Chapter 214
"Shut up!"

Yu Dai was taken aback, she pursed her lips slightly and said nothing.

Murong Junye was a little irritable, and his annoyed expression flashed away. Seeing him like this, Yudai sighed, "Jun Ye, I know, you care about Sister Qingchen—"

"Okay, let's go." Before Yudai finished speaking, she was interrupted by Murong Junye, "There are many things that I can't explain to you for a while, so don't think too much about them."

Yudai knew that Murong Junye was always too lazy to explain, but because of herself, she said these words to express comfort, her heart was warm, and she finally slipped her hand into the man's big hand.

When Gu Qingchen woke up, the room was so dark that she couldn't see her fingers. Thinking about it, she really has no place in this palace as a concubine... Then when Princess Yudai came, there was no place for her anywhere. I wanted to call her Tao Yao, but felt a black shadow flash past, and sat up vigilantly.

"Princess Rong seems surprised?"

In the dark, the resolution of the voice is higher, and Gu Qingchen is sure that she has never heard such a voice.So, who is this person?
The man saw what Gu Qingchen was thinking, and chuckled, "Who am I? Why should the princess care about it? The princess only needs to know that I am here to explain the confusion to the princess. I think the princess is also very strange. Why is it so short? Time, Prince Rong has such a big change? Huh?"

The voice was deep, hoarse and somewhat magnetic, and Gu Qingchen was inexplicably attracted. I have to say that this person knows how to grasp people's psychology. The reason she couldn't find seemed to him to be just a very simple one. "What do you know?"

"Hehe," the man laughed again, "everyone says Princess Rong is different, and seeing her today, it's true, the princess doesn't even ask. What are my conditions?"

Gu Qingchen tilted his head, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes were piercing in the darkness. The man looked at her, but he was unconsciously sinking, "Conditions? Do you need to ask? This lady is born with a peerless beauty. Close moon shame flower, isn't your condition not mine? If not, then I'd better not know, after all, this lady is also a person with face. "

When he didn't get an answer from the man for a while, Gu Qingchen pursed his lips, fearing that the man's mouth would be blocked by her words.

Tantai Jiluo has never seen such a woman, her husband just got married to someone else yesterday, but now she is interested in molesting other men?Could it be that the emptiness in my heart is unbearable?Those words were naturally correct for her, but it still felt a little weird when said from the man himself.

Gu Qingchen got out of bed wearing only obscene clothes, and approached the shadow step by step. He had taken on so many tasks, but they were all carried out in secret, but there was no light in the area, so how could it be difficult to overwhelm her? "Why don't you talk? Could it be that Miss Ben guessed right? So you're embarrassed?"

Tantai Jiluo took a deep breath, and he found that the woman in front of him was really different from ordinary ladies, no wonder the dignified and cold Prince Rong was also attracted to her, but the one who is beside Prince Rong now is Princess Yudai of Huali , "Is the princess trying to test me in this way?"

Gu Qingchen smiled, and stopped not far from the man, "Why should I test you? As you said, you must know your identity, why should I bother?"

She didn't notice Gu Qingchen's tone of voice, she learned from Si Yan not ten points, but eight points. Once upon a time, that person who always called himself my young master also slowly broke through her heart.

"The princess should know that Prince Rong's mother is from Huali, right? It seems that she is related to Princess Yudai." Tantai Jiluo likes the feeling of being in control, but it is obvious that the woman in front of her is also related to him. have the same hobby.

"You kept talking about the conditions, but you gave me information that everyone knew about. So, I don't think this deal is worth it." Gu Qingchen shrugged, even though she knew that the other party couldn't see her expression in the dark, There was still a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, please don't worry about this Princess Rong, the news I gave to the princess must not be found by the princess's subordinates." Tantai Jiluo smiled, and moved her arms lightly. There was no sign of anyone.

"It's about time today, Princess, please wait for my news."

Gu Qingchen frowned. If she read correctly, the other party's hair seemed to be white...

Turning around, Gu Qingchen saw Taoyao sleeping soundly on the couch, presumably the man had lit the incense, otherwise Taoyao shouldn't be sleeping so deeply based on the sound of their conversation.

Rubbing her tired face with her fingers, Gu Qingchen sighed, this girl, she should rest before she can wait, why wait outside for so long?She's not a child, and she won't get lost, and even if she's in a bad mood, she won't...not come back.

Taking a coat casually and putting it on his back, Gu Qingchen walked out the door lightly. He went to bed early when he came, and it was only the hour of Hai. The night in early autumn was slightly cool, and water droplets rolled on the leaves, adding to the dampness.

"Jun Ye, what kind of flower is this? I have never seen such a beautiful flower in Huali Kingdom, and I didn't expect to be so lucky to see it in the palace."

Gu Qingchen frowned, the happy voice in the courtyard, no matter how forgetful he was, he would never forget the voice he heard just this morning.

Sure enough...Princess Yudai is a submissive and beautiful woman, lacking in charm, but she will make love to her if she gets along with her.

"It's... Epiphyllum." The man's voice rarely hesitated, and Gu Qingchen smiled at himself. Could it be because he was too embarrassed to say it?

"Big iceberg! I'm raising epiphyllum in this yard!"


"It's the one that's only open at night, for one night?"


"What is fleeting? It's so ugly! It's called epiphyllum! Do you understand epiphyllum? Can you be a little educated?"

"Flash in the pan..."

Gu Qingchen took a deep breath. In fact, there is no difference between a fleeting moment and a flash in the pan, is there?What about between her and Murong Junye?Is it also a flash in the pan?

"Where is who?" A cold and startled voice came from not far away, Gu Qingchen tightened the cloak around his body, how could the night in early autumn be so cold?

"Sister Qingchen..." As soon as Yudai saw Gu Qingchen, she thought of Murong Junye's abnormal behavior, but she still had a smile on her face, "Sister Qingchen should have admired it long ago if she is so beautiful, right?"

Gu Qingchen came from a distance, he didn't see Murong Junye who was staring at her and froze, but looked at the blooming epiphyllum.

Although the blooming time is short, it is indeed beautiful. The radian of the petals is unmatched by any flower species. This kind of epiphyllum is only fleeting.

(End of this chapter)

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