Chapter 22
Mu Er hid the pain in his heart, clasped his fists and replied: "This subordinate and Mu San went into the rockery and searched for it, but found Mu Yi's body under the rockery. .”

"Time?" A cold look appeared on Mu Wanyan's face. Could it be that someone is protecting Gu Qingchen?

Mu San lowered his eyes and thought for a while: "It won't exceed an hour."

An hour... "Then will Gu Qingchen know martial arts?"

Mu Er and Mu San looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "This subordinate is not sure."

Mu Wanyan brushed the faces of the two of them coldly, her long nails covered the armrest of the chair: "Go and find out everything about Gu Qingchen."

"Yes!" Mu Er and Mu San both replied, and then disappeared into the darkness.

Curling her little finger, Mu Wanyan's exquisite face flashed a hint of ruthlessness, Gu Qingchen, it seems that I still underestimated you, Mu Yi's martial arts are not weak, even he can't take you down?
Gu Qingchen looked at the beautifully blooming roses and cheered. He squatted down and picked the largest and most beautiful one. With a little force on his fingertips, the flower fell from the branch and fell into her hands.

"Flowers can be folded straight, don't wait for no flowers to break branches", Gu Qingchen murmured and inserted the flowers into her ears and tied her hair without feeling distressed at all. Teeth can make a hundred flowers lose color.

Mu Wanyan returned to the Imperial Garden again, looking around for Gu Qingchen, and seeing the rose on her head, her expression changed instantly, her pretty face was distorted badly, but in a flash, it returned to its original state, and her whole body was full of majesty Seeing Jieyu's majesty.

Seeing her coming, everyone shifted their attention from the flowers to her body, and seeing her earrings, there was a lot of discussion.

"This Mu Jieyu is really favored. I heard that the earrings are a tribute presented by the country. The country is rich in gemstones, but there are only a few of them with such a color. Besides, it took fifteen skilled craftsmen a full month to make the earrings." It was made with a lot of thought.”

"Yes, yes, even the empress has never had one. The emperor treats Mu Jieyu really differently."

Gu Qingchen tilted his head to listen to the conversation of the young lady beside him, his face showed confusion, the earrings were only made of jadeite, so what kind of gemstone could it be?Taking a closer look, I found that there is transparency in the emerald green, diamond?Earrings made of diamonds embedded in emeralds?Gu Qingchen pursed her lips, it was really extravagant.

"My younger sister likes roses so much. I have something more beautiful than this in my palace. Would you like to take it with me?" Mu Wanyan went straight to Gu Qingchen's place, hiding her irritability, and took Gu Qingchen's hand.

Seeing that she obviously hated him so much and still pretended to be a sister, Gu Qingchen felt a chill, but the play still had to go on, didn't it?She decided that she was a fool, if she was cheated the first time, she would definitely be fooled the second time, so why should she expose it?

"If there is a more beautiful one, Qing Chen will definitely pick it off again!" Following in Mu Wanyan's footsteps, the two left the imperial garden.

Mu Wanyan did not take Gu Qingchen to see Qiangwei as she said, but stopped in a remote pavilion.

Seeing Gu Qingchen kept looking around, Mu Wanyan's eyebrows tightened: "Sister, when you entered that rockery, have you ever met other people?"

Outside the pavilion is the turbulent and calm lake, occasionally dizzy with microwaves, turning around and around, the layout of this pavilion is very interesting, the entrance of the pavilion leads to the lake in a straight line, there is no guardrail, and it is not afraid of people accidentally falling into the lake ?Mu Wanyan stood at the gap without looking at Gu Qingchen, but her voice was quite chilly.Gu Qingchen pursed his lips lightly, remembering Mu Yi's last resolute gift, what kind of tricks did this woman who asked her at this moment make him prefer to die than make a deal with her?

"No, Qing Chen has been waiting for his sister to come to Qing Chen in the rockery, but why doesn't the beautiful sister come to Qing Chen?"

As he said that, Gu Qingchen jumped up and wanted to pull up Mu Wanyan's sleeve, but halfway a crazy maid stood up to stop her, and shouted: "Bold! You can also pull up Jieyu's sleeve?"

Gu Qingchen was wronged when she said this: "Why are you so fierce? My Taoyao is not as fierce as you. Taoyao said that I am a princess now, not everyone can yell at me !"

Mu Wanyan heard her keep saying that she was a princess, and couldn't help but mock her eyes: "Sister, do you know what a princess does? You can sit down with only an eight-year-old's stupid intelligence?" She stepped forward and grabbed Gu Qingchen's sleeve , making her approach him, Gu Qingchen was pulled by her, caught off guard, and stiffened.

"This rose is so beautiful, but when I wear it on my sister's head, I always feel like I've ruined it." Mu Wanyan raised her hand and took the rose off Gu Qingchen's head, and threw it into the lake.

Seeing that she was standing in the gap, her upper body was leaning forward, and her palace shoes were slightly pointing, Gu Qingchen felt that she still had a back move, and just about to move slowly to the side, but she moved forward and put his hand on her shoulder , before exerting any force, Mu Wanyan seemed to be pushed down the lake——

"Come on! Jieyu was pushed into the lake by the concubine! Come on!" With a "plop", the mad maid from before opened her voice and shouted.

Before Gu Qingchen could react, a dark blue robe flashed in front of his eyes and jumped into the lake.

If she remembered correctly, what Murong Junye was wearing today was a dark blue brocade robe.

Murong Junye moved very quickly, while Gu Qingchen was in a daze, he had already rescued Mu Wanyan and was pulled up from the other side of the bank. Seeing that her master had been rescued, the maid trotted to Mu Wanyan's side.

"Jieyu! Are you okay?"

At the end of spring, the lake became cold, and Murong Junye and Mu Wanyan's clothes were completely wet, especially Mu Wanyan's dress was tightly attached to her body, revealing her curves.Just after taking a few sips of water, she felt a strong arm embrace her, and the familiar breath made her feel very at ease. Now seeing him standing in front of her, she was so shy, she tilted her head and asked, " did you come here? ?”

Murong Junye didn't look at her, and said coldly: "Jieyu should change her clothes first."

Mu Wanyan was about to ask how he was, but when she saw him turn around and walk in the direction of Gu Qingchen, she bit her lower lip tightly.

Gu Qingchen's mind was full of thoughts, did Mu Wanyan actually want to frame her like this?He also chose when Murong Junye came, this woman was unfathomable, so he had to be careful.

The two stood in front of each other, with a tall and straight dark blue figure walking in front of them. A girl who fell into the water was fascinated by her back. Her beautiful eyes were full of words. From Gu Qingchen's point of view, the two of them seemed to be in an unreasonable harmony. This Mu Jie In order to deal with her, Yu is putting herself on the line, right?
When Murong Junye saw him approaching, Gu Qingchen backed away in fear. There was another gap behind her. He frowned and pulled her to his side. Seeing that her deer-like eyes were full of fear, he said slowly, "Waiting for this Wang changed clothes, nothing happened."

A group of eunuchs and guards had already arrived. Seeing the prince and Jieyu falling into the water, they took a clean cloak and went up. Murong Junye took the cloak and followed the eunuch to leave.

Mu Wanyan winked at Xiaohe and followed the maid to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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