old love back

Chapter 89 The jealous look is so cute

Chapter 89 The jealous look is so cute
At that time, there was also a big sister in the orphanage, who was as warm and friendly as You Ge, and would always take the initiative to take care of children younger than her, including Tong Jin and Rong Xiyuan.

Tong Jin was only seven years old at that time, and Rong Xiyuan was only 11 years old. The eldest sister was older than them, and she seemed to be 15 years old at that time.The eldest sister has the word "Ling" in her name, so everyone calls her Sister Ling.

Sister Ling is gentle and sensible, and often goes to the kitchen to help cook. At that time, Rong Xiyuan was very withdrawn, and she was very withdrawn at the beginning, and it was difficult to get along with other children. Sometimes she could not find anyone when eating, so Sister Ling would give Rong Xi Yuan left a meal and got up...

Tong Jin was seven years old at the time and was sent to an orphanage. She cried every day and couldn't fall asleep at night. She had to listen to stories told by adults to fall asleep. Tong Jin still remembers every story Sister Ling told at that time.

For the group of orphans at that time, Sister Ling was not only a partner, but also a sister, and even a mother.She always treats everyone selflessly with love. Her kindness and tolerance far exceed what her age should bear.

Today's You Ge makes Tong Jin feel as if she has found Sister Ling. In You Ge, Tong Jin feels the warmth of a family member. It is precisely because of this that he thinks of Ling Ling more and more recently. Sister, I regret Sister Ling's untimely death even more.If Sister Ling was still alive, with his and Rong Xiyuan's abilities, Sister Ling would definitely be able to live a happy life.

It's just a pity that good people don't live long. Sister Ling went to heaven early before they became famous... Yes, Sister Ling must be in heaven. For such a good person, she should go to that kind of place after death.

Tong Jin's eyes were a little sore, not just because of the sea breeze, but also because it touched some kind of emotion.There was a greedy cry from his arms, and the little guy stretched out his wet tongue to lick Tong Jin's fingers, and was bitten by it, but it didn't hurt, just a little itchy.

Looking at this little thing, Tong Jin's mood improved again, pamperingly patting the gluttonous head: "Hahaha...are you hungry?"

Greedy continued to lick her fingers, looking at Tong Jin helplessly, feeling very pitiful.

Tong Jin went down holding the glutinous glutton, she wanted to serve the little one for dinner.

Everyone hasn't started eating lunch yet, so we have to feed the greedy first.

There are a lot of things on this yacht. Make some milk for the glutton, and two slices of bread... It's still a puppy, so you can't just give meat to it, for fear that it won't be able to digest it or have diarrhea.Milk bread is more suitable now.

Greedy is not only greedy, but also very lazy. To save energy when drinking milk, he simply rests his head on the edge of the plate, and his whole face is covered with milk stains.

Tong Jin waited on the greedy, so he didn't have time to go to the kitchen to watch, so Xu Yan had enough room to play.

You Ge was busy, picking up the fresh sea prawns from the bucket, and pulling off the black lines on the backs of the prawns.She cooks very carefully, so you can rest assured that her dishes are clean and hygienic.

Xu Yan was making soup, wearing an apron, and looked like a housekeeper.

Only You Ge was lucky enough to see Xu Yan cook and see him wearing an apron. If the Xu family knew about this, it would be incredible.If those who are obsessed with Xu Yan find out, they will surely arouse jealousy towards You Ge.

There are too few people who can make Xu Yan cook for him, so far only his parents and You Ge.

You Ge was busy admiring the surrounding seascape, and couldn't help admiring: "Xu Yan, you really enjoy it, do you often go out to sea? I think you have a lot of things on this yacht."

Xu Yan said nervously: "You like it? If you like it, you are welcome to come often in the future."

"I like it, but I don't know it in the future, because Rong Xiyuan said that he also has a private yacht. Originally, he wanted to use his yacht to go out to sea this time, but there was a small problem with the yacht, and it is under maintenance... next time, Then..."

"Let's talk about it later." Xu Yan hastily added, and ended the topic by the way.

Xu Yan's mood was slightly affected, but he soon cheered up again, staring at You Ge's side face with deep peach eyes, and the vague feelings were suppressed in his eyes.

The two of them are busy with lunch, which feels good, like a young couple.Xu Yan imagined it like this, and missed the happy days with You Ge in the past few years abroad. At that time, there were only him and her, and there were no other people to intervene and disturb, but the happy time was always so short. .

An indescribable feeling surged in Xu Yan's heart, looking at her pure and flawless cheeks, seeing the smile at the corner of her mouth, his heart suddenly beat violently.As his body moved with his heart, Xu Yan suddenly opened his arms, and hugged You Ge's waist gently and stubbornly...

This is just an involuntary action, subconscious, without prior preparation or brewing, it just moves with the heart, there is no evil element, only driven by the most authentic emotion from the heart.

You Ge was startled, and his instinctive reaction was to turn around immediately and point the kitchen knife in his hand at the man in front of him.

It was supposed to be a romantic hug, but the atmosphere was ruined by a kitchen knife. Xu Yan shrank his neck helplessly: "Attention, a knife doesn't have eyes... Is it really good that you are so fierce?"

You Ge's whole body was stiff, his face was flushed, and he glared at Xu Yan angrily. Not only did he not put down the knife, but he raised it higher: "Your hand is dishonest, but my knife will protest, hum!"

In fact, You Ge was still a little flustered, but her intuition told her that Xu Yan was not that kind of wretched person, and maybe he was just having a fever.

Disappointment and heartache quickly flashed across Xu Yan's eyes, but in the next second he smiled nonchalantly: "What are you doing so nervous, I just see that the apron on your waist is about to fall off, so I can help you tie it, cut... ...As for such a big reaction?"

Xu Yan resumed his foolish look, pouted his lips, and flicked You Ge's apron a few times, and it was tied even tighter.

You Ge was stunned, and smiled angrily: "So it's wearing an apron, I should have said it earlier... giggling..."

You Ge put away the knife and continued with the work at hand, but he didn't know that Xu Yan was looking at her back with a complicated expression, and his depression was hard to get rid of.

Xu Yan felt You Ge's attitude just now, and the guard she inadvertently showed deeply hurt his heart. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was the fact that he couldn't ignore it. He could only wear an apron To ease the embarrassment and save myself a little face.

Xu Yan smiled wryly in his heart, could we only be friends with You Ge in this life?Can't cross that line?This taste is uncomfortable, but he can only temporarily bury his feelings, because he doesn't know what the consequences will be if he speaks out?If the price is You Ge's alienation, then he would rather just suppress it.

It's hard to imagine that a man with a handsome appearance would be so cautious about his feelings. If he wasn't serious, he probably wouldn't do so.

The kitchen was calm again, and there was a burst of aroma, which whetted the appetite. You Ge cooked the fried tea leaves and shrimps. Xu Yan couldn't help but be attracted by the golden food, and he leaned over and opened his mouth, meaning I want You Ge to feed him.

Both of Xu Yan's hands were covered with starch, and You Ge picked up a shrimp with chopsticks and put it into his mouth... Both of them are so familiar with each other, so it's no big deal, You Ge is open-minded and didn't think of other aspects, But it is different in the eyes of some people.

"What are you doing!" A deep male voice came, and You Ge turned around in shock, seeing Rong Xiyuan walking over with an angry expression on his face.

"Why are you here?" You Ge blurted out subconsciously, but in fact the meaning of these words was just surprise.

Rong Xiyuan cast his warning eyes over and said coldly: "Do you think it would be better if I don't come?"

"No..." You Ge quickly shook his head, even a fool could see how dark Rong Xiyuan's face was.

Can it not be black, Rong Xiyuan rushed over after finishing his business work ahead of time, he drove the rented yacht very fast, finally came a little earlier than the expected time, but what he saw was the "intimacy" scene just now.

Xu Yan was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Rong Xiyuan to come so soon, he thought maybe he wouldn't come... What a shame.

Xu Yan deliberately bit the shrimp in his mouth loudly, while praising You Ge's craftsmanship, directly ignoring Rong Xiyuan's black face.

These two men seem to be born rivals, every time they meet, they don't look good to each other, but they know how to hide it best, even if they are rivals in love, they won't let You Ge see the hostility between each other.

Rong Xiyuan did come in time to catch up with this sumptuous lunch.

You Ge was very happy, the previous disappointment was swept away, and the laughter increased.When receiving a call from Rong Xiyuan before departure, even though he said he would come in the afternoon, he was discussing business at that time, and You Ge didn't dare to have too much hope, but now, You Ge received a surprise.

Rong Xiyuan put his arms around You Ge's shoulder domineeringly, as if swearing his sovereignty, Mo Mou looked at Xu Yan, and Xu Yan happened to be looking at him too... The eyes of the two guys met in the air, and the information exchanged , only they themselves understand.

This is the language between men, a secret battle between rivals in love, You Ge has become a bystander, she doesn't know how much gunpowder is in the eyes of Rong Xiyuan and Xu Yan.

After staring for a long time, the eyes of both of them probably felt uncomfortable, so the war of eyes ended, Xu Yan took out the soup, so as not to have to look at Rong Xiyuan here.

Xu Yan went out, but Rong Xiyuan's expression still did not ease, he said sourly with a straight face, "What happened to you and Xu Yan just now?"

You Ge was stunned, and then said honestly: "Just feed him a shrimp..."

"You..." Rong Xi Yuanjun's face turned purple with anger: "Hey him? How can you be with him in such an intimate move? I don't care what kind of good friendship you two have, in short, you are not allowed to do that again in the future!"

The commanding tone cannot be refuted, but even this cannot conceal the deep jealousy.

"Uncle, you are so fierce... Xu Yan and I are friends and relatives, just like brothers and sisters, don't you need to be so nervous?" You Ge blinked playfully, seeing how jealous he was, why did she feel very nervous? Worrying.

But Rong Xiyuan did not give in at all, pinched her chin with his slender fingers, and warned: "If you don't allow it, you don't allow it, there is nothing to discuss."

"Pfft..." You Ge laughed out loud, staring at him with big bright eyes: "Uncle, you are so cute when you are jealous."

Seeing her sullen expression, Rong Xiyuan felt hot on his face, and refused to admit being jealous.

"Don't be smug, I'll be jealous? A joke."

"Oh... so I'm not jealous, so can I feed other men... such as my colleagues in the company..." You Ge also showed a thoughtful expression.

"How dare you!" Rong Xiyuan tightened his hands, wrapping around You Ge's waist, feeling a little more frustrated in his heart... He realized that he cared more and more about this little woman, she could really stimulate him.

You Ge's heart moved, and meeting his gaze, he stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek... This trick worked the most, and Rong Xiyuan's complexion suddenly changed, from cloudy to sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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