Silly Girl Allure: The Black-bellied King

Chapter 219 This is called being targeted

Chapter 219 This is called being targeted
The feeling of heartache suddenly filled the whole body. Gu Qingchen staggered and fell on the chair, but his face was as calm as before, and he raised his eyebrows: "Really? Such an honor?"

Murong Junye stood at the door, did not look at Gu Qingchen, and said lightly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, and marrying you is just a step in my plan. You are the only one who knows about what happened eight years ago." , so you are the breakthrough point, and for this reason, I must also marry you."

Although he had already guessed that this was his original purpose, the feeling of being stabbed in the heart still stimulated his brain. Gu Qingchen asked with a pale face, "Why, tell me this now?"

Murong Junye raised an arc coldly: "Didn't you always want to know why I changed so quickly?"

Gu Qingchen stared at that face in a daze. He didn't know when it had become so strange, but in less than a year, did it go from strange to familiar, and then back to strange again?

He didn't hear the sound from the back room, Murong Junye didn't care, and continued: "You have to know, in my heart, you are more important than my life, without me, someone will continue to investigate the things of the year, but without you , many clues will disappear with it, although you have lost your memory, as long as you are still alive, there will definitely be opportunities, this is my belief all along."

Is it?Gu Qingchen pulled out a smile, so no matter how injured he was, he must protect her well?So, trying my best to walk into her heart is for her use value?So what now?
"Presumably you also know that the Holy Majesty is watching me covetously, but if there is someone who cares about me, this person will definitely become my weakness, and I will be attacked from all directions. Yudai is weak. If it is possible, I will never allow it." She became a target for others."

Gu Qingchen was full of anger, but he forced himself to calm down: "Yo, I would like to thank Prince Rong for looking at it. In your heart, I am actually iron-clad. I am so much better than that Yudai." He risked his own life for her knowledge, but risked her life for another woman.

"I admit this, Achen, I'm sorry for you."

"So, why are you willing to put her on the bright side now?"

Murong Junye glanced over and stared into Gu Qingchen's eyes: "Yu Dai knows, someone was talking nonsense in front of her, and she was so angry that she vomited blood on the spot. It's my fault, I didn't think carefully."

"Well, that's why you married her in a hurry to make up for her? Are you willing to turn against me in advance?" Gu Qingchen followed up on Murong Junye's words, and then laughed at himself, "How could it be making up? Heh, it's me I think highly of myself, she is the concubine, I am just a pawn, how can I compare with her?"

Hearing her words, Murong Junye felt inexplicably uncomfortable: "I never thought of falling out with you, but I didn't know you have such a strong temper."

"Hehe," Gu Qingchen said with a bleak smile, "Prince Rong didn't expect that there are many things. I am fine with everything, but I am very cautious. My lord, you should go and tell Princess Yudai to make her prepare. After all, I, Gu Qingchen, am not someone who will suffer, if someone gives me a knife, I will give it back a hundred dollars."

"This matter has nothing to do with her, what's the matter, you come to me." Murong Junye turned around and faced Gu Qingchen face to face, his voice could not hear anxiety, his face was not very calm, he seemed to be sure that Gu Qingchen was just saying That's all.

Gu Qingchen laughed back angrily: "Is Prince Rong protecting her like this?"

Mu Wanyan asked him this question back then, and now, she asked him the same question.

Murong Junye closed his eyes, "Ah Chen, she is Yu Dai."

Well, she is Princess Yudai, the person he puts on top of his heart, and she is just a chess piece that can be used, a chess piece that can be summoned and thrown away with just a little warmth.

Gu Qingchen was suddenly in a trance. In the past year, it seemed that what happened was unreal. That person who always called her Achen, with an ice face, would laugh when he saw him , Is it really the person standing in front of her now?

"Why?" Even now, she still wanted to ask why. It's ridiculous that she was trapped by love in her previous life, but she is still stuck on it in this life.

Murong Junye lowered his eyes, and the cold and sharp pupils of the past disappeared, "If you penetrate deeply, it will be difficult to retreat completely, Achen, do you understand?"

Gu Qingchen pursed her lips and tilted her head: "Well, of course I understand. Who am I, Gu Qingchen? How could I, who is so witty, not understand what Prince Rong means? But I might disappoint Prince Rong. I, It won't go too deep."

Someone once said that in matters of love, the person who falls in love first is destined to lose. In Gu Qingchen's view, the person who fell in love with her first will definitely not be her.

Therefore, she is sure to be able to retreat unscathed.

Therefore, the only thing she is thankful for is that, fortunately, fortunately, she has not given up on it.

Really, not dead set.

Murong Junye relaxed his brows and said softly: "Yu Dai... is kind, if you are willing to communicate with her, Achen—"

"My lord! I'm tired, I want to rest." Gu Qingchen refused to listen to Murong Junye's words, and closed the door directly.

The two of them are only separated by a door, but in Gu Qingchen's view, they are as far away as the Milky Way. Listening to his words, all the doubts that have plagued her heart for so many days are solved.

A cold snort came from his nose, it was obviously such a simple matter, but he made it so complicated, isn't it just like what Mu Wanyan said, she was just a shield for the righteous master?In order to prevent those who want to kill him from discovering his real weakness, Murong Junye did not hesitate to push her out as a target?

He doesn't want Yu Dai to become a target for others, so is she willing to be targeted like this?
Gu Qingchen sneered, he was really cheap, to hand himself over for such a person.

But who can I blame?Everything is self-inflicted and cannot live.

Mu Han often warned her not to give up her heart easily, but she still felt pain after listening.

"Big Bingshan, this is the last time I will call you Big Bingshan. From now on, you will take your Yangguan Road, and I will take my single-plank bridge. I don't care about the status of Princess Rong, but I will definitely do what I promised you. , What happened eight years ago, I will try my best to find the truth, after this matter is resolved, I hope you can promise me a condition."

Knowing that he hadn't left yet, Gu Qingchen took a deep breath, his voice was cold enough for people outside to hear.

Murong Junye was stunned for a while, then replied: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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