old love back

Chapter 181 Fanwai Becomes a Qualified Dad 2

Chapter 181 Fanwai Becomes a Qualified Dad 2
Rong Xiyuan Khan still hasn't coaxed the baby well even though he's out. He feels like he's about to cry. Taking care of a baby is really a technical job. As a new dad, he still needs to continue to exercise.

Rong Xiyuan was in a hurry, thinking about how to stop the child from crying?
Usually children cry, as long as You Ge is out of the way, it will be fine, but without You Ge, everything has to be judged by Rong Xiyuan himself. This is indeed a test, and it depends on whether he can do anything about it.

Rong Xiyuan walked back and forth in the room, finally, when he saw those two tall speakers, he had a flash of light in his mind, there it is!

Just do what he said, Rong Xiyuan hastily turned on the TV, found out the DVD he had collected for many years, and it was playing a Disney animation - "Tom and Jerry"

This is a cartoon that Rong Xiyuan remembers deeply. It used to accompany him in his childhood. Now, he thinks it is also good to coax children, so he can try it.

Although the cartoon is a long time ago, the funny effect is not inferior to all kinds of cartoons now, especially if it is compared with the cartoon of a certain sheep, it is far ahead of a few streets.

The classic and funny dubbing is full of strong comedy color, which makes you want to laugh when you listen to it, and you can't hold it back.The clever little mouse in the film is not only cute but also very cute, no one would dislike it after watching it.

Sure enough, Baby Xuan and Baby Yi stopped crying, they were attracted by the cartoon, and stared blankly at the TV screen with their four eyes wide open.

Rong Xiyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, took a handkerchief to wipe the children's tears, looked at the red and swollen eyes of the babies, his heart still hurts, he couldn't help it.

The poor two treasures, now they are quiet and stop crying, leaning softly on Rong Xiyuan's body, their attention was soon distracted.

After 10 minutes, the servant came up with fruit.

The child is still young, and the fruit is mashed before feeding.Rong Xiyuan prepared two spoons, fed one mouthful to Baby Xuan, and another mouthful to Baby Yi, the two cute babies opened their mouths, and the father would feed them in with a spoon... Child slaves are like this, it’s not easy to be a baby daddy , the one who waits willingly and laughs with him the whole time, as long as the child frowns, Rong Xiyuan will be nervous.Speaking of doting, a strong and domineering man like Rong Xiyuan can't hold back his momentum now. He can't wait to hold the child in his hands and love him. He doesn't feel wronged at all. As long as he sees the child's face, With a pure smile, he feels that the world is beautiful, and being a child slave is his greatest happiness.

So, Uncle Rong will be subdued by three people in his life - You Ge and his two children.

With these three people, the uncle can no longer hold anything else in his heart, and the family relationship is solid, and no one can even think about it because there is no seam at all.

Baby Xuan pouted, and said to Rong Xiyuan: "Water..."

When Rong Xiyuan heard this, he hurriedly handed over the water, and the little cute baby drank a couple of sips with the cup in both hands, then tilted his head to look at Rong Xiyuan, like a reward, Baby Xuan picked up the spoon and dug it up. A spoonful of fruit pulp was brought to Rong Xiyuan's mouth.

This made the dad very happy, tears filled his eyes with excitement, eating the fruit pulp fed to him by the child, it felt sweeter than honey, full of warmth, enough to make him dizzy with emotion.

Baby Xuan and Baby Yi are not really that spoiled, but these two cute babies just like to rely on Ma Ma's father, but they will occasionally give some sweets for adults to taste, for example, Baby Xuan is feeding Rong Xiyuan to eat fruit now .

Baby Yi stared at the cartoon without taking his eyes off it, and suddenly the cartoon was gone. After the disc was finished, the screen went blank. Baby Yi immediately hugged Rong Xiyuan and acted coquettishly: "Dad... I still want to watch the little mouse and the cat and cat." ..."

Rong Xiyuan rubbed his son's head along the way, feeling the child's close dependence, his heart is very happy.

"Okay, wait." Rong Xiyuan went to change the disc, and the two treasures sat in satisfaction, neither crying nor fussing, so well-behaved that it made people feel distressed.

With such a good-looking cartoon, the babies were temporarily distracted, and Rong Xiyuan was sweating secretly. Fortunately, he was smart enough, otherwise he would be a failed dad if he couldn't coax the children. Facts have proved that he is still very good. Potential for children.Some men are very disdainful about raising children, thinking that they should go to work to earn money, and it is enough to have a wife to take care of the children. Some even don’t care when they come home from get off work. When the children cry, they just call them their wives. , I still lie comfortably.

But Rong Xiyuan never thought so.He is very busy, and the burden of such a big company is on his shoulders, but he still does his best for his children. He does not think that it is enough to have You Ge and his servants to take care of the children. The emotional bond between them is to accompany them more, to participate in the growth process of their children, to learn all the skills to take care of them, to spend as much time as possible with their children as long as they have time, to take good care of their children as long as they are at home, and to love themselves more than themselves. Only by watering the seedlings with family affection can they grow well and thrive.

The time to watch cartoons with the children passed quickly, and it was time for Rong Xiyuan to go to the company for a meeting.After watching the cartoon for more than an hour, the two treasures were still unsatisfied and wanted to watch it, but Rong Xiyuan turned off the TV and ordered the servant to take the child to the garden.

The baby is too young to watch TV for too long. At this time, the big golden retriever at home will play a role, play hard with the child, and dilute the child's concern about cartoons. just went home.

Being a baby daddy is not easy, Rong Xiyuan has a deep understanding, but he also enjoys it and has a sense of accomplishment, and now he can be regarded as a qualified baby daddy.

Longqing City.

The first thing You Ge did when he came back was to rush to the company for a meeting. He hurried out in the morning, only had a box lunch at the company at noon, and continued to stay in the office for a whole day in the afternoon. It was not until four o'clock that he remembered that Long Xiaoxiao was discharged from the hospital today. day!
You Ge called Xiaoxiao, and it happened that Xiaoxiao was still in the hospital, and she could be discharged home after the attending doctor came.

During this period of time, Long Xiaoxiao lived in the ward arranged by You Ge, and the medical expenses were also paid by You Ge and Huo Junyan. For this, Long Xiaoxiao kept in mind that she had long been eager to be discharged from the hospital so that she could work early to make money to pay back to a friend.

You Ge doesn't care about this little money, and she never thought about asking Xiaoxiao to pay it back, but Xiaoxiao is an independent girl, she didn't say anything, she secretly planned to earn money to pay it back, and to pay it back. Huo Junyan must be paid back first.

Handsome Huo paid [-] yuan for Xiaoxiao's medical expenses, and he didn't even think about asking Xiaoxiao to pay back the money.

After this period of careful treatment and recuperation, Long Xiaoxiao's injury is very good, and it is finally time to be discharged from the hospital.

Who will come today?Long Xiaoxiao has been thinking about it since the morning.In fact, what she misses most in her heart is a certain man, will he come?

She is sure that You Ge will come, but Huo Junyan... Long Xiaoxiao can only smile secretly, he can only be a beautiful dream in her heart, just look at it from a distance, not close.

Half an hour later, the attending doctor came, You Ge also arrived, and Long Xiaoxiao's things were packed and ready to leave.

After staying in the hospital for so long, she felt that she was about to get moldy. Now that she was discharged from the hospital, she was naturally excited and excited.

You Ge brought the delicacies she bought in Hong Kong, which can be regarded as celebrating Xiaoxiao's discharge from the hospital, and then took Xiaoxiao to have a big meal.

Long Xiaoxiao's mother is a very virtuous woman. She is very relieved to see her daughter and You Ge are as close as sisters, but she doesn't want to go to dinner with her, she just wants to go home quickly, because she hasn't slept well these days , Now that her daughter has been discharged from the hospital, she has completely let go of her heart and wants to go home and have a good sleep.

It's also making room for young people, and being a mom is always so sweet.

Mother didn't want to eat, so Long Xiaoxiao and You Ge said they should just buy vegetables and go back to cook, and let mom wait to eat.

But at this time, from a distance, he saw a familiar figure walking in front of him, with a heroic and radiant figure, wasn't it Huo Junyan?

The unconcealable surprise in Long Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered and was suppressed. She was used to burying that thought, so she wouldn't let herself show it, but You Ge had already seen it.

You Ge remained calm, secretly happy in his heart, changed his mind in a flash, pulled Long Xiaoxiao's mother, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Long Xiaoxiao's mother nodded happily, looked at Huo Junyan with a little more complicated expectation, and then hurriedly said that she was going home, and You Ge took the opportunity to invite Huo Junyan to have dinner together.

Yes, You Ge changed her mind temporarily. She wants to create opportunities for Long Xiaoxiao and Huo Junyan. Eating together is the simplest and most direct way.

Huo Junyan doesn't know why he came here, isn't it just to be discharged from the hospital, Long Xiaoxiao's injury is completely healed, so he doesn't need to come.But maybe it was because of a trace of guilt that Huo Junyan came, and as expected, he met You Ge.

Knowing that You Ge is preparing for the wedding, knowing that she went to Hong Kong to try on the wedding dress, Huo Junyan can only bless all of this, who understands the depression and sourness in his heart.In this world, there is no if, the timing of his meeting You Ge is not right, otherwise, maybe her other half would not be Rong Xiyuan.

But what is the use of saying this?Reality can always ruthlessly shatter fantasy, Huo Junyan sometimes wonders, should You Ge's wedding be absent for an excuse?Like Xu Yan?
The three of them went to eat together. Long Xiaoxiao was a little awkward. She could feel that You Ge had arranged this on purpose, but she knew very well that Huo Junyan had You Ge in her heart. That person will still not be her, Long Xiaoxiao.

It's just that Long Xiaoxiao didn't tell You Ge about this, because she had promised Huo Junyan not to say it, and she didn't want to see the embarrassment between Huo Junyan and You Ge after seeing this matter exposed.

When eating, it was mostly You Ge who was talking. Long Xiaoxiao and Huo Junyan had less conversations. You Ge was kind and hoped that the two of them would get in touch with each other to create sparks, but after the meal, there was no promising progress. Huo Junyan looked cool, Long Xiaoxiao only knew how to bury his head and eat.

Long Xiaoxiao is not really that greedy, but can only avoid more embarrassment by burying his head in eating.

After the meal was finally over, You Ge finally resorted to his trick...go first and let Huo Junyan send Long Xiaoxiao home.

If this still can't stimulate the two people, You Ge can only shake his head and sigh.

Huo Junyan didn't drive here today, so he had to take the bus to send Long Xiaoxiao off.

Long Xiaoxiao didn't think that Huo Junyan really wanted to send her off, so she didn't wait for him to speak, so she got to know the fun first.

"Ahem... Huo Junyan, I can just go back by myself, you can go back."

Huo Junyan was a little surprised that Long Xiaoxiao was so straightforward, but as a man, he should have at least a demeanor, not to mention that it was night, and she came home alone as a girl, which made people worry.

"I'll see you off." Huo Junyan said three simple words, with a bit of firmness that could not be refuted.

Long Xiaoxiao's heart tightened, she knew that Huo Junyan's doing this was not for her interest, but out of a man's etiquette and demeanor.

"No, my boyfriend is coming to pick me up soon, you go." Long Xiaoxiao urged him again.

Huo Junyan frowned, thought for a while, said nothing, nodded, waved, and left decisively.He thought she really had a boyfriend to pick her up, but he didn't know that Long Xiaoxiao was still single at all.

Long Xiaoxiao was not very lucky today. She waited for a long time for the bus to arrive, and it was still very crowded. As soon as she got up, she was squeezed into the crowd. There was something wrong behind her. Long Xiaoxiao turned her head to look , There was a fat salty pig's hand touching her buttocks!
(End of this chapter)

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