling... on the phone, did the old man tacitly agree that Rong Xiyuan was taken away by his mother?

If yes, what was the woman's motive?Are you missing your son?I haven't asked for so many years, but now I come to take away Rong Xiyuan who has become a vegetable, what kind of mentality is this?
She is also a woman, and also a mother, but it is difficult for You Ge to understand the woman's mind, and she can't figure it out.

Not to mention him, even old man Rong felt helpless with Rong Xiyuan's mother, because this woman's heart was too complicated and cruel, and her thinking could not be guessed from the perspective of ordinary people. Therefore, when old man Rong saw that woman, , would call her unceremoniously—a lunatic.

At this moment, in the villa where Rong Xiyuan was, Mr. Rong was sitting in the living room, but he couldn't see Rong Xiyuan, but was told by the woman in front of him that Rong Xiyuan's current condition was stable.

The old man's expression was serious, but the eyes on his old face were still sharp and bright: "You do this, how can your conscience be at ease?"

The woman sneered, as if she had heard something ridiculous, and said disdainfully: "You came all the way to question me, don't you think it's unnecessary? That's my son, I took him to my side, what's wrong?"

Grandpa Rong's eyes darkened: "You know now that he is your son? Back then, you abandoned Xiaoguang and Xi Yuan and left quietly just to go home and complete the family marriage. At that time, Xi Yuan was only three years old, and even He can't even remember your appearance, so even if he sees you many years later, he won't be able to recognize that you are that heartless woman back then. He is a vegetable now, what's the point of bringing him back? Break him and his family apart, You are committing a crime!"

When the woman heard the words, she was not in a hurry to defend herself, but a complicated expression flashed in her eyes: "I don't want to explain more about what happened back then, but I have been waiting for this day for a long time. If Xi Yuan hadn't become a vegetable, Is it possible for him to stay with me? You may think that my behavior is meaningless, but I don't think so. As long as I can see my son every day, even if he is unconscious, I am happy."

"Bastard! Since you abandoned him back then, you are no longer qualified to be his mother. You are so embarrassed to say that You Ge is not qualified to take care of him! You are the sinner and should not be forgiven. Yuan stay by your side!" The old man was a little excited, his voice trembled a little, he was really irritated by this woman's fallacy.

"Why are you so excited? Hehe... It's useless to be excited. This is Macau, not Hong Kong, and I'm not a soft persimmon. Since I have the ability to bring Xie Yuan back, I'm ready for you to come. To tell you the truth , if you want to take Xiyuan away, I promise you will regret it... I believe you have heard about the things I have done before. If you want to say that I am cruel, I am no worse than you." The woman's sinister smile swept away. The previous nobility left only a hideous face.

What she meant was to tell Mr. Rong that she would rather suffer a loss than let go.

She really deserves to be a crazy woman, she is determined to keep her, even at the expense of offending Mr. Rong, and she is not afraid that her actions will attract opposition from her husband's family.

Mr. Rong's repressed anger also showed signs that he was about to lose control. He knew that this woman's behavior was crazy, but he still came here with a glimmer of hope, thinking that she might be afraid of her husband's family, but he didn't expect her to Being so resolute, it is obvious that she is going all out, even if her husband's family finds out, she will not let someone take Rong Xiyuan away.

Is this maternal love or a robber?The old man Rong hated this woman even deeper.

"Hehehe...Tang Yumei, you cruelly abandoned Xiaoguang and Xiyuan back then, which proves that you are a person whose conscience has been eaten by dogs. Now it is too late for you to do anything. Xiyuan should return to Ruilin Villa. With You Ge and two children, do you think that this is Macau and you can do whatever you want? I admit that you are ruthless, but can you guarantee that the He family will tolerate you after knowing this? Even if I don’t deal with it You, the He family, how do you pass the test? The existence of Xi Yuan, for the He family, should be a secret that they desperately want to keep. Will they allow you to do this? Don't let me take people away. What ability can protect Xiyuan?" Mr. Rong's series of question marks left Tang Yumei speechless.

That's right, this lunatic woman is the eldest mistress of the He family, He Ju's wife, Tang Yumei!

She is Rong Xiyuan's biological mother. This secret has been hidden for many years, because when she left Rong Xiyuan, he was only three years old. When he grows up, he still remembers what his mother looks like, but when he sees him, he will have an inexplicable feeling. It seemed familiar, but I just didn't know that this was my mother.

That is to say, this ruthless woman was taken away from He's house by the police, but she was able to escape quickly because there was not enough evidence to prove that she murdered You Ge's parents.

It was this ruthless woman who had the audacity to send someone to rob Rong Xiyuan from the hospital, and even "smuggled" people into the country.

With a shocking identity, Tang Yumei is like a big boss who just appeared behind the scenes. Only she knows how many evil things she has done.

"Old man Rong, don't think that I was frightened. If I was afraid of the He family, how dare I do this?" When Tang Yumei mentioned the He family, the displeasure in her eyes became more obvious. The attitude of the family is worth studying.

"What? Could it be that the He family acquiesced to you?" Mr. Rong couldn't help being shocked. If so, it would be unbelievable.

Tang Yumei smiled mysteriously: "This is not something you should worry about. The He family has secrets about the He family, and it's not just me. As long as I can tolerate it, I can exchange my secrets for others I want to exchange the person I want to keep for the person the He family has always wanted to bring back but failed to do so..."

Even Mr. Rong was moved by these words. Tang Yumei was definitely the most ruthless woman he had ever seen!

This kind of ruthlessness is different from that of ordinary people. In addition to being ruthless to others, she can also be ruthless to herself.If Mr. Rong's guess is correct, what Tang Yumei said is probably true, because he thought of a possibility... To obtain the acquiescence of the He family in exchange for the same conditions, the only person who may be accepted into the He family is He Ju's former mistress!

"Tang Yumei, I really underestimated you a little. In order to keep Xiyuan by your side, you did not hesitate to allow that Spanish woman to enter He's house and work with you?"

Tang Yumei showed a smug expression, but there was a bitterness hidden in her eyes: "I am already in my fifties, and every day I live is one day less. For me, the most important person is not He Ju, nor the young lady of the He family. I owe him too much, I don’t know how long I can be with him in this life, so I am willing to let that Spanish woman enter He’s house in exchange It is that the He family must allow me to keep my son. Of course, these are unknown to the outside world. In the eyes of outsiders, I am still Mrs. He."

Mr. Rong fell silent. Originally, he wanted to forcefully take away Rong Xiyuan, but now he couldn't help but change his mind... It seems that Tang Yumei didn't act out of emotion this time, but for real?If it is true as she said that she agreed to a certain woman to enter the He family in exchange for the He family's acquiescence to Rong Xiyuan, then it means that she has paid a huge price... Could it be that this woman really wants to make up for her son? ?
But what about You Ge and the two children?
Mr. Rong was struggling in his heart, but Tang Yumei had repeatedly stated that she would never let go.

After some weighing, Mr. Rong and Tang Yumei reached a very reluctant agreement. After that, the old man finally walked out of the villa, standing at the door of the villa empty-handed, looking back, the old man's thoughts Wan Qian... At least one thing is certain, Tang Yumei will not hurt Rong Xiyuan.Now, the tricky thing is, how should You Ge explain it?How would she accept this cruel fact?Ruilin Villa, baby room.

(End of this chapter)

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