old love back

Chapter 159 Why is Fanwai still determined?

Chapter 159 Why is Fanwai still determined?

For these, You Ge ignored them. She only browsed them that day, and then never asked questions again. She didn’t check the posts on the Internet, read the news, and let gossips and gossips couldn’t shake her firm heart.

This concentration and strong inner quality are enough to make men feel ashamed. How strong will it be to withstand the flood of slander?Those people always like to comment from the commanding heights of morality. They are talking about praise and condemnation. There was no response to this, no matter how loud they were arguing, You Ge never opened his mouth to defend himself, just like she never said anything when she was praised by people before.

This evening, just after dinner, You Ge took the two children out for a walk, Shen Zhao and Huo Junyan were also there, and the bodyguards were watching closely.

By the river not far from home, on the lawn, there are people walking in twos and threes after dinner, creating a leisurely atmosphere.

It's early spring, the willows are drooping, the warblers are flying and the grass is growing, and the air by the river is cool and refreshing. It's a good place to take a walk here.

You Ge and his team chose a quiet place to take a nap under the tree, and the two babies were also looking around curiously, laughing immaturely from time to time...

Huo Junyan was uncharacteristically today, standing beside You Ge with his hands on her shoulders, a warm smile was always maintained on his handsome face, and You Ge also showed a shy expression from time to time, which had to be reminiscent of something, like Very much a couple in love.

In this scene, the figure hiding in the distance took a clear picture with the camera, and then sent the photo to Tang Yumei who is far away in Macau... When Tang Yumei who is far away in Macau received those photos, she was naturally happy , because the closer You Ge and Huo Junyan are, the more she can hit Rong Xiyuan, making him give up on You Ge earlier.

The closer You Ge and Huo Junyan are, the more Tang Yumei will be less wary of You Ge. This is exactly the purpose of You Ge and Huo Junyan, otherwise they would not act like that for outsiders to see.

Tang Yumei has been receiving photos from Longqing City recently, and every time she will show them to Rong Xiyuan at the first time, she has spared no effort to torture her son, trying to mentally Breaking down his psychological defenses, coupled with the physical confinement, she still doesn't believe that her son can't let go of those thoughts in the past six months.

However, Tang Yumei underestimated her son's determination too much. How could these few seemingly intimate photos shake his firm heart?

But Tang Yumei is not a vegetarian either, she perseveres day by day, taking the trouble to show Rong Xiyuan different photos, including You Ge and Huo Junyan going shopping, shopping in the supermarket...

Rong Xiyuan would argue with Tang Yumei at first, but gradually, he became more and more silent, every time he just glanced at the photo and stopped looking at it, no one knew what he was thinking.

In Tang Yumei's eyes, this change was a change in Rong Xiyuan's thinking. Maybe he was also hurt by the photos, but he didn't say anything.Tang Yumei thought so.

Rong Xiyuan's body is gradually recovering. The nutritious meals he eats every day make up for his thin body in two months. He originally lost 100 catties, but now he has risen to 120 catties. Although he is still a bit thin, at least My strength has recovered a lot, and my mental state is much better than when I just woke up.

Perhaps this would make Rong Xiyuan spineless in the eyes of some people, who would feel that he should go on a hunger strike or take more drastic actions to protest.But Rong Xiyuan wouldn't think that way, he wouldn't be so stupid that he didn't even eat.

If he doesn't eat, he will be in poor health. If his health is poor, how can he do what he wants to do?like leaving...

Time passed day by day, You Ge was still acting with Huo Junyan, knowing that there must be someone watching in the dark, that was fine, Tang Yumei would only relax her vigilance if she believed that she had changed her mind.

This is an arduous and long process. For two months, Yu Ge was suffering and struggling every day. She was thinking, when is the best time?If Tang Yumei let her guard down, what would she do?How should she go to Macau to take Rong Xiyuan away?

These problems always trouble You Ge, but she can't act rashly yet, she knows that Tang Yumei's surveillance of her has not been withdrawn, that is to say, that woman has not fully believed that she has changed her mind, and she still needs to continue acting.

On this day, Huo Junyan had just returned from a business trip, and hurried to Ruilin Villa to visit You Ge and the child, and brought back toys. He really looked like a father.

During these days, because Huo Junyan wanted to act with You Ge, the distance between the two has been virtually shortened a lot.You Ge had no other ideas, but Huo Junyan suffered a little.

Playing intimacy with the woman I like from time to time, although it is just holding hands and hugging the waist, it is also a severe test for Huo Junyan, which makes his heart uncontrollably stir up waves, unknowingly, suppressed emotions It just came out naturally, through acting, he could briefly regard himself as You Ge's boyfriend...

Huo Junyan can not only investigate cases, but also do housework. Such a man is really rare. The most impressive thing is that he can cook well.

Huo Junyan took the initiative to say that he was going to cook, and was going to cook a new dish for You Ge.

You Ge is taking care of the children in the living room, and Huo Junyan is wandering around the kitchen wearing an apron. Such a warm scene really looks like a family.

When Long Xiaoxiao came, he saw Huo Junyan just coming out of the kitchen wearing an apron, and asked You Ge, do you want to put a few peppers in the fried cabbage?

Long Xiaoxiao looked at Huo Junyan's back in amazement, unexpectedly he could cook?
Needless to say, it must be for You Ge.

Long Xiaoxiao couldn't help feeling a little sour in her heart, but she knew very well that feelings are not something that can be obtained by jealousy, not to mention that she and You Ge are good sisters, how could she anger You Ge because of Huo Junyan? She would sigh in her heart, just like Huo Junyan kept her mind, she would also keep a secret.

Long Xiaoxiao teased the child for a while, and went to help in the kitchen. She would not just wait for food. Every time she came here in the past, as long as it was meal time, she would help the servants cook.

This girl is hardworking, simple and honest, but Huo Junyan is like a hard rock sometimes.

Seeing Long Xiaoxiao come in to fight, Huo Junyan glanced lightly, Jun's face was expressionless: "I can do it alone, you go out."

Long Xiaoxiao's face froze, and she subconsciously pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of her nose. Her white and tender cheeks were slightly flushed, but her steps didn't move as if they had taken root, but her hands kept picking vegetables.

"With someone to help, we can have dinner earlier."

"There's only one dish, and it's ready to serve after frying."

"Hmm... It seems that you Ge likes to eat all the dishes. You are really considerate."

These words were originally Long Xiaoxiao's unintentional words, but they had a sour taste in Huo Junyan's ears.

Huo Junyan couldn't help but stop what he was doing, turned his head to look at Long Xiaoxiao, and said with scrutiny: "You don't have any messy thoughts, do you?"

"Eh?" Long Xiaoxiao was stunned, his bright eyes blinked, they were extremely clear and calm: "What do you mean?"

"It means that I am only interested in work now. If you have thoughts about me, it is best to stop in time and don't waste your time and feelings on me. It is impossible for me and you. You are not what I like. type." Huo Junyan said it calmly, as if he didn't know that saying that would hurt a girl's heart.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't know, it's just that he is so direct with people he doesn't like.Before that, Huo Junyan rejected too many women in the same way. He was very familiar with the way Long Xiaoxiao looked at him and had seen it on other women, so he felt what Long Xiaoxiao was thinking, so he took this opportunity to say Make it clear so as not to cause misunderstandings.

Huo Junyan's idea is correct, but he is also a bit cruel to Long Xiaoxiao. Her secret love has been broken before it can blossom.

Embarrassment, embarrassment, bitterness, heartache... All kinds of emotions were intertwined in Long Xiaoxiao's mind. She bit her lower lip tightly, her face turning blue and red. In the end, she could only grit her teeth fiercely, and looked up at him stubbornly: "Huo Junyan, are you overconfident? I just look at you differently because you are You Ge's friend. Do you think I will like you? I already have a boyfriend. I don't have that kind of thought for you. .”

It took Long Xiaoxiao a lot of effort to say this, and the last two sentences were lying because she didn't have a boyfriend at all, and she just blurted out for a little bit of poor self-esteem.

Huo Junyan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words... Could it be that he felt wrong?She has a boyfriend?But You Ge said she didn't have it, but now she said she did?what happened?

Huo Junyan then laughed at himself, what about Long Xiaoxiao has nothing to do with him?Why should he think so much? It would be best if she really didn't care about him.

"OK, pretend I didn't say anything." Huo Junyan was obviously relieved.

In Long Xiaoxiao's eyes, this is even more heart-wrenching pain.

Like it, don't like it, the difference between the two is too big, and it's too sad.

Long Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something important, and his expression was a little serious: "Huo Junyan, you are a policeman and a friend of You Ge, so we can also be regarded as friends, right? I have recently... a little trouble , if I need to ask you for help, can I call you?"

Huo Junyan was cooking. Hearing this, he almost choked, and frowned suddenly: "Are you taking this opportunity to ask for my phone number? Isn't that bad? You already have a boyfriend, so you should be careful."

"You..." Long Xiaoxiao was furious and glared at him angrily. Is this man too narcissistic?
"I...why am I so disrespectful? I'm just asking for your phone number. I really need your help. I'm not looking for excuses to get your number. You're still a policeman, so you can't be more pure-minded?" Long Xiao Akatsuki looks very cute, peach-shaped cheeks are red.

Huo Junyan happened to be cooking the dishes, and hearing Long Xiaoxiao's words, a certain nerve in him was touched. In an instant, the man put down the things in his hand and turned around slowly.

Long Xiaoxiao looked at him, he was approaching step by step, with a strange expression, she actually saw a suspected evil smile at the corner of his mouth...

"What did you just say? Say it again?" Huo Junyan suddenly took a step forward, forcing Long Xiaoxiao to a position against the wall, lowering his head, propping his hands on the wall, and surrounding Long Xiaoxiao.

Long Xiaoxiao couldn't help her heart beating faster, swallowed her saliva violently, and said tremblingly: "I...what did I say, it means that you are a policeman, your thoughts are not pure...why are you so nervous, why do you look at it like this? look at me..."

"Huh? Are you blushing? Didn't you say you won't be tempted by me? Didn't you say you have a boyfriend?" Huo Junyan looked at Long Xiaoxiao mockingly. The masculine breath emanating from him made Long Xiaoxiao want to The urge to run wild...

When people have brain twitches, Huo Junyan was accidentally stimulated by what Long Xiaoxiao said. It was really just a moment, and then he became what he is now... There is a bit of evil in his heroic appearance, and a bit of indifference Jokingly, looking down at the nervous girl in front of him, Huo Junyan actually smiled...

(End of this chapter)

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