old love back

Chapter 183

Chapter 183
This...why does it sound weird?Long Xiaoxiao was inexplicably irritated, frowning and staring at Huo Junyan: "Do you think I like him?"

"Isn't it? You look in the mirror and know your eyes have betrayed you."

"..." Long Xiaoxiao was speechless, she liked Zhuo Yi, that was a matter of university, now the only person she likes is Huo Junyan!But how to export this?Long Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, stopped talking, and let Huo Junyan misunderstand, she felt that there was no need to explain.

How easy is it to get rid of that person in your heart?Although Long Xiaoxiao made up his mind to take back his feelings for Huo Junyan when he was injured and admitted to the hospital, he would go to the hospital from time to time, pay her medical expenses, and transfer her case to the city bureau for him to investigate personally. I caught Zhu Kun, and today I stood up on the bus to catch the pervert... All these things happened again and again, what should Long Xiaoxiao do to realize his wish of "taking back"?

It's not easy to keep her heart from sinking in. Long Xiaoxiao was very careful, but before she knew it, when Huo Junyan stood up on the bus, her heart beat wildly.

Looking at the expression in his eyes at the moment, Long Xiaoxiao smiled wryly in his heart... Forget it, it's better not to say some things, so as not to pierce the window paper after saying it, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing to even meet in the future.

Long Xiaoxiao was distracted, and Huo Junyan would mistakenly think that she was thinking about the "tall, rich and handsome" senior just now in Huo Junyan's eyes.

Huo Junyan didn't know which muscle was wrong, he was a little talkative today.

"Going out to a party alone is still a double-mindedness. After all, it's a classmate I haven't seen for many years." Huo Junyan reminded again.

"Got it, thank you." Long Xiaoxiao replied politely.

In fact, Long Xiaoxiao didn't really think that the senior would call her in a few days at all, maybe he was just being polite.

Long Xiaoxiao just doesn't know much about men, and doesn't know how to observe the complicated meanings in men's eyes, unlike Huo Junyan, who has already seen that the senior named Zhuo Yi is interested in Long Xiaoxiao, so he kindly reminded her.

It's getting closer to You Ge's wedding, some people are excitedly preparing to attend, but some people don't move because they planned not to attend early in the morning, such as Xu Yan.

Xu Yan had two surgeries at work yesterday, and was called to the hospital in the middle of the night to have one. There were three major surgeries in total. He lay on his bed at dawn and slept until noon, remembering that there was another The important thing... Make an appointment with Su Muran in the boxing gym this afternoon!
It's a good thing that Xu Yan can take a vacation today, otherwise he would miss the appointment, and he wouldn't be able to "revenge".

After staying up late for the operation, Xu Yan still felt unwell even after sleeping for seven hours. After eating, he felt better. Drinking a cup of coffee refreshed his mind. No matter what, he couldn’t lose in the afternoon duel... If he lost again, he would feel ashamed up!
Xu Yan came to the boxing gym early, but Su Muran hadn't shown up until three o'clock.

Xu Yan is very punctual. Seeing that the hour hand pointed to ten past three, he impatiently picked up his mobile phone and dialed Su Muran's number. At this moment, Su Muran's figure appeared in his sight. It turned out that she had just arrived.

Xu Yan said slightly displeased, "You're 10 minutes late."

Su Muran's face seemed to be a bit ugly: "Yes, I'm late, so today you can ask me to give you three punches first."

"What? You asked me to punch three times?" Xu Yan seemed to have heard a joke, and said with a sneer, "You are too confident, do I need you to let me? It's so funny!"

Su Muran's expression turned cold, and he slammed his eyes across: "I said, I'm late, I'll let you punch three times, what are you doing like a mother-in-law?"

"I..." Xu Yan was at a loss for words for a moment, did this woman take explosives today?Are you short-circuiting your brain?
It's not that I haven't seen a female man before, but such a "beating" female King Kong really makes it difficult for a man to adapt, and she even took the initiative to ask for three punches.

Xu Yan crossed his arms and looked at Su Muran playfully, with a hint of sneer in the corner of his mouth: "Is it because my aunt is here so I am so irritable? I am not your punching bag, if you really come to my aunt Yes, cancel the appointment today."

It is true that the two of them are making an appointment to fight, but it is just called "practicing hands".

Su Muran's narrow and beautiful eyes widened, and she gritted her teeth angrily: "I've let you down, I'm very normal now, don't whine, start a war!"

This woman can no longer be described as tough, a face as beautiful as a flower actually has such a violent heart!

Xu Yan shook his head secretly, that's all, if she wanted to ask for a beating, he would do what he could to help her.

"Okay, let's get ready."

Xu Yan put on his gloves while talking.

After a few minutes of warm-up exercise, Su Muran also put on his gloves. With sharp eyes and fighting spirit exuding from his body, he quickly entered the state of combat readiness.

Xu Yan looked at the valiant woman in front of him, feeling tense for no reason... Could it be that she was stimulated by something today?It feels out of breath.

Xu Yan was thinking that Su Muran had already declared war.

"It's started!" Su Muran shouted in a low voice, as soon as he came up, he fired with full firepower, as fast and lethal as a beacon wheel.

"Hey... you..." Xu Yan didn't have time to say anything, and felt that Su Muran's fist seemed to be twice as fast as last time, and his strength was also whistling, as if it had become stronger.

How is this going?Was it really possessed by King Kong?
Xu Yan didn't have time to think about it, so he could only go all out. He thought that he could win this round easily, but now it seems that he is not very optimistic. Su Muran's state is as if he drank the rage potion.

Xu Yan punched Su Muran on the shoulder, and he was also kicked in the calf by Su Muran almost at the same time, both of them backed away in pain, Su Muran was covering his shoulder and his face was pale, Xu Yan also rubbed in pain His calves were stretched, but he didn't say a word.

"Very well, there are not many people who can make me do my best, so you can be proud."

Su Muran raised her chin haughtily, looking like a queen, "There are not many people who can confront me head-on. It seems that you are not an embroidered pillow."

Xu Yan's seductive peach blossom eyes flashed a cold light instantly: "My young master has always been a rock, and I will never be an embroidered pillow in this life. Woman, don't be too proud, you will suffer it later."

Su Muran's eyes were burning with a strong fighting intent, he moved his limbs, his eyes sank, and he rushed up again!
Although Xu Yan can parry, it is not easy. This deviates from his original idea, and makes him feel even more unwilling. What did this woman eat so vigorously today?It can be said that he lost because of negligence last time. If he still loses this time, how can he mess around?
Heihu has been watching the battle from the side all the time, very excited, but when he gets excited, he doesn't know which side he is on.

"Come on, young master!"

"Miss Su is amazing! This punch is so beautiful, hahaha..."

"Master, you should be stronger! Hit harder!"

"Miss Su is mighty! Hahaha..."


This guy lost his mind for a moment, yelling on both sides, especially loudly at critical moments.

"Master, you rush up, don't be afraid of her, go up, go up! Master!" Hei Hu raised the volume in a hurry, but he didn't know that it would affect the people in the field.

Xu Yan couldn't bear Heihu's croaking, so he suddenly turned around and shouted at Heihu: "Be quiet!"

Heihu trembled all over, and quickly shut up...

But just such a second, let the opponent have an opportunity to take advantage of it!

When Xu Yan turned his head, Su Muran's fist was already in front of him, and he didn't even have a chance to avoid it!

"Bang..." With a muffled sound, Xu Yan was punched solidly, and suddenly felt dizzy, dizzy and painful!
Immediately afterwards, Xu Yan's foot was swept by Su Muran, and he fell to the floor. The sound was really... Heihu couldn't bear to look any more, he didn't dare to look any more, and ran away... What are you waiting for if you don't run now? , if you don't run again, you will probably be beaten to the ground by the young master!Heihu knew that he was the one who distracted the young master by yelling just now, otherwise the young master would not have lost so badly.

Master, I really didn't mean it...May God bless you, master!

Xu Yan was so angry, he fell to the ground and looked at the back of the black tiger running away, really wanted to catch up with that guy and beat him up!
What is this called, bad!
Xu Yan endured the pain and stood up, Su Muran was already smiling.

"Tsk tsk... This is the second time, Xu Yan, are you letting me go on purpose?"

These words just added fuel to the flames, Xu Yan was bubbling with anger, originally he and Su Muran were in an inextricable fight and no one had the upper hand, but because of that kid Heihu yelling just now, he sounded irritable, Only then will he be distracted for a second.

Xu Yan couldn't help but wonder, could Heihu be in collusion with Su Muran?
But no matter what, if you lose, you lose. This is a fact, a fact that embarrasses Xu Yan.

Xu Yan looked at the smiling woman in front of him, and two words appeared in his mind - Nemesis.

That's right, Su Muran must be his nemesis, otherwise how can he explain losing both times? !
Su Muran seemed to be able to see what he was thinking, and said generously: "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell others that you lost to me twice. Next time, let's not make an appointment at the boxing gym, but at the movie theater." Or a coffee shop."

It’s okay not to say it, but when he said it, Xu Yan’s whole body was about to explode: “There won’t be a third time! Next time, next time, next time, it’s still in the boxing gym, I’m not interested in other places! "

Well, this guy is really on the shoulders of others, and he won't give up until he completely surrenders her.

When he said this, Xu Yan didn't realize that he was so attached to a woman?I have to continue dating, but I still have a date in the boxing gym... This pair, both of them are quite tough, they are really a good match, only dating is exciting enough, and it is really not easy to find such a wonderful pair , can be called happy friends.

Are there any subtle changes happening?Maybe the person involved doesn't feel it now, but he is unknowingly used to having such an opponent... Fortunately, Xu Yan hasn't died today, otherwise he would be even more ashamed when he went to Su Muran's house.

Su Chen and Xu Yan's father had been waiting for him for a long time, and the old friends even cooked the meals themselves. Seeing that her husband was so happy today, Su Chen's wife thought it was strange at first, but later she realized that it was because of her love for him. Xu Yan, hoping to be a good pair with his daughter.

Su Muran's mother is over fifty years old, but from the facial features, it can be seen that she must have been a great beauty when she was young, and Su Muran has inherited the excellent genes of her parents, and her appearance and temperament have taken the advantages of her parents. outstanding.

Su's mother met Xu Yan in the hospital, but she didn't know that her husband had such thoughts. Considering Xu Yan's various conditions, it would be gratifying to be able to become a couple with her daughter, but he promised What does Yan think?

When Xu Yan came, out of politeness, he brought some gifts. He was polite and courteous, and there was nothing wrong with him and Su Muran.

No wonder he was right, he lost twice in a row, today this time it was because that guy Hei Hu was yelling at the side, which distracted him for a while... So wronged, he couldn't be reconciled to losing, he was holding back, but he couldn't burst out. The Su family was a guest, and his father was there, so Xu Yan could only endure it, but his mind was always thinking about how to "revenge his shame".

(End of this chapter)

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