old love back

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

"Yes, thank you for your reminder. If there is a single man who asks for my phone number, I will take care of it." Xiaoxiao smiled friendly at the stylist.

At this time, a certain man at the door made a noise inadvertently, which immediately attracted Xiaoxiao's attention...it was Huo Junyan!
Xiaoxiao was inexplicably nervous, but Huo Junyan had already walked in with a big stab.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm here to look for He Feng, I didn't expect you to be here... Well, yes, you look good today, I hope you can get your wish and catch a wealthy son-in-law." Huo Junyan's words are a bit strange no matter how they sound Weird taste.

Xiaoxiao was at a loss for words, did he hear everything he said just now?

"I..." Xiaoxiao wanted to say that the purpose of her coming was not to catch some golden turtles, but when she met Huo Junyan's eyes, she swallowed the last part of her words... How could he care what she was thinking?So, why bother to explain, let him think what he thinks.

The stylist walked away tactfully. Only Xiaoxiao and Huo Junyan were in the dressing room. The two were relatively silent, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Xiaoxiao is actually secretly looking at Huo Junyan. Today he is wearing a casual suit, flaxen color, handsome and masculine, and the heroic posture between his brows is also softer, a little more elegant and noble, and more charming.

Huo Junyan appeared to be indifferent on the surface, but he was also admiring the delicate flower in front of him... Long Xiaoxiao is indeed radiant in such a dress, and his temperament has risen by more than a bit.

In particular, the size of the dress closely fits her body curves, outlining her graceful figure, her delicate clavicle and snow-white neck, her slender waist, and her slim ankles on her slender high-heeled shoes... She is like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, showing a pleasing beauty.

Huo Junyan couldn't help but think, such a Long Xiaoxiao must be able to attract the attention of many people at today's wedding, and it may be a good thing for her to worry about no men going to make friends. After all, it is difficult for ordinary people There is such an opportunity.

"Hehe... That's right, dress up, if you can find a long-term meal ticket." Huo Junyan accidentally said another inexplicable sentence.

Long Xiaoxiao frowned delicately, feeling strange in her heart, and stared at him with big round eyes: "What do you mean? Are you mocking me or are you afraid that I won't be able to get the medicine you paid for me in a short time?" fee?"

"Medical expenses?"

"Isn't it? You helped me pay the medical expenses, and I will return it to you as soon as possible. As for your kind reminder, I thank you in advance. I will keep my eyes open and look at it, hoping to find it like you blessed me. A rich son-in-law, hehehe..." Long Xiaoxiao said this with a bit of anger.

With a beautiful bridesmaid, of course there must be a handsome best man.He Feng, this kid can be regarded as stealing the limelight today. Before the groom came out, He Feng was the focus of half of the audience's eyes... Most of the women were paying attention to him.

He Feng was born to be a clothes hanger, and his appearance was the best among the best. In fact, he didn't deliberately style himself today, he just wore a suit and a bow tie, which looked very formal, but it was enough to make the women present scream secretly.

He Feng is just a butterfly, there are a group of women clinging to him wherever he goes, such as now.

He Feng stood next to the fountain on the lawn, surrounded by several wealthy daughters, chattering non-stop, and he could handle it with ease, making every woman laugh, and there would be no conflicts, I have to say , This is really a skill, a little green among thousands of flowers, such a person is undoubtedly the nemesis for women, if anyone is tempted by him, it may be the result of feeling sad.

Look at He Feng teasing a few women to make them tremble wildly, but this boy is still more than enough, he doesn't feel nervous or uncomfortable at all, he is very experienced.

Tong Jin was drinking on the opposite side, while he and He Feng were in completely opposite situations.

Tong Jin has a warm and masculine air, and his clean and handsome face is also loved by women, but this guy is too incomprehensible. Compared with He Feng, he is a rookie in love.

A girl in a long purple dress came over with a glass of cocktail. She was obviously interested in Tong Jin, but she didn't know that Tong Jin had angered three women away... That's right, she was angry because He doesn't understand.

"Hi, can I sit here?" The girl smiled confidently, prettier than the begonias in the garden.

Tong Jin was watching the koi in the pond. Hearing this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled friendlyly: "Please sit down."

The girl thought to herself, there is a show!

"May I ask if you are a relative of the woman or the man's..."

"Hey, it's all considered. The groom is my brother Yuan, and the bride is my sister-in-law." Tong Jin smiled, showing her white teeth, gentle and harmless.

The girl was at a loss for words, but his answer was so cute.

"Pfft..." The girl laughed so hard that she felt that there was a big boy in front of her.

"You drink milk tea? Do you want to change it? For example, the cocktail in my hand is delicious, do you want to try it?" The girl winked at Tong Jin, with a hint of bewitching.

This is a technique used by girls to strike up a conversation. Inviting you to drink, coupled with such stark eyes, is hinting at you. It's a pity that Tong Jin is really...

Tong Jin said solemnly: "I don't drink alcohol, I think milk tea is quite good... Besides, among the dishes of today's wedding banquet, there is a very delicious soup, you'd better save some stomach for the soup."

"..." The girl was so embarrassed that she opened her eyes in surprise, feeling that she had encountered a strange thing.

Is he really stupid or fake stupid?Don't understand what she means by inviting him to drink?She originally planned to ask for his phone number immediately afterward, but now she felt that it was unnecessary.

The girl's smile became a little stiff, but she still smiled and nodded politely before leaving.

Tong Jin was also puzzled. A few girls came to chat with him and then left. They seemed to have a bad face when they left. Why?He didn't say anything wrong...

God, waiting for Tong Jin to open up is really like waiting for the iron tree to bloom!
Facts once again prove that the EQ and IQ of technical geeks are really easy to be inversely proportional to each other if you are not careful.

He Feng and Tong Jin are also friends, seeing this scene, He Feng couldn't help but want to go up and kick that kid... He's so worthless!

Tong Jin didn't understand what was wrong with He Feng, what was he doing with a dark face?
He Feng leaned close to Tong Jin's ear, with a posture of hating iron but not steel: "Boy, your brother Yuan gave me a task today, which is to let you meet more single girls. If you don't cooperate, be careful." Disassemble your computer."

This is a ruthless move. Tong Jin's favorite thing is his computer.

Sure enough, Tong Jin showed surprise: "Why would Brother Yuan say that?"

He Feng stared angrily: "It's all because you don't have a girlfriend yet, Xi Yuan regards you as a brother, can he not be in a hurry? Kid, can you be more considerate?"

When Tong Jin heard it, she actually lowered her head and looked at her chest to see that this action almost made He Feng so angry... Is this the legendary stupid cuteness?

At last, Tong Jin was not hopeless, and finally saw that He Feng's eyes were not right, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Actually, I am not chased by anyone, so don't worry."

"What?" He Feng was startled, and immediately got excited, raised his eyebrows, and asked gossip: "Who?"

"Well... keep it a secret for now."

"Secret? Hehe...Secret?" He Feng's expression became a little weird, and he took out his mobile phone and pretended to make a call: "Well, I have to report this matter to Xiyuan immediately."

"Wait...don't..." Tong Jin grabbed He Feng's arm nervously, preventing him from calling.

He Feng was actually putting on a show, seeing Tong Jin would be nervous, that's right.

"Be honest, who is the other party, or I will tell you Brother Yuan." He Feng's threatening expression really deserves a beating.

Tong Jin had no choice but to whisper, "It's a netizen of mine who writes online novels."

"Huh? Online dating?"

"No, I'm not in love with her, I just treat her as a friend, but she said she likes me and confessed to me some time ago." Tong Jin was a little shy, her fair cheeks flushed.

"Confession? Then?"

Tong Jin scratched her hair foolishly: "Well... there is no more, I told her that I only consider her as a friend."

"You..." He Feng rolled his eyes unceremoniously: "Well, I have convinced you, I guess you are the last untreated man in this century."

"Ahem... I'm not like you. You've already gone through various processes, and I'm still the original." Tong Jin finally found an advantage that can be seduced.

He Feng flattened his mouth: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, even if you are the original, you can meet the girl you like in the future, if you are still as stupid as you are now, if you are not enlightened, people will not think you are the original I'm dating you for the sake of it. You are handsome and have a good temper, and you are a high-end technical nerd with good money. In terms of conditions, you are first-class excellent, but you don't understand girls' thoughts too much. You take the initiative to catch up with the door, but you still push it hard. If you continue like this, when will you be able to get married and have children? You live in the same house with Xi Yuan and his wife. Don’t you think that the couple is very happy and loving? Don’t you envy? A family of three of my own?"

These words really touched Tong Jin, his thoughtful expression showed that he was thinking about something.

"Will I disturb Brother Yuan and sister-in-law?"

"It's impossible. After all, his family has many villas and a wide space. It doesn't matter if there are more people, but do you want to continue like this? Are you not going to start a family?" He Feng felt that he was really worried about Tong Jin. Who made the two of them friends?

Tong Jin nodded slowly, and murmured: "Okay, I will ask you for advice and experience when I have time."

"Haha, that's right, kid, learn from Godot!"

Just as the two were chatting vigorously, He Feng's phone rang, calling him to get ready, the ceremony was about to begin.

Regarding the time of the ceremony, the Rong family specially invited the master to watch it, and it was set at 11 o'clock, and it was just lunch after the ceremony.

Of course, Rong Xiyuan didn't want to use the plots used in ordinary wedding ceremonies. Therefore, in order to have a special wedding, this man racked his brains, and finally finalized today's details. What will he give You Ge? You Ge didn't know about such a surprise until now, everything was kept secret, he didn't say anything, he just waited to reveal it one by one now.

Usually, at the beginning of the ceremony, the groom stands on the stage and waits for the bride to come from the opposite side, but Rong Xiyuan said that this is too ordinary, and he wants something different, so...

After the host made a humorous and provocative opening speech, the audience applauded loudly, and the first one to appear was the bride!

On the road paved with flowers, a slender white figure walked slowly under the leadership of a kind elder. At the same time, the new version of the wedding march also resounded in the sky, making the atmosphere of the open-air scene more festive .

You Ge is wearing a white wedding dress, with a simple retro cheongsam on the upper body, and a mermaid-style lower body.Elegant and generous, sexy and full of fairy spirit, so beautiful that it is dreamlike and unreal, like a person walking out of a watercolor painting.The set of jewelry she wore matched the wedding dress very well. The dark green luster shone brightly under the sun, creating a dazzling halo. The contrast with the white showed the mystery and thickness of black pearls.Such a perfect match has received many exclamations.

(End of this chapter)

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